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Year: 2019
Emma Watson
score: 18711 Votes
2h 15 minute

director: Greta Gerwig
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Honestly, she should've been nominated for Midsommar, that is her true standout performance! I'm glad she got recognized anyway, and she was amazing in Little Women but, damn, Midsommar was the cherry on top. That woman can act. Little women of atlanta watch online. Little women la watch online. Little women full movie watch online. Little women watch online free full movie. Little women movie where to watch online. Isnt she from lovely bones.

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Whenever a credit for Harvey Weinstein pops up on a film I like I cringe. So disturbing. Little Women Watch online ecouter. Marion Cotillard as Edith Piaf - great performance without singing. Some voices just cannot be replaced. Little women watch online 123. Little women 1994 watch online. Saoirse's eyes are so blue that they seem part of her blue dress. Her eyes are beautiful, if I may add. Little women watch online 2019. TRAMA PICCOLE DONNE Piccole Donne, il film scritto e diretto da Greta Gerwig, è la versione cinematografica dell'omonimo e celeberrimo romanzo di Louisa May Alcott, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1868. La storia è quella delle sorelle March, Meg ( Emma Watson), Jo ( Saoirse Ronan), Beth ( Eliza Scanlen) e Amy ( Florence Pugh), quattro giovani donne determinate a seguire i propri sogni, alle prese con i classici problemi della loro età, sullo sfondo della Guerra Civile Americana. Figura di risalto del gruppo è Jo, che si distingue dalle altre per la sua indole indipendente e per la sua perenne ricerca di libertà, che fanno di lei una donna ribelle in pieno contrasto con la figura femminile tradizionale del tempo. Determinata e testarda, Jo desidera affermarsi come scrittrice, nonostante i tempi non siano ancora maturi per un'autrice donna. La giovane, però, è pronta a tutto pur di realizzare il suo desiderio e spronerà le sue sorelle a fare altrettanto con i lori sogni e a ribellarsi a quel rigido sistema sociale che le vuole sposate in un matrimonio di convenienza, abili solo a badare a casa e figli. Nel cast del film troviamo anche Laura Dern nel ruolo della mamma, Marmee March, Timothée Chalamet in quello del giovane Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence, Meryl Streep nei panni della zia March, oltre a Chris Cooper, Bob Odenkirk e Louis Garrel che interpreta Friedrich Bhaer. PANORAMICA SU PICCOLE DONNE Nuovo adattamento cinematografico dell' omonimo romanzo di Louise May Alcott, Piccole Donne segna il ritorno di Greta Gerwig dietro alla macchina da presa a due anni di distanza dal suo folgorante esordio Ladybird, pluricandidato agli Oscar. Protagonista di quel film era Saoirse Ronan, e al suo fianco, seppure in un ruolo di minor rilievo, appariva Timothée Chalamet, acclamato interprete principale di Chiamami col tuo nome. Per la regista i due formavano una coppia a dir poco perfetta, alla Katharine Hepburn e Spencer Tracy, e quindi era impossibile non replicare il duetto per la storia delle sorelle March e non affidare alla Ronan il personaggio dell’intraprendente, spregiudicata, indipendente e talentuosa Jo e a Chalamet il suo amico innamorato Laurie. Anche se la Gerwig è stata applaudita dai critici USA che hanno visto il film mesi prima del suo debutto in sala e che vorrebbero vederla premiata con l’Academy Award, inizialmente Piccole Donne era legato a un'altra regista: Sarah Polley. Nel 2015 la produttrice Amy Pascal aveva affidato all’attrice canadese il compito di scrivere la sceneggiatura del film, lasciando intendere che in un secondo momento l'avrebbe incaricata della regia. Greta è subentrata nel 2016 rielaborando lo script della Polley. Solo dopo il successo di Ladybird e l'incasso mondiale di 78 milioni di dollari, si è deciso di metterla al timone del progetto. Un altro cambiamento “prima della corsa” riguarda il personaggio di Meg, la più grande delle sorelle March. Sulle prime la parte era stata offerta a Emma Stone, costretta a rinunciare perché impegnata nelle riprese de La Favorita. Il suo posto è stato preso da Emma Watson, la Hermione Granger di Harry Potter assurta al rango di star dopo il grandissimo successo de La Bella e la Bestia. Le restanti sorelle March, Beth e Amy, hanno il volto di Eliza Scanlen e Florence Pugh. La prima, australiana di nascita, ha fatto parlare di sé grazie alla sua interpretazione della Amma Crellin della serie tv Sharp Objects. La seconda, invece, è stata la protagonista dell’acclamato Midsommar. Il restante cast di Piccole donne non è da meno: Meryl Streep è Zia March, Laura Dern è Marmee March (la mamma delle sorelle), Bob Odenkirk il Signor March, Louis Garrel Friedrich Bhaer, James Norton John Brooke, Tracy Letts Mr. Dashwood, Chris Cooper il Signor Laurence. Per far sì che il suo film fosse assolutamente perfetto, Greta Gerwig si è avvalsa di collaboratori tecnici di primo piano. Per la fotografia ha chiesto aiuto al francese Yorick Le Saux, che ha illuminato Personal Shopper e Sils Maria di Olivier Assayas, Solo gli amanti sopravvivono di Jim Jarmush e A Bigger Splash di Luca Guadagnino. Per le musiche la regista si è rivolta ad Alexandre Desplat, che ha vinto l'Oscar per Grand Budapest Hotel e La forma dell’acqua. I costumi, infine, sono dell'inglese Jacqueline Durran, che ha vestito Keira Knightley e gli altri attori di Anna Karenina e i personaggi di Orgoglio e pregiudizio, Espiazione e L'ora più buia. Anche se è ambientato a fine Ottocento in New England, Piccole Donne è un film che affronta tematiche contemporanee e con personaggi che potrebbero tranquillamente vivere nel mondo di oggi. Lo ha detto Florence Pugh durante un’intervista, spiegando che, chiunque ha una o più sorelle, si riconoscerà nel legame che unisce Jo, Meg, Beth e Amy March. CRITICA DI PICCOLE DONNE Greta Gerwig tenta una nuova, ambizione rilettura di un classico della letteratura femminile, scritto da un'autrice femminista, su cui si sono formate generazioni di donne. Più interessata al tema dell'emancipazione e della possibilità di scegliere una strada autonoma e indipendente rispetto alle regole della società maschile, la regista si concentra sul personaggio di Jo March, alter ego della scrittrice, con l'obiettivo di fondere finzione e verità biografica in un'operazione che prende anche a bersaglio lo sfruttamento commerciale delle opere d'arte, romanzi o film che siano. Per far questo destruttura la costruzione lineare del romanzo e procede per balzi temporali, senza riuscire a far collimare la narrazione in modo fluido e coerente. Alcune scelte di casting appaiono discutibili e il film colpisce più per le singole scene che per l'insieme, senza diventare l'adattamento cinematografico moderno, inedito e necessario in cui speravamo. (Daniela Catelli -) Leggi la recensione completa del film Piccole Donne. CURIOSITÀ SU PICCOLE DONNE Il film ha vinto un Premio Oscar 2020 come Migliori Costumi. Il film ha ricevuto sei candidature ai Premi Oscar 2020 come Miglior Film, Miglior Attrice protagonista per Saoirse Ronan, Miglior Attrice non protagonista per Florence Pugh, Miglior Sceneggiatura non originale, Migliori costumi, Miglior Colonna sonora originale. Il film è tratto dall'omonimo best-seller, scritto da Louisa May Alcott. Il romanzo ha avuto diversi adattamenti cinematografici nel corso della storia, tra cui i più celebri sono quello diretto da George Cukor nel 1933 e quello di Robin Swicord del 1994. Greta Gerwig e la protagonista Saoirse Ronan hanno già collaborato insieme in precedenza per il film candidato agli Oscar " Lady Brid ". Il cast del film comprende due vincitori dell'Oscar: Meryl Streep e Chris Cooper, e tre nominati all'Oscar: Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet e Laura Dern. Il ruolo di Meg March è stato assegnato a Emma Watson dopo la rinuncia da parte di Emma Stone, non disponibile perchè impegnata con la promozione del film La favorita (2018). Ironia della sorte, Emma Stone ha precedentemente interpretato il ruolo di Mia in La La Land (2016) dopo che Emma Watson abbandonò il progetto a causa dell'impegno con il film Disney La bella e la bestia (2017). Pur rappresentado quattro eroine della letteratura americana, nessuna delle quattro attrici protagoniste è americana, Emma Watson e Florence Pugh sono inglesi, Saoirse Ronan è irlandese ed Eliza Scanlen è australiana. La regista del film Greta Gerwi era incinta del suo primo figlio durante le riprese del film ed è entrata in travaglio 24 ore dopo aver consegnato il suo duro lavoro. FRASI CELEBRI DI PICCOLE DONNE Dal Trailer Italiano del Film: Jo March (Saoirse Ronan): Sto lavorando a un romanzo, è la storia della mia vita e di quella delle mie sorelle! ; Jo March: Voglio farmi la mia strada nel mondo! Zia March (Meryl Streep): Nessuno si fa strada da solo, men che meno una donna! Devi trovare un buon partito! Jo March: Ma tu non sei sposata, zia March! Zia March (Meryl Streep): Ma che c'entra?! Io sono ricca! Amy March (Florence Pugh): Io penso che possiamo decidere chi amare, non è una cosa che capita per caso! Theodore 'Laurie' Laurence (Timothée Chalamet): Credo che i poeti non siano d'accordo! Jo March: Le donne hanno una mente, hanno un'anima non soltanto un cuore! Hanno ambizioni, hanno talenti e non soltanto la bellezza! Sono così stanca di sentir dire che l'amore è l'unica cosa per cui è fatta una donna, sono così stanca di questo! FOCUS SU PICCOLE DONNE La storia di Piccole Donne, dalle origini a oggi Piccole donne è l'adattamento del celeberrimo romanzo di Louise May Alcott pubblicato in due volumi, il primo nel 1868 e il secondo nel 1869, con il titolo di "Little Women, or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy". Negli States i libri, che erano ispirati alla vita della Alcott e delle sue sorelle, furono uniti in un'unica opera nel 1880 e in Italia la prima versione tradotta arrivò nel 1908. Nel nostro paese, così come in Inghilterra e in Francia, si preferì dividere nuovamente il romanzo: in "Piccole donne" e "Piccole donne crescono", il primo incentrato su un anno di vita delle sorelle March - da Natale a Natale - e il secondo caratterizzato da un arco temporale molto più vasto. Il successo di “Little Women” fu da subito incredibile, perché il libro (o i libri) si inscriveva nella tradizione della letteratura per ragazzi e contemporaneamente prendeva in prestito diversi elementi dai romanzi d’amore. In più era “vagamente” femminista” nella sua difesa del diritto di una donna a non diventare moglie e madre per realizzarsi primariamente nel lavoro. L'idea del romanzo non fu della Alcott ma del suo editore Thomas Niles, che le chiese un libro che raccontasse la storia di alcune ragazze. Per quanto riguarda il titolo, ci sono varie interpretazioni. Secondo alcuni indica il momento di transizione dall'infanzia e prima adolescenza all’età adulta, secondo altri si riferiva all’atteggiamento dei più, che consideravano le donne inferiori agli uomini. Louise May Alcott scrisse due sequel di “Little Women”: "Little Men" (1871) e "Jo’s Boys" (1886). Celebre e pieno di personaggi accattivanti com'era, “Piccole Donne” non poteva non arrivare al cinema. Accanto al film di Greta Gerwig con Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson e Timothée Chalamet, che è l’ultimo, c’è innanzitutto un Little Women muto, diretto da Harley Knoles, interpretato da Conrad Nagel e Dorothy Bernard e uscito nel 1918. C’era stata una versione non parlata anche nel 1917. Nel 1933 arrivò il Piccole Donne di George Cukor. Rigorosamente in bianco e nero, piacque talmente tanto che il cinema che lo proiettava, e che toglieva sempre i film dopo la prima settimana di programmazione, decise di tenerlo in cartellone per 3 settimane. Il film si aggiudicò la statuetta dorata per la miglior sceneggiatura non originale e venne presentato alla seconda Mostra D'Arte cinematografica di Venezia, dove Katharine Hepburn vinse il premio per la migliore interpretazione femminile. L’attrice interpretava Jo, mentre Joan Bennett era Amy, Jean Parker Beth, Frances Dee Meg e Douglass Montgomery Laurie. Risale invece al 1949 Piccole donne di Mervyn LeRoy, film girato in Technicolor che vinse l'Oscar per la migliore scenografia e che fu abbastanza apprezzato all'indomani della sua uscita. Segnava la prima volta davanti alla macchina da presa di Rossano Brazzi e vedeva protagoniste June Allyson (Jo), Janet Leigh (Meg), Elizabeth Taylor (Amy) e Margaret O'Brien (Beth). Terza e più conosciuta trasposizione del romanzo della Alcott è il Piccole donne di Gillian Anderson, che delle 3 “vecchie” versioni è stata senz'altro la più apprezzata. Il film ebbe tre nomination agli Academy Awards: migliori costumi, migliore colonna sonora e miglior attrice protagonista (a Winona Ryder). Completavano il cast Claire Danes (Beth), Kirsten Dunst (Amy), Trini Alvarado (Meg) e un giovane Christian Bale (Laurie). Passando al piccolo schermo, nel 1955 fu trasmesso in tv Piccole donne, diretto da Anton Giulio Majano e con protagonista Lea Padovani. Negli anni '80 sono stati tratti dal romanzo due anime: Piccole donne (Toei Animation, 1981) e Una per tutte, tutte per una (Nippon Animation, 1987). Nel 2017, BBC One ha trasmesso la miniserie tv Piccole donne, sceneggiata da Heidi Thomas e diretta da Vanessa Caswill. Il libro è approdato diverse volte a teatro, raggiungendo perfino Broadway.

Simply everyone and everything about this film was a pleasure to watch. I always know when I haven't had to check the time once during a film over 2 hours once it's a sign that it's very good and if anything I wanted it to last longer. Such a simple concept and in many ways simple story yet so enticing and magical to watch as a viewer at the same time. Easily in my top 10 of 2019 and nice to see a film so good that's suitable for pretty much the whole family. Watch online little women 1949.

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Little Women Watch online. Meilleurs commentaires internationaux 5, 0 sur 5 étoiles Ottimo acquisto. Pienamente soddisfatto Commenté en Italie le 24 octobre 2018 Achat vérifié Bellissimo libro, ottimo per la grafica che per la rilegatura. Arrivato in condizioni perfette. Libro della collana 'Beccogiallo' edita dalla Mursia e destinata ad un pubblico di bambini. Testo presentato in versione ridotta (circa 95 pagine) nella traduzione di Rossana Guarnieri, ma che tuttavia non toglie nulla all'essenzialitá della versione integrale. Anche le illustrazioni di Santa La Bella sono ricche nei particolari e molto colorate e sembra davvero di immergersi nel mondo dell'America degli anni 1860, epoca in cui è ambientata la storia ormai famosissima delle quattro sorelle March (Meg, Jo, Beth e Amy) scritta da Louisa May Alcott e fin da subito un classico per ragazzi e ragazze di intere generazioni. Personalmente, é il romanzo che più preferisco e che possiedo già in svariate edizioni, sia in lingua italiana che in inglese. Di sicuro acquisterò anche il seguito, 'Piccole donne crescono' sempre della stessa collana della Mursia-Beccogiallo. Come già detto, la versione é molto ridotta (90 pagine contro le 200 e passa del libro originale), ma lo consiglio a tutti coloro che vogliono fare un regalo ai propri figli per avvicinarli alla lettura di testi che emozionano, divertono e insegnano allo stesso tempo senza stancarli, proprio perché è migliore di tutte le altre versioni "ridotte e riadattate" oggi in commercio, che in genere sono di qualità scarsa e danno tagli drastici e insensati a tutto il testo. Davvero un ottimo acquisto. Sono proprio soddisfatto. Amazon prime veloce e affidabile come sempre. Nulla da dire. Rapporto qualità - prezzo davvero ottimo, vale tutti i suoi soldi e vale davvero la pena di spenderli nel tentativo di fare un regalo gradito o anche solo per riavvicinare sé stessi ai ricordi dell'adolescenza e per rispolverarci un po' la coscienza attraverso gli infiniti e sempre validi insegnamenti che questo immortale libro é sempre pronto a offrirci. 5 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Envoi de commentaires en cours... Merci de votre commentaire. Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas réussi à enregistrer votre vote. Veuillez réessayer Signaler un abus 1, 0 sur 5 étoiles Troppo scarno Commenté en Italie le 2 janvier 2016 Achat vérifié Mi aspettavo un libro per ragazze di 8/10 anni invece ho trovato solo un piccolo riassunto dei vari capitoli in pochissime pagine e pochi disegni. I libri purtroppo per acquistarli bisogna vederli all'interno, cosa che non mettono mai in evidenza. Fanno vedere solo le copertine davanti e retro, ma non è sufficiente, specialmente per I GRANDI CLASSICI. 13 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Signaler un abus 4, 0 sur 5 étoiles non servono recensioni sul libro ma sulla fattura Commenté en Italie le 26 décembre 2019 Achat vérifié non mi esprimo sul testo del libro, perchè è un classico dove il mio contributo conta poco. mi soffermo invece sulla fattura del libro: copertina morbida e testo scritto piccolo piccolo. Lo segnalo perchè per chi fa fatica a leggere, il carattere è davvero troppo piccolo ed affatica la vista. qualche pagina in più con un carattere +2 farebbe piacere a tantissimi lettrici giovani come mia figlia che a 12 anni ha qualche diottria in meno. Une personne a trouvé cela utile Signaler un abus 2, 0 sur 5 étoiles formato kindle molto scarso Commenté en Italie le 23 février 2014 Achat vérifié questa recensione non è per il libro (uno dei miei preferiti che rileggo da quando sono piccola! ) ma solo per il formato: spesso e volentieri va a capo senza che la frase sia finita... è un grave motivo di disturbo della lettura, esempio: "non trovo giusto che certe ragazze abbiano tante belle cose e altre nulla... " l'ho restituito, non sono riuscita ad arrivare nemmeno alla fine del primo capitolo! 20 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Signaler un abus Jammis “The Reviewers 👑” 2, 0 sur 5 étoiles! Attenzione al formato. Vi spiego perché Commenté en Italie le 6 février 2020 Achat vérifié Spedizione lampo, imballo ok... Avrei voluto mettere un giudizio completamente negativo, in quanto mi aspettavo il romanzo che noi tutti conosciamo da oltre 300 pagine, ma mi è arrivato a casa un mini-libricino per bambini di appena 40 pagine scritte con caratteri enormi. Metto 2 stelle perche ritengo nn sia spiegato bene nella descrizione del prodotto, che sia appunto un libro per bambini. Metto una stella in piu del minimo consentito in quanto l’ho pagato 2, 50 euro ed è comunqje un libricino che ho deciso di tenere per leggere la sera a mia figlia. Non so se consigliarvelo, fate voi, io vi ho messo un po di chiarezza sul formato classico Commenté en Italie le 19 mai 2017 Achat vérifié leggendo il libro sono rimasto sorpreso di non trovare il triste capitolo della morte di beth che nel film invece si vede. devo ammettere che in questa versione ci sono molti errori di sintassi e scrittura. un peccato perchè per il resto è un buon libro. 6 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Signaler un abus 5, 0 sur 5 étoiles Piccole Donne edizione Integrale Commenté en Italie le 8 septembre 2019 Achat vérifié Mi è piaciuta la rilegatura ed anche perché è l'edizione integrale. 4 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Signaler un abus 3, 0 sur 5 étoiles Piccole donne Commenté en Italie le 10 janvier 2015 Achat vérifié La collana del Beccogiallo ha delle illustrazioni davvero ben fatte che attirano l'attenzione dei bambiini e che rende quindi più snella la lettura della storia. Questo libro non smentisce la linea anche se sono rimasta un po' delusa dalla poca attenzione nella narrazione della vicenda infatti si trovano frasi non ben collegate alle precedenti. Il riassunto dall'originale, in questo caso, non l'ho trovato particolarmente curato. 9 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Bellissimo! Commenté en Italie le 10 décembre 2019 Achat vérifié Bellissimo! Testo integrale ma con qualche disegno qua e là per alleggerire, la copertina rigida ha una bellissima illustrazione e il rivestimento diventa un bellissimo poster in cui la bambina può anche scrivere. Consegna puntualissima anche sotto Natale ottimo prodotto Commenté en Italie le 25 novembre 2017 Achat vérifié l'ho preso per la mia nipotina, insieme al secondo tomo. spero le piaccia. il prodotto non è un formato grande, ma ha un consistente numero di pagine. i caratteri interni sono abbastanza grandi da rendere la lettura facilitata. spedizione ed imballaggio impeccabili. sempre bello Commenté en Italie le 28 août 2018 Achat vérifié Sempre bello questo classico, tutte le ragazze lo dovrebbero leggere almeno una volta. Le vicende della quattro sorelle hanno fatto innamorare intere generazioni, e ispirato numerose versioni cinematografiche. Non è la versione completa ma ridotta Commenté en Italie le 10 janvier 2020 Achat vérifié Sinceramente pensavo fosse la versione completa di Piccole Donne e non un riassunto. Solo dopo che mi è arrivato il libro di 46 pagine e non di quasi 400, mi sono accorta che nella scheda prodotto erano riportate le pagine. Questo deve essere scritto sulla prima descrizione del prodotto. Grazie! La versione completa l'ho comprata in libreria. Commenté en Italie le 12 janvier 2019 Achat vérifié In versione riassuntiva, ma con delle belle immagini, avvicina con curiosità i bambini ai grandi classici che, in versione integrale, potrebbero inizialmente sembrare troppo noiosi. Veramente consigliato. il primo approccio ai classici Commenté en Italie le 15 juillet 2015 Achat vérifié a mia figlia piace abbastanza leggere e si era imbattuta nel remake del film. ho pensato dunque che potesse essere una buona idea iniziare ad avvicinarla ai classici senza forzarla. spero di non aver sbagliato approccio. di per se il libro quindi risponde alle aspettative: formato leggero e maneggevole, qualche illustrazione a colori, ben leggibile (acquistato per bimba di 2a elementare). Piccole Donne - Giunti Kids vs. Piccole Donne Giunti Junior Commenté en Italie le 23 novembre 2015 Achat vérifié Ordine gestito bene e nei tempi previsti. Avevo acquistato questo libro (Piccole Donne - Giunti Kids - 208 pgg. - ISBN-13: 978-8809029026) per una bambina della scuola primaria facendomi fuorviare dalla parola "Kids" ma è scritto veramente troppo fitto e la dimensione del carattere di stampa rende la lettura difficile anche per un adulto togliendo quindi la componente del "piacere di leggere". Consiglio di scegliere un'altra versione con più pagine 416 vs. 208 ma con un testo più "stemperato". 3 personnes ont trouvé cela utile Signaler un abus.

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I never read the book, i just watched the movie yesterday and i loved it! Is it real people always wanted Jo and Laurie to be together? Lmao! They're like brothers/bestfriends! Wtf is happening with those people. Little women watch online. Little Women Watch online poker.


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This movie should be seen by every man and woman in the world. Data de lançamento 19 de setembro de 2019 (2h 20min) Direção: Karim Aïnouz Elenco: Carol Duarte, Julia Stockler, Gregório Duvivier mais Gêneros Drama, Romance Nacionalidades Brasil, Alemanha Asisstir filme completo >>> Clique aqui S INOPSE E DETALHES Não recomendado para menores de 16 anos Rio de Janeiro, década de 1940. Eurídice (Carol Duarte) é uma jovem talentosa, mas bastante introvertida. Guida (Julia Stockler) é sua irmã mais velha, e o oposto de seu temperamento em relação ao convívio social. Ambas vivem em um rígido regime patriarcal, o que faz com que trilhem caminhos distintos: Guida decide fugir de casa com o namorado, enquanto Eurídice se esforça para se tornar uma musicista, ao mesmo tempo em que precisa lidar com as responsabilidades da vida adulta e um casamento sem amor com Antenor (Gregório Duvivier). TAG a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão filme completo a vida invisivel filme a vida invisível filme trailer assistir a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão a vida invisivel onde assistir a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão assistir online a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão onde assistir baixar filme a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão baixar a vida invisível filme completo a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão filme completo a vida invisivel cannes a vida invisível critica a vida invisível cinema a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão filme a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão pdf a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão trailer a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão resenha a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão livro a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão imdb a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão cannes a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão elenco a vida invisível de eurídice gusmão estreia a vida invisivel filme a vida invisível filmow a vida invisível filme trailer a vida invisivel fotos a vida invisível karim ainouz a vida invisivel karim a vida invisivel livro a vida invisivel netflix a vida invisível rotten a vida invisivel resumo a vida invisível sinopse a vida invisível trailer a vida invisivel trailer a vida invisível wiki a vida invisível wikipedia.

How much did our mothers and grandmothers suffer from the patriarchy? How much did they have to hide, supress and ignore to protect us from past abuses?
Karim Ainouz tells, in his emotional tropical melodrama, stories from a time when a woman was expected to be subordinate in every single aspect of her life. Guida and Eurídice, apart from each other, lived outrageous trajectories, and, unfortunately, with expressive scars that lasted until today. The lies of extremally conservative parents, the superb and envy of Eurídice's husband, the suffering in maternity, the crucial solidarity between desperate women - all of it built a strong indignation and, at last, everybody cries in the end: a real tragic one. Fernanda Montenegro is an acting gem.
With technical maestry, Karim's team guides the movie in a raw way. The cinematography of Hélène Louvart is outstanding capturing old, green and dirty Rio de Janeiro. Karim's directing choices are really touching and carry a whole bunch of social issues with flow. The cello and piano from Benedikt Schiefer are as unsettling as the character's obstacles.
I hope that when women (especially older ones) watch this movie, they identify themselves and keep fighting against the male authoritarianism, fighting for freedom.
I hope that when men watch this movie, they identify in themselves traces of sexism to keep changing, to keep evolving and encouraging other ones to be better.
It's definitely an incredible and important movie that answers the questions above with some of the multiple possibilites, multiple realities that exist. It's a must see.

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Rabid - by flagadunvie1975, March 06, 2020
9.9/ 10stars

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release Date - 2019 genre - Sci-Fi tomatometers - 5,3 of 10 Liked It - 1563 vote Sylvia Soska. Walt's a bastard - Never a truer sentence spoken. Just run him over. Put him out of misery.

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Watch Full rapid city. 0:01 flying squirrel 🐿. The ALL STAR cast was the big attraction here. They could have picked any movie, on any subject and paying folks lined up to see it. This was popular back when big catastrophe movies like “Towering Inferno” and “Poseidon Adventure”, and “Airplane” were all Hollywood produced in the 70s. Aging big name actors were eager to sign on to these projects and theater houses made money. 💰 Good times, lol.

Man: go to the woods Deer: I'm trying BitCH

My fave Damned song. Watch full red movie willis. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Edit Storyline The young journalist gets offer he can not has become a major news journalist. At the same time, he is calling his wife, and she to him is tragic news has to make the hardest decision of his life Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 17 March 2017 (Poland) See more » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Trivia In January 2017, 'Rage' was a recipient of an Outstanding Achievement Award in Calcutta International Cult Film Festival, in India. See more ». Good remake from the soska sisters, but couldve been better.
It has a solid story, great special effects. But its kinda drawn out and the bloody scenes are too few.

Hahaha. Ratslys revenge. What to say about Rabid?
Frankly, I found it more comical than anything premise is pretty weak, not helped by an at times rather corny plot with often silly horror scenes.
On the upside, the acting is fine and does include appearances of well known Canadian actors.
Moderately watchable but by no means frightening or disturbing.
5/10 from me.


Watch full rabid video. Me:mom can we go watch avengers endgame Mom:sure Watches trolls world tour. Watch full rabid animals.


SHE'S THE HOTTEST AND BEAUTIFUL GIRL I'VE SEEN IN HER SCHOOL! WHY BULLY HER? WELL THE WORLD REALLY MESSED ✌. They escape to whole foods buildt into the ground level of their new apartment complex then hit up starbucks next door and live happily ever after. Gentrification has now infected zombies. Oh the sweet sweet irony. Smfh. Watch full rabid episodes. Watch full red room south africa film. Watch Full rabid. If you all didn't know. The name Maria and Airam. Airam is Maria but backwards. Just like the movie. Birdbox: Bwahaha, we made a billion dollars and didn't even have a monster in our film! No one can ever top what we did! The Lodge: Hold my beer.

One of the greatest Damned songs. Watch full rabid free. Amor Fati 1(1)/2015: Felicytologia - Google Books. Watch full rabid live. That looks like distemper, no drooling... Aww poor puppy come here opens the door and picks it up. Reads title Rabid fox cubs eating each other eating each other E A T I N G E A C H O T H E R. Watch Full. I thought it was important to watch the original. I couldn't do that beforehand, but only after I watched the Soska sisters remake. But it is different in many aspects so it wasn't too bad doing it this way (I usually like to watch an original first and then the remake if I can. The effects here obviously up the ante, but the original had some great ones too.
One of the main differences here is that we get to learn our main actress first, before the inciting incident. This may feel like time wasted or as a nice little touch. Let's go for the latter. The Soskas do have an affinity for Cronenberg and you can tell. They also assembled a nice cast overall, even though someone like CM Punk (can't recall his real name) is quite a cardboard cutout and very cliche for example. But you can tell he has fun with his litle role as is anyone else involved.
The Soskas did change enough for it to make sense to watch both movies. So if you are into horror movies, and don't mind a bit of social commentary thrown in for good measure, you could do worse.

So very sad 😔 I love how much kindness you show in the description 💖. 1:21 when you stub your toe while you're trying to sneak into the kitchen for a late night snack. It's like CM Punk just showed up as is and wardrobe said Meh,he's ready. 2:59 ooo sassy 😂. 0:57 that definitely would be me in a horror movie 🤣🤣😂😂. For anyone saying that putting this animal down is cruel, you don't know how bad rabies gets. The seizures are the least of the problems this animal is having. Death with rabies is 100% and it's one of the worse deaths you can have. You literally die of thirst in 80% of cases. The other lucky 20% become paralyzed and suffocate when their lungs stop working. You can be right next to water, but drinking will be impossible. You become afraid of it, painful muscle spasms and a sense of panic will overwhelm you at the very attempt to drink, or even swallow your own saliva. This is so the rabies virus can increase its chances of being spread through saliva in a bite. Once, not long ago, Rabies was called Hydrophobia.

Meowwwwwwwww😂😭. Snape, Snape. Severus Snape. Insectvasion of the Buggy Snatchers? I am just joining in. Watch full rabid dog. Where did steve go. Watch full rabid cast. Watch full rabid cat. @Rabid Dog This was calmly presented. I really appreciate the drama free way you and SE do things. I once checked out JOT but couldn't handle her. I have not heard of MJ. My 2 cents worth is SE is warm, entertaining, intelligent and careful in what she says. She is a great support to those who follow her. I sit back a lot in all lives for my own private reasons but I take everything in. I have never heard her threaten, slander, blame or make fun of anyone. Her lives and uploads help those who listen to her because people can relate to her, share varying experiences with her and find her thought processing and reasoning helpful. Needless to say, we absolutely love her style too. Lol. Her channel has a unique style that I have not seen on YT. I feel that some channel owners are competitive and jealous of this. Too many of them want to bring others down (there are some who need to be though. Another reason is these owners pick on those who appear vulnerable to them. You called it right when you mentioned pathological behaviour. It appears to me JOT tries to demolish one person, throws a tantrum then moves on to the next. I won't use the term victim because that's what she would take delight in. Finally, God forbid anyone who seeks psychological help from her. I'm in the middle of my degree and the behaviour she exhibits is frightening to say the least. ✌🏽🧡🦎.

Looks like distemper. Watch Full rapid.







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Runtime=123 minutes; Amitay Yaish Ben Ousilio; Info=Details the year leading to the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995), from the point of view of the assassin; Audience Score=249 Vote; ; User ratings=7,4 of 10. Free Online Yamim noraim. Free online yamim noraim. Hermosooooo.


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Perfectly delivered, awesome song collection, shira, shloma and shir choir blend really well. Who is this guitarist, i mean his name. Hag Sameah depuis la France 🇫🇷. קליפ מושקע ונדיר ומהמם ומצויין ומרשים שכזה לא ראה אור מעולם. יש פה ביצוע משותף של תזמורת ענק מורחבת מהגדולות בעולם, יחד עם גדולי הזמר היהודי העולמי, אהרלה סֶאמעט מישראל, שלומי דסקל מארה' ב, ועוד, ולצידם ילדי פלא מוכשרים במיוחד וביותר, המבצעים במשותף את מחרוזת ימים נוראים בליווי מקהלת ' שירה' האגדית העולמית החסידית- אמריקאית שהופיעה בהרכב מלא ומורחב והנעימה אף היא את האירוע המרומם והגדול המלכותי והמיוחד במינו הנפלא והחשוב הזה. בקליפ המרגש והנרגש כאחד והמדהים והמתוק המציף את ליבותיהם של מאות אלפי צופיו: מגוון שירים וניגוני קודש בביצוע מושלםםםםם וענקקק ורחב ממדים של גדולי ובכירי תעשיית המוזיקה היהודית העולמית מארה' ב ומהעולם. צפיה מהנה.

מיכה היקר, אין לך מושג איזה זיכוי הרבים ענק אתה עושה פה, אנחנו משוועים לתוכן יהודי להראות לילדים וסוף סוף מצאנו, תודה רבה לך ולכל העוסקים במלאכה. I loved this video, wonderful work and music. 3. All beautiful,thank you, many of us love you. Take care. Fortnight loot lake. Perfecto... Like the Kennedy assassinations, the Rabin assassination is surrounded by a lot of unanswered questions. But this dramatization adheres closely to the accepted theory of Yigal Amir as lone killer. The English-language title, Incitement" unlike the Hebrew title) hints at the tirelessly repeated accusations that the political right in general, and Bibi Netanyahu in particular, stirred up the deadly animus against Rabin. However, the movie makes a point of accurately showing a couple of incidents that the accusations commonly distort. It shows that a particularly nasty poster of Rabin (dressing him in an SS uniform) was distributed by agent provocateur Avishai Raviv and wasn't really a poster at all but a handbill; and it shows that a coffin carried in an anti-Oslo demonstration was not a symbol threatening Rabin with death but a symbol lamenting the supposed death of Zionism. Where the depiction does go overboard, I'd say, is in emphasizing the tacit support by the religious establishment for an attack on Rabin. Bar-Ilan University, which has a Jewish religious atmosphere but also has secular Jewish students and even Arab students, is portrayed as entirely religious and plastered with anti-Rabin posters on every wall. Rabbis are shown one after another stopping short of disapproval with respect to Amir's intention to kill Rabin.
Despite not spending important time bashing Bibi, the movie does bother at the end to grumble that when he took office, his inaugural speech didn't mention Rabin.
But how is the movie as a movie? you ask. Apart from stating its point of view on the murder (and being released in Israel half a week before an election) it doesn't seem to have much of a message. As an exercise in recreating episodes that are only 25 years old and well remembered from the news, it works well. It blends recreations with authentic footage elegantly. The filmmakers did not employ well-known actors who would have made disbelief difficult to suspend, but the actors handle their parts well. The music is spare and appropriately ominous. But if the movie breaks forth from its narrow focus to imply any larger statement about the human condition, I missed it.

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Par Ievas Dambes apstiprināšanu par rajona (pilsētas) tiesas tiesnesi Par Andreja Grūbes atbrīvošanu no Kurzemes rajona tiesas tiesneša amata.. 22 * Publikācijas numurs. ** 12. Saeimas pieņemtā likuma numurs. 2 3 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Par Latvijas Republikas valdības, Igaunijas Republikas valdības un Lietuvas Republikas valdības nolīgumu par sadarbību katastrofu novēršanas, gatavības un reaģēšanas jomā 1. pants gada 23. novembrī parakstītais Latvijas Republikas valdības, Igaunijas Republikas valdības un Lietuvas Republikas valdības nolīgums par sadarbību katastrofu novēršanas, gatavības un reaģēšanas jomā (turpmāk Nolīgums) ar šo likumu tiek pieņemts un apstiprināts. 2. pants. Nolīgumā paredzēto saistību izpildi koordinē Iekšlietu ministrija. 3. Nolīgums stājas spēkā tā 13. pantā noteiktajā laikā un kārtībā, un Ārlietu ministrija par to paziņo oficiālajā izdevumā Latvijas Vēstnesis. 4. Likums stājas spēkā nākamajā dienā pēc tā izsludināšanas. Līdz ar likumu izsludināms Nolīgums latviešu un angļu valodā. 5. Ar Nolīguma spēkā stāšanos spēku zaudē likums Par Latvijas Republikas valdības un Igaunijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par savstarpēju palīdzību katastrofu gadījumos (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2001, 154. nr. ) un likums Par Latvijas Republikas valdības un Lietuvas Republikas valdības līgumu par savstarpēju palīdzību dabas katastrofu un citos plaša mēroga nelaimes gadījumos (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2001, 188. ). Likums Saeimā pieņemts gada 22. martā. Rīgā gada 2. aprīlī Valsts prezidents R. Vējonis Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 4 Latvijas Republikas valdības, Igaunijas Republikas valdības un Lietuvas Republikas valdības nolīgums par sadarbību katastrofu novēršanas, gatavības un reaģēšanas jomā Latvijas Republikas valdība, Igaunijas Republikas valdība un Lietuvas Republikas valdība (turpmāk tekstā Puses): būdamas pārliecinātas par nepieciešamību Baltijas valstīm sadarboties dabas vai cilvēka izraisītu katastrofu gadījumā, lai aizsargātu cilvēkus, vidi un īpašumu, tostarp kultūras mantojumu; vēloties ar šo nolīgumu, kas uzskatāms par pamatnolīgumu un būs atbilstoši jāpapildina ar citiem trīspusējiem nolīgumiem un pasākumiem, vēl vairāk uzlabot savu sadarbību; paturot prātā Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu saistības saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 17. decembra Lēmumu par Savienības civilās aizsardzības mehānismu (1313/2013/ES); neierobežojot esošus vai nākotnes divpusējos vai trīspusējos nolīgumus vai cita veida sadarbību katastrofu novēršanas, gatavības un reaģēšanas jomā, ir vienojušās par turpmāko: 1. pants Definīcijas Šajā nolīgumā lietotajiem terminiem ir šāda nozīme: 4 a) katastrofa situācija, kam ir vai var būt nopietna ietekme uz cilvēkiem, vidi vai īpašumu, tostarp uz kultūras mantojumu; b) reaģēšana jebkura rīcība, kas tiek veikta pēc palīdzības pieprasījuma saņemšanas saskaņā ar šo nolīgumu tuvojoties katastrofai, katastrofas laikā vai pēc katastrofas, lai novērstu tās radītās nelabvēlīgās sekas; c) gatavība gatavības stāvoklis un cilvēku un materiālo resursu, struktūru, kopienu un organizāciju iespējas, pateicoties kurām iepriekš veiktu darbību rezultātā ir iespējams nodrošināt efektīvu un operatīvu reaģēšanu katastrofas gadījumā; d) novēršana jebkura darbība, kuras mērķis ir samazināt katastrofas riskus vai mazināt tās radīto nelabvēlīgo ietekmi uz cilvēkiem, vidi, īpašumu, tostarp uz kultūras mantojumu; e) agrīnā brīdināšana savlaicīga un efektīva informācijas sniegšana, lai varētu veikt pasākumus ar mērķi novērst vai samazināt katastrofas riskus un nelabvēlīgās sekas un veicināt gatavību efektīvai reaģēšanai; f) uzņēmējvalsts atbalsts pasākumi, ko valsts, kas saņem vai sniedz palīdzību, veic gatavības un reaģēšanas fāzē, lai novērstu paredzamus šķēršļus starptautiskai palīdzībai, kas tiks sniegta saskaņā ar šo nolīgumu. Tas ietver tranzītvalsts nodrošināto atbalstu, lai veicinātu šīs palīdzības sniegšanu caur tās teritoriju; g) reaģēšanas spēja palīdzība, kas pēc attiecīga pieprasījuma saņemšanas var tikt sniegta saskaņā ar šo nolīgumu; 5 h) kompetentā iestāde Puses norīkota valsts iestāde vai iestādes sadarbības pasākumu praktiskai izstrādei un īstenošanai saskaņā ar šo nolīgumu, tostarp jautājumos, kas saistīti ar palīdzības pieprasījumiem un lēmumiem sniegt palīdzību; i) pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse Puse, kuras kompetentā iestāde lūdz palīdzību citai Pusei; j) palīdzības sniedzēja Puse Puse, kuras kompetentā iestāde sniedz palīdzību pēc citas Puses pieprasījuma; k) reaģēšanas vienība organizēta speciālistu (ekspertu) grupa no palīdzības sniedzēja Puses, kas izveidota palīdzības sniegšanai un apgādāta ar nepieciešamo aprīkojumu; l) tranzītvalsts Puse, kuras valsts teritorija ir jāšķērso reaģēšanas vienībām un/vai atsevišķiem ekspertiem, kā arī tam aprīkojumam un palīdzības piegādēm, ko šīs vienības vai eksperti ved, lai sniegtu pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Pusi. pants Nolīguma piemērošanas joma 1. Šis nolīgums attiecas uz sadarbību katastrofu novēršanas, gatavības un reaģēšanas jomā un savstarpējo palīdzību, tuvojoties katastrofai vai tās apstākļos, kad tā var pārsniegt Puses valsts resursu iespējas un tās spēju novērst katastrofu un atbilstoši reaģēt. Nolīguma galvenais mērķis ir aizsargāt cilvēkus, vidi un īpašumu. Šis nolīgums nav piemērojams attiecībā uz dabas katastrofām un plaša mēroga nelaimes gadījumiem, kuri radušies Pušu valstu jurisdikcijā esošajos jūras ūdeņos. pants Kompetentās iestādes un kontaktpunkti 1. Puses norīko vienu vai vairākas kompetentās iestādes šā nolīguma īstenošanai. Kompetentās iestādes ir: 1) Lietuvas Republikā: Iekšlietu ministrijas, Iekšlietu ministrijas Ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas departaments; 2) Latvijas Republikā: Iekšlietu ministrija, Valsts ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienests; 3) Igaunijas Republikā: Iekšlietu ministrija, Igaunijas Glābšanas pārvalde. Kompetentajām iestādēm jānorīko arī diennakts kontaktpunkts(-i) agrīnās brīdināšanas ziņojumu un palīdzības pieprasījumu saņemšanai un nosūtīšanai. Kompetentās iestādes viena otru informē par šo (-iem) kontaktpunktu (-iem). Kompetentās iestādes nekavējoties informē viena otru par jebkurām kompetento iestāžu un kontaktpunkta(-u) izmaiņām. 5 6 4. pants Brīdināšana par katastrofām 1. Katastrofas vai nenovēršamu tās draudu gadījumā, kad varētu būt nepieciešama citas Puses palīdzība, Puse var nosūtīt palīdzības pieprasījumu, pēc iespējas precīzāk norādot nepieciešamās palīdzības apmēru un veidu. Palīdzības sniedzēja Puse, kam adresēts palīdzības pieprasījums, nekavējoties pieņem lēmumu un informē otru Pusi un atbilstošā gadījumā tranzītvalsti par to, vai tā var sniegt pieprasīto palīdzību, un norāda palīdzības apmēru un noteikumus, tostarp atbilstošā gadījumā palīdzības izmaksas. Kompetentās iestādes var vienoties par kopīgām palīdzības pieprasīšanas procedūrām. Ja pastāv iespējamība, ka katastrofa vai tās nenovēršami draudi var ietekmēt citas Puses, tad Puse, kurā ir notikusi šī katastrofa vai kurā tā var notikt, nosūta pārējām Pusēm agrīnās brīdināšanas ziņojumu, aprakstot situāciju un tās iespējamo attīstības gaitu. pants Savstarpēja palīdzība 1. Puses sadarbojas, lai veicinātu tūlītēju palīdzības sniegšanu. Pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse ir atbildīga par palīdzības sniegšanas vadīšanu, kontroli, koordinēšanu un pārraudzību savas valsts teritorijā. Palīdzības sniedzējas Puses personāls pilda dienestu savu vadītāju pakļautībā un saskaņā ar dienesta noteikumiem un citiem tiesību aktiem, kas ir spēkā šā personāla valstī, ja tie neierobežo pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses tiesību aktus un noteikumus. Ja pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse piekrīt palīdzības saņemšanai, to uzskata par formālu uzaicinājumu, kas palīdzības sniedzējai Pusei dod atļauju ienākt pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses teritorijā un šķērsot tās robežu bez formalitāšu ievērošanas, ja vien reaģēšanas spējās nepiedalās militārie spēki, transportlīdzekļi, jūras vai gaisa kuģi, aprīkojums vai mantas, kuriem ir nepieciešama īpaša atļauja, lai tie varētu ienākt šīs valsts teritorijā. Šādā gadījumā pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses, palīdzības sniedzējas Puses un tranzītvalsts kompetentās iestādes sadarbojas, lai iegūtu šādu atļauju pēc iespējas ātrāk, un nevienas valsts robežu nedrīkst šķērsot, līdz pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse un, atbilstošā gadījumā, tranzītvalsts nav sniegusi vajadzīgo atļauju. Tūlītējās un efektīvās palīdzības sniegšanas nolūkā, pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses kompetentās iestādes nodrošina, ka personāls, kas piedalās palīdzības sniegšanā, drīkst šķērsot robežu un reaģēšanas spējām netiktu piemēroti nodokļi, nodevas vai citi maksājumi. Reaģēšanas spējas jāizmanto saskaņā ar palīdzības sniedzējas valsts noteikumiem, un nav nepieciešams pieteikties īpašas atļaujas saņemšanai. Pēc operāciju pabeigšanas visas reaģēšanas spējas, izņēmot nederīgu un bojāto aprīkojumu, pēc iespējas drīz izved no pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses valsts teritorijas. Izvesto reaģēšanas spēju aprīkojumu atbrīvo no jebkādiem nodokļiem, nodevām vai citiem maksājumiem. Augstāk minētais attiecas arī uz pārrobežu palīdzības sniegšanas mācībām. 6 7 6. pants Procedūras un plāni Puses kopīgi veic pasākumus, piemēram, izstrādā savstarpējas pārrobežu glābšanas operāciju procedūras un plānus, lai atvieglotu palīdzības sniegšanu un palīdzībā iesaistītā personāla un aprīkojuma tranzītu, sadarbību operācijas laikā un uzņēmējvalsts atbalsta sniegšanu. 7. pants Citi sadarbības pasākumi 1. Cita sadarbība ietver informācijas apmaiņu par pētniecības un attīstības programmu rezultātiem un par pieredzi saistībā ar katastrofām. Sadarbība var aptvert arī kopīgas apmācības, mācības, ekspertu apmaiņu, seminārus vai darbseminārus un projektus, kuru mērķis ir katastrofu novēršana un gatavība. Ja kāda no Pusēm vai visas Puses vēlas izveidot kopīgas reaģēšanas spējas, tas jāreglamentē, slēdzot atsevišķu nolīgumu, kas jāparaksta kompetentajām iestādēm vai citām atbildīgajām institūcijām atbilstoši kompetencei. 8. pants Nolīguma īstenošana un turpmākā izpilde 1. Kompetentās iestādes sasauc sapulci vismaz vienu reizi divos gados, lai uzraudzītu šā nolīguma īstenošanu, analizētu turpmāko rīcību un izstrādātu plānus turpmākajai sadarbības attīstībai saskaņā ar 6. un 7. pantu. Kompetentās iestādes sniedz detalizētus norādījumus par brīdināšanu katastrofu gadījumā (4. pants) un savstarpējo palīdzību (5. pants) un pieņem atbilstošas procedūras. 9. pants Izmaksu atlīdzināšana 1. Pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse neatlīdzina izmaksas, kas palīdzības sniedzējai Pusei radušās glābšanas darbu laikā, tostarp izmaksas saistībā ar ievestā aprīkojuma daļēju vai pilnīgu nolietojumu vai zaudējumu. Noteiktos gadījumos, ņemot vērā katastrofas veidu un apmēru, kompetentās iestādes var noteikt, kuras izmaksas sedz pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse, un var lemt par to, saskaņā ar kādiem nosacījumiem un kādā veidā šīs izmaksas ir jāatlīdzina. Uzskata, ka ar palīdzības pieprasījumu ir saistītas šādas izmaksas: a) personu un aprīkojuma apdrošināšanas izmaksas; b) izmaksas saistībā ar ievestā aprīkojuma ekspluatāciju, sabojāšanu vai zaudēšanu; c) palīdzības piegāžu izmantošana; d) reaģēšanas vienību locekļiem sniegtās medicīniskās palīdzības izmaksas, kā arī radušos zaudējumu atlīdzināšanas izmaksas. Ja vien Puses nevienojas citādi, izmaksas atlīdzina tūlīt pēc atbilstoša pieprasījuma iesniegšanas. Palīdzības sniedzējai Pusei ir tiesības pieprasīt, lai pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse sedz pusi no izmaksām, kas radušās saistībā ar lidaparātu izmantošanu. Šajā gadījumā izmaksu apmēru nosaka atbilstoši tarifiem, kas ir spēkā palīdzības sniegšanas laikā tās Puses valsts teritorijā, kas sniedz šo palīdzību. 7 8 3. Ja beidzas krājumi, palīdzības sniedzējas Puses reaģēšanas vienības un/vai atsevišķi eksperti visā viņu uzturēšanās laikā pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses teritorijā tiek nodrošināti ar pārtiku, naktsmītni un ierīcēm personiskajām vajadzībām, un šajā saistībā radušās izmaksas sedz pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse. Vajadzības gadījumā viņiem sniedz nepieciešamo medicīnisko palīdzību, kā arī nodrošina transportlīdzekļus un citus viņu darbam nepieciešamos resursus. 10. pants Saistības un apdrošināšanas atlīdzības izmaksa 1. Puses ievēro pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses valsts likumus un noteikumus, kas reglamentē jautājumus par saistībām un apdrošināšanas atlīdzības izmaksu, ciktāl tas atbilst attiecīgajiem starptautisko tiesību noteikumiem. Šis noteikums neietekmē Pušu tiesības un pienākumus, kas noteikti citos starptautiskajos tiesību aktos. Pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse ir atbildīga par zaudējumiem, ko trešajai Pusei radījusi pieprasījuma iesniedzējas Puses valsts teritorijā sniegtā palīdzība. Pieprasījuma iesniedzēja Puse ir tiesīga iesniegt regresa prasību pret palīdzības sniedzēju Pusi attiecībā uz izmaksām, ko tā segusi saskaņā ar šo pantu, ja tiek pierādīts, ka zaudējumi radās tīša nodarījuma vai rupjas nolaidības dēļ. Puses nepieprasa kompensāciju no otras Puses, ja kāds no palīdzības sniedzējas Puses iet bojā vai gūst veselības kaitējumus tādā gadījumā, ja tas noticis saistībā ar pienākumiem, kas veikti šā nolīguma īstenošanas nolūkā. Palīdzības sniedzēja Puse apdrošina savu personālu saskaņā ar spēkā esošajiem savas valsts noteikmiem. 11. pants Strīdu izšķiršana Visus strīdus saistībā ar šā nolīguma interpretāciju vai īstenošanu izšķir, Pusēm savstarpēji vienojoties. 12. pants Depozitārijs Igaunijas Republikas valdība pilda šā nolīguma oficiālā depozitārija funkciju. 13. pants Nobeiguma noteikumi 1. Šis nolīgums stājas spēkā pēc 30 (trīsdesmit) dienām, kad depozitārijs pa diplomātiskajiem kanāliem būs saņēmis pēdējo rakstisko paziņojumu par to, ka ir izpildītas nepieciešamās nacionālās juridiskās prasības, lai šis nolīgums stātos spēkā. Depozitārijs informē Puses par katru saņemto paziņojumu un šā nolīguma spēkā stāšanās datumu. Šā nolīguma spēkā stāšanās dienā spēku zaudē gada 4. jūnijā parakstītā Latvijas Republikas valdības un Igaunijas Republikas valdības vienošanās par savstarpējo palīdzību katastrofu gadījumos. Šā nolīguma spēkā stāšanās dienā spēku zaudē gada 31. maijā parakstītais Latvijas Republikas valdības un Lietuvas Republikas valdības līgums par savstarpēju palīdzību dabas katastrofu un citos plaša mēroga nelaimes gadījumos. 8 9 4. Šis nolīgums ir noslēgts uz nenoteiktu laiku. Jebkura Puse var denonsēt šo nolīgumu, nosūtot rakstisku paziņojumu depozitārijam, kas pa diplomātiskajiem kanāliem informē pārējās Puses par katru šādu paziņojumu un par tā saņemšanas datumu. Denonsēšana stājas spēkā dienā, kad ir pagājuši 6 (seši) mēneši pēc dienas, kurā depozitārijs saņem attiecīgo paziņojumu. Gadījumā, ja kāda no Pusēm denonsē šo nolīgumu, tas zaudē spēku attiecībā uz šo konkrēto Pusi. Jebkura Puse jebkurā laikā var ierosināt grozījumus šajā nolīgumā. Pieprasījumu adresē depozitārijam, kas pa diplomātiskajiem kanāliem informē pārējās Puses par katru šādu paziņojumu un tā saņemšanas datumu. Šādi grozījumi stājas spēkā atbilstoši šā nolīguma 13. panta pirmajai daļai. Sagatavots gada 23. novembrī Viļņā trīs eksemplāros, katrs no tiem ir latviešu, igauņu, lietuviešu un angļu valodā. Eksemplāru redakcijas ir vienlīdz autentiskas. Šā nolīguma noteikumu atšķirīgas interpretācijas gadījumā augstāks spēks ir redakcijai angļu valodā. Latvijas Republikas valdības vārdā Rihards Kozlovskis iekšlietu ministrs Igaunijas Republikas valdības vārdā Andres Anvelt iekšlietu ministrs Lietuvas Republikas valdības vārdā Eimutis Misiūnas iekšlietu ministrs 9 10 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Par Latvijas Republikas valdības un Polijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par grozījumiem Līgumā starp Latvijas Republikas valdību un Polijas Republikas valdību par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību un līguma denonsēšanu 1. Latvijas Republikas valdības un Polijas Republikas valdības vienošanās par grozījumiem Līgumā starp Latvijas Republikas valdību un Polijas Republikas valdību par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību un līguma denonsēšanu (turpmāk Vienošanās) ar šo likumu tiek pieņemta un apstiprināta. Vienošanās paredzēto saistību izpildi koordinē Ārlietu ministrija. Vienošanās tiek noslēgta diplomātisko notu apmaiņas ceļā un stājas spēkā tajās noteiktajā laikā un kārtībā. Ārlietu ministrija par to paziņo oficiālajā izdevumā Latvijas Vēstnesis. Līdz ar likumu izsludināma Vienošanās angļu valodā un tās tulkojums latviešu valodā. Vējonis Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 11 Polijas Republikas notas neoficiālais tulkojums DPT /1 Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija apliecina savu cieņu Latvijas Republikas vēstniecībai Varšavā un tai ir tas gods piedāvāt noslēgt šādu Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līguma par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Varšavā gada 26. aprīlī, grozīšanu un denonsēšanu (turpmāk Vienošanās): 1. Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līgums par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Varšavā gada 26. aprīlī, tiek denonsēts. Vienošanās puses piekrīt, ka attiecībā uz investīcijām, kas veiktas pirms 1. daļā minētā līguma denonsēšanas datuma, neviens no līguma nosacījumiem, tai skaitā 13. panta 2. punkts, nav spēkā. Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija, ja Latvijas Republikas valdība piekrīt šim priekšlikumam, piedāvā, ka šī nota kopā ar atbildes notu veidos Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līguma par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Varšavā gada 26. aprīlī, grozīšanu un denonsēšanu. Šī vienošanās stājas spēkā trīs mēnešus pēc pēdējās notas saņemšanas datuma, kas apstiprina, ka izpildītas iekšējo tiesību aktu prasības, kas nepieciešamas, lai šī vienošanās stātos spēkā. Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija izmanto šo izdevību vēlreiz apliecināt Latvijas Republikas vēstniecībai visaugstāko cieņu. Varšava, gada 17. oktobris Latvijas Republikas vēstniecība Varšavā 11 12 Nr Latvijas Republikas atbildes notas neoficiālais tulkojums Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija apliecina savu cieņu Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai un tai ir tas gods apstiprināt gada 17. oktobra notas Nr. DPT /1 par Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līguma par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Varšavā gada 26. aprīlī, grozīšanu un denonsēšanu (turpmāk Vienošanās), saņemšanu, kas lasāma šādi: Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija apliecina savu cieņu Latvijas Republikas vēstniecībai Varšavā un tai ir tas gods piedāvāt noslēgt šādu Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līguma par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Varšavā gada 26. Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai ir tas gods apstiprināt, ka Latvijas Republikas valdība piekrīt Polijas Republikas priekšlikumam, un ka gada 17. oktobra nota Nr. DPT /1 un šī atbildes nota veido Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par Polijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līguma par ieguldījumu savstarpēju veicināšanu un aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Varšavā gada 26. aprīlī, grozīšanu un denonsēšanu, kas stājas spēkā trīs mēnešus pēc pēdējās notas saņemšanas datuma, kas apstiprina, ka izpildītas iekšējo tiesību aktu prasības, kas nepieciešamas, lai šī vienošanās stātos spēkā. Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija izmanto šo izdevību vēlreiz apliecināt Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai visaugstāko cieņu. Rīga, gada 28. decembris Polijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai Varšava 13 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Par Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par grozījumiem Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības līgumā par ieguldījumu veicināšanu un savstarpēju aizsardzību un līguma denonsēšanu 1. Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības vienošanās par grozījumiem Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības līgumā par ieguldījumu veicināšanu un savstarpēju aizsardzību un līguma denonsēšanu (turpmāk Vienošanās) ar šo likumu tiek pieņemta un apstiprināta. Vējonis Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 14 Nr. 69/2016 Čehijas Republikas notas neoficiālais tulkojums Čehijas Republikas vēstniecība Rīgā apliecina savu cieņu Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai un, atsaucoties uz iepriekšējo saraksti, tas ir, gada 5. janvāra notu Nr. 2/2009 par priekšlikumu denonsēt Čehijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līgumu par ieguldījumu veicināšanu un savstarpēju aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Rīgā gada 25. oktobrī (turpmāk Līgums), un nepiemērot Līguma 12. panta 3. punktu, un Latvijas Republikas vēstniecības Prāgā gada 9. aprīļa notu Nr. 61/82 par atteikumu augstākminētajā vēstniecības gada 5. janvāra notā izteiktajam priekšlikumam, tai ir tas gods vērst cienījamās ministrijas uzmanību uz to, ka gada 18. jūnijā Eiropas Komisija uzsāka formālu pārkāpumu procedūru pret piecām Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm un pret pārējām 21 neformālu procedūru ( EU Pilot), ieskaitot Čehijas Republiku un Latvijas Republiku, pieprasot tām denonsēt divpusējos investīciju līgumus. Kā norādījusi Eiropas Komisija, iemesls šīm procedūrām ir divpusējo investīciju līgumu starp Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm nesaderība ar Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem. Čehijas Republikas priekšlikuma, kas izteikts augstākminētajā vēstniecības gada 5. janvāra notā, pamatā ir tie paši iemesli, tas ir, vēlme nodrošināt vienādu attieksmi pret visiem Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu investoriem, pamatojoties uz Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem. Līdzīgi kā Eiropas Komisija, arī Čehijas Republika uzskata, ka divpusējie investīciju līgumi starp Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm nesader ar Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem. Tādēļ Čehijas Republikas vēstniecībai Rīgā ir tas gods lūgt Latvijas Republikas kompetentās iestādes pārskatīt savu nostāju attiecībā uz Čehijas Republikas gada 5. janvāra priekšlikumu. Ja Latvijas Republika piekrīt priekšlikumam denonsēt Līgumu, nepiemērojot tā 12. punktu, Čehijas puse piedāvā, ka šī nota un Latvijas puses atbildes nota veido Čehijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par grozījumiem Čehijas Republikas valdības un Latvijas Republikas valdības līgumā par ieguldījumu veicināšanu un savstarpēju aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Rīgā gada 25. oktobrī, un par Līguma denonsēšanu, kas apstiprināta saskaņā ar abu pušu iekšējām procedūrām. Lai tā stātos spēkā, Čehijas Republika un Latvijas Republika informē viena otru par pušu attiecīgo iekšējo procedūru pabeigšanu; tā stājas spēkā nākamā mēneša pirmajā dienā pēc pēdējā no abiem paziņojumiem. Tā kā netiek piemērots Līguma 12. punkts, sākot no Vienošanās par denonsēšanu spēkā stāšanās dienas, Līgums netiek piemērots attiecībā uz jebkurām investīcijām, kas veiktas pirms Līguma denonsēšanas. Čehijas Republikas vēstniecība Rīgā izmanto šo izdevību vēlreiz apliecināt Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai visaugstāko cieņu. Rīga, gada 29. janvāris Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija Valsts protokols Rīga 14 15 Latvijas Republikas atbildes notas neoficiālais tulkojums Nr Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija apliecina savu cieņu Čehijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai un tai ir tas gods, atbildot uz Čehijas Republikas vēstniecības Rīgā gada 29. 69/2016 par priekšlikumu grozīt un denonsēt Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības līgumu par ieguldījumu veicināšanu un savstarpēju aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Rīgā gada 25. oktobrī (turpmāk Līgums), informē par turpmāko. Ministrijai ir tas gods apstiprināt, ka Latvijas Republikas valdība piekrīt Čehijas Republikas priekšlikumam grozīt un denonsēt Līgumu, nepiemērojot tā 12. punktu. Ministrijai ir tas gods apstiprināt, ka vēstniecības gada 29. janvāra nota Nr. 69/2016 un šī atbildes nota veido Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības vienošanos par grozījumiem Latvijas Republikas valdības un Čehijas Republikas valdības līgumā par ieguldījumu veicināšanu un savstarpēju aizsardzību, kas parakstīts Rīgā gada 25. oktobrī, un par Līguma denonsēšanu (turpmāk Vienošanās par grozījumiem un denonsēšanu), kas stājas spēkā nākamā mēneša pirmajā dienā pēc pēdējā no abiem paziņojumiem, ar kuriem Čehijas Republika un Latvijas Republika informē viena otru pa diplomātiskajiem kanāliem par savu attiecīgo iekšējo procedūru pabeigšanu, lai šī Vienošanās par grozījumiem un denonsēšanu stātos spēkā. Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija izmanto šo izdevību vēlreiz apliecināt Čehijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai visaugstāko cieņu. decembris Čehijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrijai Prāga 15 16 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Latvijas Republikas valsts robežas likumā Izdarīt Latvijas Republikas valsts robežas likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 2009, 24. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2012, 38. ; 2013, 118. ; 2015, 245. ; 2017, 21. ) šādus grozījumus: pantā: izteikt 4. punktu šādā redakcijā: 4) ārējā robeža valsts robeža un robežšķērsošanas vietas saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 9. marta regulu (ES) Nr. 2016/399 par Savienības kodeksu par noteikumiem, kas reglamentē personu pārvietošanos pār robežām (Šengenas robežu kodekss) (turpmāk Parlamenta un Padomes gada 9. marta regula Nr. 2016/399);; aizstāt 5. punktā skaitļus un vārdus gada 15. marta regulu Nr. 562/2006 ar skaitļiem un vārdiem gada 9. 2016/ Papildināt 4. panta trešo daļu ar teikumu šādā redakcijā: Robežzīmju, nostiprinājuma būvju vai elementu bojāšana, iznīcināšana, pārveidošana vai pārvietošana ir aizliegta. Papildināt 10. pantu ar trīspadsmito daļu šādā redakcijā: (13) Valsts robežsardze informāciju par ārējo robežu šķērsojošajām personām un to ceļošanas dokumentiem, kā arī transportlīdzekļiem, kurus personas vada, šķērsojot Latvijas Republikas ārējo robežu, un šo transportlīdzekļu dokumentiem reģistrē valsts informācijas sistēmā. Minētajā sistēmā iekļaujamās informācijas apjomu, tās izmantošanas kārtību un glabāšanas termiņus nosaka Ministru kabinets. Aizstāt 11. panta pirmajā daļā skaitļus un vārdus gada 15. marta regulas Nr. 562/2006 VI pielikuma, un punktā ar skaitļiem un vārdiem gada 9. 2016/399 VI pielikuma, un punktā. Aizstāt 28. 2016/ pantā: izteikt panta nosaukumu šādā redakcijā: 29. Tehnisko līdzekļu un dienesta suņu izmantošana robežkontrolē; papildināt pirmo daļu ar vārdiem un dienesta suņus; 16 17 papildināt pantu ar 1. 1 daļu šādā redakcijā: (1 1) Robežpārbaudes un robežuzraudzības tehnisko līdzekļu bojāšana, iznīcināšana, pārveidošana vai pārvietošana ir aizliegta. Uzbrukt dienesta sunim vai traucēt, kavēt vai atņemt iespēju dienesta sunim veikt tam uzdotās darbības ir aizliegts. Vējonis Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 18 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Izglītības likumā Izdarīt Izglītības likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, 24. ; 1999, 17., 24. ; 2000, 12. ; 2001, 12., 16., 21. ; 2004, 5. ; 2007, 3. ; 2009, 1., 2., 14. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009, 196. ; 2010, 47., 205. ; 2011, 202. ; 2012, 54., 108., 190. ; 2013, 142. ; 2014, 257. ; 2015, 127., 242. ; 2016, 100., 241. ; 2017, 152., 242. ) šādus grozījumus: pantā: papildināt pantu ar 1. 1 daļu šādā redakcijā: (1 1) Privātajās izglītības iestādēs vispārējo izglītību un profesionālo izglītību pamatizglītības un vidējās izglītības pakāpē iegūst valsts valodā. ; izteikt otrās daļas 1. un 2. punktu šādā redakcijā: 1) izglītības iestādēs, kuras īsteno izglītības programmas saskaņā ar Latvijas Republikas divpusējiem vai daudzpusējiem starptautiskajiem līgumiem; 2) izglītības iestādēs, kuras īsteno mazākumtautību izglītības programmas pirmsskolas izglītības un pamatizglītības pakāpē, ievērojot šā likuma 41. panta noteikumus;; papildināt otro daļu ar 2. 1 punktu šādā redakcijā: 2 1) izglītības iestādēs, kurās vispārējās izglītības programmu mācību priekšmetus pilnībā vai daļēji īsteno svešvalodā, lai nodrošinātu citu Eiropas Savienības oficiālo valodu apguvi, ievērojot attiecīgā valsts izglītības standarta nosacījumus;; izteikt ceturto un piekto daļu šādā redakcijā: (4) Profesionālās kvalifikācijas eksāmeni kārtojami tajā Eiropas Savienības oficiālajā valodā, kurā tiek īstenota konkrētā izglītības programma, vai valsts valodā, ja konkrētā izglītības programma netiek īstenota kādā no Eiropas Savienības oficiālajām valodām, izņemot citos likumos paredzētos gadījumos. (5) Bakalaura, maģistra un doktora grāda ieguvei nepieciešamie darbi un diplomdarbi izstrādājami un aizstāvami tajā Eiropas Savienības oficiālajā valodā, kurā tiek īstenota konkrētā studiju programma, vai valsts valodā, ja konkrētā studiju programma netiek īstenota kādā no Eiropas Savienības oficiālajām valodām, izņemot citos likumos paredzētos gadījumos. Aizstāt 30. panta 4. 1 daļā vārdus veicot izglītības iestādes vadītāja materiālo stimulēšanu ar vārdiem nosakot izglītības iestādes vadītājam prēmijas un naudas balvas pantā: aizstāt pirmajā daļā vārdus attiecīgajā valsts izglītības standartā ar vārdiem valsts pamatizglītības standartā; papildināt pantu ar 1. 1 un 1. 2 daļu šādā redakcijā: (1 1) Mazākumtautību izglītības programmās no 1. klases līdz 6. klasei mācību satura apguve valsts valodā tiek nodrošināta ne mazāk kā 50 procentu apjomā no kopējās mācību stundu slodzes mācību gadā, ieskaitot svešvalodas. (1 2) Mazākumtautību izglītības programmās no 7. klases līdz 9. klasei mācību satura apguve valsts valodā tiek nodrošināta ne mazāk kā 80 procentu apjomā no kopējās mācību stundu slodzes mācību gadā, ieskaitot svešvalodas. 18 19 pantā: papildināt pirmo daļu ar 7. punktu šādā redakcijā: 7) no izglītības iestādes dibinātāja finanšu līdzekļiem saņemt pabalstu sakarā ar ģimenes locekļa (laulātā, bērna, vecāku, vecvecāku, adoptētāja vai adoptētā, brāļa vai māsas) vai apgādājamā nāvi ne vairāk kā vienas minimālās mēneša darba algas apmērā. ; papildināt pantu ar 1. 2 daļu šādā redakcijā: (1 1) Valsts, pašvaldību un valsts augstskolu izglītības iestādes, ja citos ārējos normatīvajos aktos nav noteikts citādi, no izglītības iestādes dibinātāja un šā likuma 59. panta ceturtajā daļā minētajiem finanšu līdzekļiem var noteikt pedagogam šādu papildu atlīdzību: 1) pabalstu līdz 50 procentiem no mēnešalgas reizi kalendārajā gadā par katru apgādībā esošu bērnu invalīdu līdz 18 gadu vecumam; 2) veselības apdrošināšanu. Veselības apdrošināšanas prēmija nedrīkst pārsniegt pusi no normatīvajos aktos par iedzīvotāju ienākuma nodokli noteiktā apmēra. Ja apdrošināšanas prēmija pārsniedz minēto apmēru, pedagogs sedz prēmijas starpību. (1 2) Šā panta pirmās daļas 7. punktā noteiktais ierobežojums attiecībā uz pabalsta apmēru neattiecas uz privātajām izglītības iestādēm. Aizstāt 59. panta pirmās daļas pēdējā teikumā vārdus piecus procentus ar vārdiem sešus procentus pantā: papildināt trešo daļu ar jaunu piekto un sesto teikumu šādā redakcijā: Pašvaldības izglītības iestāžu pedagogu sociālās garantijas pašvaldības var finansēt no saviem budžetiem saistošajos noteikumos noteiktajā apmērā un kārtībā. Ministriju padotībā esošo izglītības iestāžu pedagogiem var noteikt sociālās garantijas izglītības iestādei apstiprinātā budžeta ietvaros. ; uzskatīt līdzšinējo trešās daļas piekto teikumu par septīto teikumu; aizstāt septītās daļas 4. punktā vārdus pedagogu un izglītojamo materiālajai stimulēšanai ar vārdiem pedagogu prēmijām un naudas balvām un izglītojamo materiālajai stimulēšanai; izteikt astoto daļu šādā redakcijā: (8) Valsts un pašvaldības izglītības iestāžu sniegto maksas pakalpojumu un citu pašu ieņēmumu naudas atlikumi saimnieciskā gada beigās paliek attiecīgās valsts vai pašvaldības izglītības iestādes rīcībā nākamajam saimnieciskajam gadam, un tie nav novirzāmi citiem mērķiem. Pārejas noteikumos: izslēgt 9. punkta 3. apakšpunkta otro teikumu; papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 66., 67., 68., 69., 70., 71., 72. un 73. punktu šādā redakcijā: 66. Grozījumi šā likuma 9. pantā attiecībā uz panta papildināšanu ar 1. 1 daļu un otrās daļas 2. punkta izteikšanu jaunā redakcijā un grozījumi 41. panta pirmajā daļā attiecībā uz vārdu attiecīgajā valsts izglītības standartā aizstāšanu ar vārdiem valsts pamatizglītības standartā un panta papildināšanu ar 1. 2 daļu stājas spēkā: 1) gada 1. septembrī attiecībā uz pirmsskolas izglītības programmu īstenošanu un pamatizglītības programmu īstenošanu klasē; 2) gada 1. septembrī attiecībā uz pamatizglītības programmu īstenošanu 8. klasē un vidējās izglītības programmu īstenošanu 10. un 11. klasē; 19 20 3) gada 1. septembrī attiecībā uz pamatizglītības programmu īstenošanu 9. klasē un vidējās izglītības programmu īstenošanu 12. klasē. 67. Grozījumi šā likuma pārejas noteikumu 9. apakšpunktā attiecībā uz otrā teikuma izslēgšanu stājas spēkā: 1) gada 1. septembrī attiecībā uz vidējās izglītības programmu īstenošanu 10. klasē; 2) gada 1. septembrī attiecībā uz vidējās izglītības programmu īstenošanu 12. 68. Ministru kabinets līdz gada 30. aprīlim izdara grozījumus Ministru kabineta gada 31. jūlija noteikumos Nr. 533 Noteikumi par valsts pirmsskolas izglītības vadlīnijām un Ministru kabineta gada 12. augusta noteikumos Nr. 468 Noteikumi par valsts pamatizglītības standartu, pamatizglītības mācību priekšmetu standartiem un pamatizglītības programmu paraugiem atbilstoši grozījumiem šā likuma 9. panta otrās daļas 2. punktā un 41. panta 1. 2 daļā. 69. aprīlim izdara grozījumus Ministru kabineta gada 27. jūnija noteikumos Nr. 211 Noteikumi par valsts profesionālās vidējās izglītības standartu un valsts arodizglītības standartu un Ministru kabineta gada 21. maija noteikumos Nr. 281 Noteikumi par valsts vispārējās vidējās izglītības standartu, mācību priekšmetu standartiem un izglītības programmu paraugiem atbilstoši grozījumiem šā likuma 9. panta pirmajā daļā. 70. Izglītības iestādes nodrošina pirmsskolas izglītības un pamatizglītības pakāpes izglītības programmu atbilstību šā likuma 9. panta pirmās un 1. 1 daļas, otrās daļas 2. punkta un 41. 2 daļas prasībām un iesniegšanu licencēšanai līdz gada 30. aprīlim. 71. Izglītības iestādes nodrošina vidējās izglītības pakāpes izglītības programmu atbilstību šā likuma 9. panta pirmās daļas prasībām un iesniegšanu licencēšanai līdz gada 30. 72. Ne vēlāk kā triju gadu laikā pēc attiecīgās izglītības reformas īstenošanas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija nodrošina pamatotu, neatkarīgu, uz zinātniskiem pētījumiem balstītu reformas izvērtēšanu, lai noteiktu tās ietekmi uz izglītības sasniegumu kvalitāti. 73. Šā likuma 52. panta pirmās daļas 7. punkts stājas spēkā gada 1. septembrī, un šajā punktā minēto pabalstu pedagogam var izmaksāt arī pirms gada 1. septembra šim mērķim pieejamo finanšu līdzekļu ietvaros. Vējonis Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 21 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Vispārējās izglītības likumā Izdarīt Vispārējās izglītības likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1999, 14., 17., 21. ; 2000, 15., 19. ; 2002, 24. ; 2004, 20. ; 2005, 14. ; 2007, 22. ; 2008, 23. ; 2009, 2., 14. ; 2010, 206. ; 2011, 112., 202. ; 2012, 190. ; 2015, 127. ) šādus grozījumus: 1. Izslēgt 42. panta otro daļu. Izteikt 43. pantu šādā redakcijā: 43. Vispārējās vidējās izglītības programmu saturs (1) Vispārējās vidējās izglītības programmu obligāto saturu nosaka valsts vispārējās vidējās izglītības standarts. (2) Nepārsniedzot šā likuma 44. pantā noteikto mācību stundu slodzi nedēļā un mācību stundu skaitu dienā, izglītības iestāde vispārējās vidējās izglītības programmā papildus var ietvert valsts vispārējās vidējās izglītības standartā neminētus mācību priekšmetus, tai skaitā mazākumtautības dzimto valodu un ar mazākumtautību identitāti un integrāciju Latvijas sabiedrībā saistītu mācību saturu. Papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 25. punktu šādā redakcijā: 25. Grozījumi šā likuma 42. pantā par tā otrās daļas izslēgšanu un par 43. panta izteikšanu jaunā redakcijā stājas spēkā: 1) gada 1. septembrī attiecībā uz vidējās izglītības programmas īstenošanu 10. septembrī attiecībā uz vidējās izglītības programmas īstenošanu 12. Vējonis Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 22 87. Paziņojums Daru zināmu, ka Saeima šā gada 22. marta sēdē apstiprinājusi Ievu Dambi par rajona (pilsētas) tiesas tiesnesi bez pilnvaru termiņa ierobežojuma. Rīgā gada 22. martā Saeimas priekšsēdētāja I. Mūrniece 88. marta sēdē ar gada 3. aprīli atbrīvojusi Andreju Grūbi no Kurzemes rajona tiesas tiesneša amata pēc paša vēlēšanās. Mūrniece 22.

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Transkripts 1 Latvijas Republikas SAEIMAS ZIŅOTĀJS nr gada 25. februārī 2 Saturs Likumi 73. * 265L/12 ** Grozījumi likumā Par Krimināllikuma spēkā stāšanās un piemērošanas kārtību L/12 Grozījumi Krimināllikumā L/12 Grozījums Sporta likumā L/12 Grozījumi likumā Par uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokli L/12 Grozījums likumā Par privātajiem pensiju fondiem L/12 Grozījumi Valsts fondēto pensiju likumā L/12 Grozījums Ieguldījumu pārvaldes sabiedrību likumā L/12 Grozījums Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likumā L/12 Grozījumi Civilprocesa likumā L/12 Grozījumi Tiesu izpildītāju likumā L/12 Grozījumi Zemesgrāmatu likumā L/12 Grozījumi likumā Par Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistru L/12 Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likums L/12 Grozījumi Noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas un terorisma finansēšanas novēršanas likumā L/12 Grozījums likumā Par interešu konflikta novēršanu valsts amatpersonu darbībā... 32 Paziņojumi 88. Par uzticības izteikšanu Ministru kabinetam Par Pētera Putniņa iecelšanu par Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisijas priekšsēdētāju Par Žerāra Renno uzņemšanu Latvijas pilsonībā par īpašiem nopelniem Latvijas labā Par piekrišanu deputāta Gunta Belēviča saukšanai pie administratīvās atbildības Par Ineses Bitenieces apstiprināšanu par rajona (pilsētas) tiesas tiesnesi Par deputāta Artusa Kaimiņa atsaukšanu no Saeimas Pilsonības, migrācijas un sabiedrības saliedētības komisijas un viņa ievēlēšanu Saeimas Publisko izdevumu un revīzijas komisijā Par Valda Kalnozola 12. Saeimas deputāta pilnvaru apstiprināšanu uz laiku Par deputāta Valda Kalnozola ievēlēšanu Saeimas Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijā un Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijā Par deputāta Edgara Putras atsaukšanu no Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijas un viņa ievēlēšanu Saeimas Ilgtspējīgas attīstības komisijā Par Edvarda Smiltēna 12. Saeimas deputāta pilnvaru apstiprināšanu uz laiku Par deputāta Edvarda Smiltēna ievēlēšanu Saeimas Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijā un Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijā... 35 * Publikācijas numurs. ** 12. Saeimas pieņemtā likuma numurs. 2 3 99. Par deputātes Laimdotas Straujumas ievēlēšanu Saeimas Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijā un Saeimas Ilgtspējīgas attīstības komisijā Par deputāta Jāņa Upenieka atsaukšanu no Saeimas Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijas un viņa ievēlēšanu Saeimas Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijā Par deputāta Viktora Valaiņa atsaukšanu no Saeimas Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas un viņa ievēlēšanu Saeimas Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijā Par Ligitas Vecauziņas atbrīvošanu no Rīgas pilsētas Vidzemes priekšpilsētas tiesas zemesgrāmatu nodaļas tiesneša amata Par Baibas Volfas-Riekstiņas iecelšanu par rajona (pilsētas) tiesas zemesgrāmatu nodaļas tiesnesi Par deputāta Jāņa Vucāna atsaukšanu no Saeimas Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas un viņa ievēlēšanu Saeimas Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijā 4 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi likumā Par Krimināllikuma spēkā stāšanās un piemērošanas kārtību Izdarīt likumā Par Krimināllikuma spēkā stāšanās un piemērošanas kārtību (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, 23. nr. ; 1999, 7., 23. ; 2000, 14. ; 2002, 12., 23. ; 2003, 2. ; 2007, 6., 12. ; 2008, 13. ; 2009, 14. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009, 193. ; 2010, 178. ; 2011, 167., 199. ; 2012, 121. ; 2013, 38., 92. ; 2014, 123. ; 2015, 104., 227. ) šādus grozījumus: 1. Papildināt 24. pantu ar trešo daļu šādā redakcijā: (3) Atbildība par Krimināllikuma pantā paredzēto noziedzīgo nodarījumu, kas izraisījis smagas sekas, iestājas, ja iegūtā peļņa, novērstie zaudējumi, iesniegto rīkojumu kopējais apmērs, izmantoto finanšu instrumentu vai tūlītēju preču darījuma līgumu vērtība vai izmantoto līdzekļu kopējā summa noziedzīga nodarījuma izdarīšanas brīdī pārsniedz 50 tai laikā Latvijas Republikā noteikto minimālo mēnešalgu kopsummu. 2. Izteikt informatīvo atsauci uz Eiropas Savienības direktīvu šādā redakcijā: Informatīva atsauce uz Eiropas Savienības direktīvām Likumā iekļautas tiesību normas, kas izriet no: 1) Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 19. novembra direktīvas 2008/99/EK par vides krimināltiesisko aizsardzību; 2) Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 16. aprīļa direktīvas 2014/57/ES par kriminālsodiem par tirgus ļaunprātīgu izmantošanu (tirgus ļaunprātīgas izmantošanas direktīva). Likums stājas spēkā gada 1. martā. Likums Saeimā pieņemts gada 28. janvārī. Rīgā gada 15. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 5 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Krimināllikumā Izdarīt Krimināllikumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, 15. ; 2000, 12., 13. ; 2001, 15. ; 2002, 11., 16., 22., 23. ; 2003, 10., 15. ; 2004, 2., 3., 4., 6., 11., 12., 13. ; 2005, 2., 11., 12., 13., 20., 21. ; 2006, 1., 7., 22. ; 2007, 3., 15. ; 2008, 3., 24. ; 2009, 13., 15., 21. ; 2010, 178., 199. ; 2011, 99., 117., 148., 199. ; 2012, 202. ; 2013, 61. ; 2014, 66., 70., 105., 204., 214. ; 2015, 11., 34., 227., 235. ) šādus grozījumus: pantā: papildināt panta nosaukumu pēc vārda organizāciju ar vārdiem un Latvijas Republikas; papildināt pirmās daļas dispozīciju ar vārdiem vai kuri nosaka un regulē Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju darbību; aizstāt pirmās daļas sankcijā vārdu trim ar vārdu četriem pantā: aizstāt pirmās daļas dispozīcijā vārdus izgatavošanu, pārvadāšanu, pārsūtīšanu, iegādāšanos vai glabāšanu nolūkā to izplatīt ar vārdiem pārvadāšanu, pārsūtīšanu, iegādāšanos vai glabāšanu nolūkā to izplatīt vai par to izgatavošanu; izteikt otro daļu šādā redakcijā: (2) Par viltotu Latvijas Republikā apgrozībā esošu vai apgrozībai paredzētu naudas zīmju, monētu, valsts finanšu instrumentu vai ārvalstu valūtas izgatavošanu vai šāda viltojuma izplatīšanu, ja tā izdarīta ievērojamā apmērā, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz astoņiem gadiem, konfiscējot mantu vai bez mantas konfiskācijas. ; papildināt pantu ar trešo daļu šādā redakcijā: (3) Par šā panta pirmajā daļā paredzētajām darbībām, ja tās izdarītas lielā apmērā vai ja tās izdarījusi organizēta grupa, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku no diviem līdz desmit gadiem, konfiscējot mantu vai bez mantas konfiskācijas, un ar probācijas uzraudzību uz laiku līdz trim gadiem vai bez tās. 3. Papildināt likumu ar pantu šādā redakcijā: pants. Naudas viltošanai pielāgotu iekārtu, programmatūras, datu un citu līdzekļu izgatavošana, iegādāšanās, glabāšana un izplatīšana Par tādu iekārtu, programmatūras, datu, aizsardzības (pretviltošanas) elementu vai jebkādu citu līdzekļu izgatavošanu, iegādāšanos, glabāšanu vai izplatīšanu, kas pielāgoti Latvijas Republikā apgrozībā esošu vai apgrozībai paredzētu naudas zīmju, monētu, valsts finanšu instrumentu vai ārvalstu valūtas viltošanai, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz trim gadiem vai ar īslaicīgu brīvības atņemšanu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu pantā: izslēgt pirmo daļu; 5 6 izslēgt ceturtās daļas dispozīcijā vārdus finanšu instrumentu iegūšanu vai atsavināšanu savā vai citas personas vārdā, pamatojoties uz finanšu instrumentu tirgus iekšējo informāciju, kā arī par tirgus manipulācijām ar finanšu instrumentiem vai par. 5. Iekšējās informācijas nelikumīga izmantošana un manipulācijas finanšu tirgos (1) Par iekšējās informācijas nelikumīgu izmantošanu finanšu tirgos, ieteikšanu citai personai vai citas personas pamudināšanu iesaistīties iekšējās informācijas nelikumīgā izmantošanā finanšu tirgos, kā arī par manipulācijām finanšu tirgos, ja ar to radītas smagas sekas, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz četriem gadiem vai ar īslaicīgu brīvības atņemšanu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu. (2) Par šā panta pirmajā daļā paredzēto noziedzīgo nodarījumu, ja to izdarījusi organizēta grupa, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku no diviem līdz desmit gadiem un ar probācijas uzraudzību uz laiku līdz trim gadiem vai bez tās pantā: aizstāt panta nosaukumā vārdus finanšu instrumentu tirgus iekšējās informācijas neatļauta ar vārdiem finanšu tirgus iekšējās informācijas nelikumīga; izteikt pirmās daļas sankciju šādā redakcijā: soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz vienam gadam vai ar īslaicīgu brīvības atņemšanu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu. ; aizstāt otrās daļas dispozīcijā vārdus finanšu instrumentu tirgus iekšējās informācijas neatļautu izpaušanu ar vārdiem finanšu tirgus iekšējās informācijas nelikumīgu izpaušanu; aizstāt otrās daļas sankcijā vārdus vienam gadam ar vārdiem diviem gadiem. 7. Manipulācijas ar sporta sacensībām (1) Par manipulācijām ar sporta organizācijas rīkotām sporta sacensībām soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz vienam gadam vai ar īslaicīgu brīvības atņemšanu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu. (2) Par šā panta pirmajā daļā paredzētajām darbībām, ja tās saistītas ar materiālu vērtību, mantiska vai citāda rakstura labumu pieņemšanu, nodošanu vai piedāvāšanu, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz trim gadiem vai ar īslaicīgu brīvības atņemšanu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu. (3) Par šā panta otrajā daļā paredzēto noziedzīgo nodarījumu, ja tas izdarīts lielā apmērā vai ja to izdarījusi organizēta grupa, soda ar brīvības atņemšanu uz laiku līdz pieciem gadiem vai ar īslaicīgu brīvības atņemšanu, vai ar piespiedu darbu, vai ar naudas sodu. 8. Papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 20. punktu šādā redakcijā: 20. Grozījumi šā likuma 84. panta nosaukumā, pirmās daļas dispozīcijā un sankcijā stājas spēkā vienlaikus ar Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likumu. 6 7 9. Papildināt informatīvo atsauci uz Eiropas Savienības direktīvām ar 19. un 20. punktu šādā redakcijā: 19) Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 16. aprīļa direktīvas 2014/57/ES par kriminālsodiem par tirgus ļaunprātīgu izmantošanu (tirgus ļaunprātīgas izmantošanas direktīva); 20) Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 15. maija direktīvas 2014/62/ES par euro un citu valūtu krimināltiesisko aizsardzību pret viltošanu un ar ko aizstāj Padomes Pamatlēmumu 2000/383/TI. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 8 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījums Sporta likumā Izdarīt Sporta likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 2002, 23. ; 2003, 23. ; 2004, 5. ; 2005, 14. ; 2006, 24. ; 2009, 6., 13. ) šādu grozījumu: Papildināt likumu ar pantu šādā redakcijā: pants. Manipulācijas ar sporta sacensībām (1) Manipulācijas ar sporta sacensībām (turpmāk manipulācijas) ir jebkāda darbība, kas vērsta uz sporta sacensību gaitas vai rezultāta neparedzamības pārkāpšanu. (2) Manipulācijas ir aizliegtas. (3) Sportistiem, sporta organizācijām, sporta darbiniekiem un sporta speciālistiem ir pienākums veikt visas manipulāciju novēršanai nepieciešamās darbības. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 9 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi likumā Par uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokli Izdarīt likumā Par uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokli (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1995, 7., 24. ; 1996, 9., 15. ; 1997, 8., 24. ; 1998, 8., 21. ; 1999, 6., 24. ; 2000, 9. ; 2001, 1., 5., 24. ; 2003, 15. ; 2005, 2., 24. ; 2006, 1. ; 2007, 3., 12., 24. ; 2009, 1., 15., 21. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009, 175., 200. ; 2010, 102., 131., 170., 206. ; 2011, 204. ; 2013, 53., 119., 194., 232. ; 2014, 247., 257. ; 2015, 42. ) šādus grozījumus: pantā: aizstāt pirmajā daļā vārdus Gada pārskatu likumā ar vārdiem Gada pārskatu un konsolidēto gada pārskatu likumā un vārdus Apdrošināšanas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likumā ar vārdiem Apdrošināšanas un pārapdrošināšanas likumā; papildināt divdesmit septīto daļu pēc vārdiem datorprogrammēšanas iekārtas ar vārdiem serveri un datu centru aprīkojums. Aizstāt 2. panta otrās daļas 2. punktā vārdus Gada pārskatu likumam ar vārdiem Gada pārskatu un konsolidēto gada pārskatu likumam. Aizstāt 3. panta septītajā daļā vārdus Gada pārskatu likumu, Kredītiestāžu likumu vai Apdrošināšanas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likumu ar vārdiem un Latvijas Republikas normatīvajiem aktiem, kas attiecīgajam subjektam nosaka gada pārskata sagatavošanas kārtību pantā: izteikt pirmās daļas pirmo teikumu šādā redakcijā: Nodokļa maksātāja (turpmāk arī maksātājs) rezidenta un pastāvīgās pārstāvniecības apliekamais ienākums ir saskaņā ar Latvijas Republikas normatīvajiem aktiem sagatavotajā maksātāja gada pārskata peļņas vai zaudējumu aprēķinā vai saskaņā ar starptautiskajiem grāmatvedības standartiem, kas pieņemti saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 19. jūlija regulu (EK) Nr. 1606/2002 par starptautisko grāmatvedības standartu piemērošanu, noteiktajā peļņas vai zaudējumu aprēķinā un citu apvienoto ienākumu pārskatā uzrādītais peļņas vai zaudējumu apjoms pirms uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokļa aprēķināšanas, kas ir attiecīgi palielināts vai samazināts par to izdevumu vai izdevumu daļas summu, kuri nav tieši saistīti ar maksātāja saimniecisko darbību, un par to zaudējumu summu, kurus radījusi maksātājam piederošo vai tā lietošanā esošo sociālās infrastruktūras objektu uzturēšana. ; izteikt 1. 1 daļu šādā redakcijā: (1 1) Citiem nodokļa maksātājiem, kuriem nav saistoši Latvijas Republikas normatīvie akti, kas nosaka gada pārskata sagatavošanas kārtību, kā arī tiem, uz kuriem neattiecas šā likuma 2. panta otrā un trešā daļa un kuri gūst ieņēmumus no saimnieciskās darbības, apliekamais ienākums ir starpība, ko veido ieņēmumi no saimnieciskās darbības un ar minēto ieņēmumu gūšanu saistītie izdevumi un kas tiek koriģēta saskaņā ar šo likumu. ; aizstāt piektajā daļā vārdus Gada pārskatu likumam ar vārdiem Gada pārskatu un konsolidēto gada pārskatu likumam. 9 10 5. 6. pantā: aizstāt pirmās daļas 1. punktā vārdus minēto pamatlīdzekļu nolietojuma un norakstīto nemateriālo ieguldījumu vērtību summu ar vārdiem minēto pamatlīdzekļu un nemateriālo ieguldījumu vērtības samazinājuma korekciju summu; izteikt pirmās daļas 4. punktu šādā redakcijā: 4) šā likuma 3. panta ceturtās daļas 2. un 5. punktā, astotajā daļā paredzētajām izmaksām (izņemot dividendes) un 8. 2 daļā paredzētajām izmaksām (izņemot ārkārtas dividendes), ja nodokļa maksātājs no tām nav ieturējis nodokli noteiktajā apjomā, kā arī par nerezidentiem veiktajiem maksājumiem, kuri izdarīti, izmantojot elektroniskās norēķinu sistēmas, ja no tiem izmaksas brīdī bija jāietur nodoklis saskaņā ar šā likuma 3. panta astoto, 8. 2 un devīto daļu, bet ienākuma izmaksas brīdī to nevarēja ieturēt. ; papildināt piekto daļu pēc vārdiem posteņu pārvērtēšanas ar vārdiem tai skaitā novērtēšanas patiesajā vērtībā (turpmāk pārvērtēšana); aizstāt sestajā daļā vārdus Apdrošināšanas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likumu ar vārdiem Apdrošināšanas un pārapdrošināšanas likumu. Aizstāt 8. pantā vārdus Apdrošināšanas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likumu vai Pārapdrošināšanas likumu ar vārdiem Apdrošināšanas un pārapdrošināšanas likumu. Izslēgt 12. panta pirmo daļu. Papildināt 13. pantu ar 2. 1 daļu šādā redakcijā: (2 1) Pamatlīdzekļa atlikušajā vērtībā neņem vērā izmaksas, kas aplēstas tā nojaukšanai un likvidācijai, kā arī atrašanās vietas atjaunošanai. 9. Izteikt 15. panta otro daļu šādā redakcijā: (2) Ja nodokļa maksātājs izmanto uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokļa atlaides saskaņā ar citiem Latvijas Republikas likumiem, šajā nodaļā paredzētās nodokļa atlaides netiek piemērotas, izņemot atlaidi par ārvalstīs samaksāto nodokli saskaņā ar šā likuma 16. pantu un atlaidi ziedotājiem saskaņā ar šā likuma pantu. Nodokļa atlaidi saskaņā ar citiem Latvijas Republikas likumiem piemēro nodokļa summai pēc šā likuma 16. un pantā noteikto atlaižu piemērošanas. 10. Papildināt panta astoto daļu ar punktu šādā redakcijā: 15 1) informācijas pakalpojumi (NACE J63);. 11. Izteikt 22. panta pirmās daļas trešo teikumu šādā redakcijā: Deklarāciju maksātājs iesniedz vienlaikus ar gada pārskatu termiņā, kāds noteikts Latvijas Republikas normatīvajos aktos, kas attiecīgajam subjektam nosaka gada pārskata sagatavošanas kārtību pantā: aizstāt pirmās daļas 1. punktā vārdus Gada pārskatu likumu ar vārdiem Latvijas Republikas normatīvajiem aktiem, kas attiecīgajam subjektam nosaka gada pārskata sagatavošanas kārtību; izslēgt trešo daļu. 10 11 pantā: izteikt panta nosaukumu šādā redakcijā: 24. pants. Nodokļa ieturēšana un informācijas sniegšana; izteikt otro daļu šādā redakcijā: (2) Nodokļa maksātājam ir pienākums sniegt Valsts ieņēmumu dienestam informāciju par nerezidentiem izmaksātajām summām, kā arī par ieturēto nodokli no nerezidentiem izmaksātajām summām, ievērojot normatīvos aktus, kas nosaka kārtību, kādā tiek sniegta informācija par nerezidentiem veiktajiem maksājumiem, kā arī ieturēto nodokli no nerezidentiem izmaksātajām summām. 14. Aizstāt 26. panta pirmajā daļā vārdus kā arī par likumos Par grāmatvedību, Gada pārskatu likumā, Kredītiestāžu likumā, Krājaizdevu sabiedrību likumā, Apdrošināšanas sabiedrību un to uzraudzības likumā, Ieguldījumu pārvaldes sabiedrību likumā un Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likumā ar vārdiem kā arī likumā Par grāmatvedību un Latvijas Republikas normatīvajos aktos, kas attiecīgajam subjektam nosaka gada pārskata sagatavošanas kārtību. 15. Izteikt 27. panta 3. punktu šādā redakcijā: 3) kārtību, kādā tiek sniegta informācija par nerezidentiem veiktajiem maksājumiem, kā arī par ieturēto nodokli no nerezidentiem izmaksātajām summām;. 16. Pārejas noteikumos: izteikt 116. punktu šādā redakcijā: 116. Grozījums šā likuma 6. punktā par tā izslēgšanu un 14. panta devītajā daļā par tās izslēgšanu piemērojams, sākot ar taksācijas periodu, kas sākas gadā, un turpmākajos taksācijas periodos. ; papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 128. punktu šādā redakcijā: 128. Grozījumi šā likuma 24. panta otrajā daļā un 27. punktā attiecībā uz kārtību, kādā tiek sniegta informācija par nerezidentiem veiktajiem maksājumiem, kā arī par ieturēto nodokli no nerezidentiem izmaksājamām summām, piemērojami darījumiem, kas veikti, sākot ar gada 1. janvāri. Likums Saeimā pieņemts gada 4. februārī. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 12 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījums likumā Par privātajiem pensiju fondiem Izdarīt likumā Par privātajiem pensiju fondiem (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1997, 14. ; 1998, 2., 19. ; 1999, 13. ; 2000, 13. ; 2002, 22. ; 2004, 2., 9. ; 2005, 8., 24. ; 2008, 13., 23. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2012, 56. ; 2013, 142., 187. ; 2014, 119. ; 2015, 208. ) šādu grozījumu: Izteikt 23. panta trešās daļas 7. punktu šādā redakcijā: 7) noguldījumos kredītiestādē, kura saņēmusi licenci kredītiestādes darbībai dalībvalstī vai valstī, kas ir Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācijas dalībvalsts un kas saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 26. jūnija regulu (ES) Nr. 575/2013 par prudenciālajām prasībām attiecībā uz kredītiestādēm un ieguldījumu brokeru sabiedrībām, un ar ko groza regulu (ES) Nr. 648/2012 (Dokuments attiecas uz EEZ) ir atzīta par valsti, kurā kredītiestādēm piemēro uzraudzības un darbību regulējošās prasības, kas ir līdzvērtīgas tām, ko piemēro Eiropas Savienībā;. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 13 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Valsts fondēto pensiju likumā Izdarīt Valsts fondēto pensiju likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 2000, 7. ; 2002, 24. ; 2005, 12. ; 2006, 21. ; 2007, 12. ; 2008, 21. ; 2009, 1., 10., 14. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2010, 206. ; 2012, 189. ; 2014, 75. ) šādus grozījumus: pantā: papildināt pirmo daļu ar 1. 1 punktu šādā redakcijā: 1 1) nodrošina fondēto pensiju shēmas dalībnieku iemaksu pārskaitīšanu līdzekļu pārvaldītājiem, uzkrātā fondētās pensijas kapitāla pieprasīšanu no līdzekļu pārvaldītājiem, fondēto pensiju shēmas dalībniekiem mainot ieguldījumu plānu vai izbeidzot dalību fondēto pensiju shēmā, un fondētās pensijas kapitāla pārskaitīšanu līdzekļu pārvaldītājiem ieguldījumu plānu maiņas gadījumā;; papildināt pantu ar ceturto daļu šādā redakcijā: (4) Šā panta pirmās daļas 1. un 1. 1 punktā noteiktos uzdevumus saskaņā ar Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likumu var deleģēt privātpersonai. Pildot šos uzdevumus, privātpersona ir Aģentūras funkcionālā pakļautībā. Izteikt 12. panta pirmās daļas 4. punktu šādā redakcijā: 4) noguldījumos kredītiestādē, kura saņēmusi licenci kredītiestādes darbībai dalībvalstī vai valstī, kas ir Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācijas dalībvalsts un kas saskaņā ar Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 26. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 14 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījums Ieguldījumu pārvaldes sabiedrību likumā Izdarīt Ieguldījumu pārvaldes sabiedrību likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, 3. ; 2002, 23. ; 2004, 9. ; 2007, 9. ; 2008, 14., 15., 23. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2010, 51. ; 2011, 173. ; 2013, 142., 192. ) šādu grozījumu: Izteikt 63. panta pirmo daļu šādā redakcijā: (1) Fonda līdzekļus drīkst noguldīt kredītiestādē, kura saņēmusi licenci kredītiestādes darbībai dalībvalstī vai valstī, kas ir Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācijas dalībvalsts un kas saskaņā ar Regulu Nr. 575/2013 ir atzīta par valsti, kurā kredītiestādēm piemēro uzraudzības un darbību regulējošās prasības, kas ir līdzvērtīgas tām, ko piemēro Eiropas Savienībā. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 15 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījums Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likumā Izdarīt Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 2004, 2. ; 2005, 10., 14. ; 2006, 14. ; 2007, 10., 22. ; 2008, 13., 14., 23. ; 2009, 7., 22. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2011, 16. ; 2012, 56., 100., 186. ; 2013, 142., 193. ; 2014, 92. ; 2015, 124., 222. ) šādu grozījumu: Aizstāt 102. panta otrajā daļā skaitļus un vārdus 1. un 7. punktā ar skaitli un vārdu 1. punktā. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 16 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Civilprocesa likumā Izdarīt Civilprocesa likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, 23. ; 2004, 6., 10., 14., 20. ; 2005, 7., 14. ; 2006, 1., 13., 20., 24. ; 2007, 3., 24. ; 2009, 2., 6., 14. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009, 205. ; 2010, 166., 183., 206. ; 2011, 16., 95., 132., 148. ; 2012, 50., 63., 100., 190., 197. ; 2013, 87., 112., 188. ; 2014, 2., 41., 63., 108., 194., 228. ; 2015, 42., 91., 118., 227., 251. Izteikt 13. panta ceturto daļu šādā redakcijā: (4) Lietas dalībniekiem, kuri lietā saņem valsts nodrošināto juridisko palīdzību vai ir atbrīvoti no tiesas izdevumu samaksas, tiesa nodrošina tiesības iepazīties ar lietas materiāliem un piedalīties procesuālajās darbībās, izmantojot tulka palīdzību, ja viņi nepārvalda tiesvedības valodu. Papildināt 33. panta trešo daļu ar 5. punktu šādā redakcijā: 5) izdevumi par tulka palīdzību tiesas sēdē pantā: papildināt pirmās daļas 4. punktu ar vārdiem tomēr ne vairāk par Ministru kabineta noteiktajām likmēm; papildināt pirmo daļu ar 5. punktu šādā redakcijā: 5) tulka izdevumi sakarā ar pušu piedalīšanos tiesas sēdē izdevumu faktiskajā apmērā, tomēr ne vairāk par Ministru kabineta noteiktajām likmēm. ; papildināt pantu ar sesto daļu šādā redakcijā: (6) Tiesa var atteikt atlīdzināt tulka izdevumus, ja puse, kurai par labu piespriežami šie izdevumi, pārvalda tiesvedības valodu. 4. Aizstāt 54. panta trešajā daļā vārdus ekspertus un tulkus ar vārdiem un ekspertus. Papildināt 55. pantu ar 8. punktu šādā redakcijā: 8) norādījumu, ka tiesvedība notiek valsts valodā un ka lietas dalībniekam, kurš nepārvalda valsts valodu, ir pienākums pašam nodrošināt tulka palīdzību, izņemot šajā likumā noteiktos gadījumus. Lietas dalībniekam ir pienākums nodrošināt tulka palīdzību arī ekspertiem vai lieciniekiem, kas izsaukti pēc viņa lūguma, ja eksperts vai liecinieks nepārvalda tiesvedības valodu. Papildināt 74. panta septīto daļu ar 2. 1 punktu šādā redakcijā: 2 1) nodrošināt tulka palīdzību, ja tās nepārvalda tiesvedības valodu, izņemot šajā likumā noteiktos gadījumus, tajā skaitā nodrošināt tulka palīdzību arī ekspertiem vai lieciniekiem, kas izsaukti pēc pušu lūguma, ja eksperts vai liecinieks nepārvalda tiesvedības valodu. Papildināt 173. pantu pēc vārda nolasa ar vārdiem vai atskaņo, ja tā fiksēta, izmantojot skaņu ierakstu. 16 17 panta pirmajā daļā: papildināt 3. punktu pēc vārdiem eksperts vai ar vārdiem tiesas nodrošinātais; papildināt daļu ar 6. punktu šādā redakcijā: 6) ja tulks neierodas tiesas sēdē tāda iemesla dēļ, kuru tiesa atzīst par attaisnojošu. Papildināt 227. panta trešo daļu pēc vārdiem var apstiprināt ar vārdiem bez puses klātbūtnes tiesas sēdē vai. Izslēgt 539. panta trešo daļu pantā: izslēgt 9. punktu; papildināt pantu ar 18. punktu šādā redakcijā: 18) Eiropas Savienības dalībvalsts vai Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas valsts kompetentās iestādes lēmuma izraksts par administratīvā naudas soda uzlikšanu, kas saistīts ar pārkāpumiem darbinieku nosūtīšanas jomā un saņemts Iekšējā tirgus informācijas sistēmā (IMI). 12. Papildināt 560. 2 daļu šādā redakcijā: (2 2) Ja parādnieks, kura parāds tiek piedzīts, pamatojoties uz Eiropas Savienības dalībvalsts vai Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas valsts kompetentās iestādes lēmumu par administratīvā naudas soda uzlikšanu, kas saistīts ar pārkāpumiem darbinieku nosūtīšanas jomā, ir apstrīdējis vai pārsūdzējis lēmumu pieprasījuma iesniedzējā dalībvalstī, izpildu lietvedība pēc Valsts darba inspekcijas lūguma ir apturama attiecībā uz apstrīdēto vai pārsūdzēto lēmuma daļu un saskaņā ar pieprasījuma iesniedzējas dalībvalsts paziņojumu. 13. Papildināt 562. panta pirmo daļu ar 15. punktu šādā redakcijā: 15) šā likuma 560. panta 2. 2 daļā paredzētajā gadījumā līdz brīdim, kad saņemts Valsts darba inspekcijas paziņojums, ka saskaņā ar pieprasījuma iesniedzējas dalībvalsts sniegto informāciju kļuvis izpildāms sūdzības izskatīšanas procedūrā pieņemtais nolēmums par lēmuma apstrīdēšanu vai pārsūdzēšanu. Papildināt 563. panta pirmo daļu ar 12. punktu šādā redakcijā: 12) saņemts Valsts darba inspekcijas paziņojums, ka saskaņā ar pieprasījuma iesniedzējas dalībvalsts sniegto informāciju atcelts Eiropas Savienības dalībvalsts vai Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas valsts kompetentās iestādes lēmums par administratīvā naudas soda uzlikšanu, kas saistīts ar pārkāpumiem darbinieku nosūtīšanas jomā. Izslēgt 567. panta piekto daļu. Papildināt 602. pantu ar ceturto daļu šādā redakcijā: (4) Piedzinējs, iesniedzot pieteikumu tiesu izpildītājam, var lūgt atlikt izsoli vai izsniegt izpildu dokumentu, pēc kura piedziņa nav izdarīta vai izdarīta nepilnīgi, ja šāds piedzinēja lūgums saņemts ne vēlāk kā septiņas dienas pirms izsoles sludinājumā norādītā izsoles noslēguma datuma. 17 18 17. Izteikt 607. panta otro daļu šādā redakcijā: (2) Tiesu izpildītājs autorizē personu dalībai izsolē piecu darbdienu laikā no nodrošinājuma un personas lūguma saņemšanas dienas, ja nepastāv šā panta trešajā daļā minētie ierobežojumi. Ja nodrošinājums vai autorizācijas lūgums nav saņemts šā panta pirmajā daļā norādītajā termiņā vai personai nav tiesību piedalīties izsolē saskaņā ar šā panta trešo daļu, tiesu izpildītājs atsaka personas autorizāciju dalībai izsolē. 18. Izteikt 608. panta ceturto daļu šādā redakcijā: (4) Izsole noslēdzas trīsdesmitajā dienā no nekustamā īpašuma izsoles sludinājumā norādītā izsoles sākuma datuma pulksten 13. 00, bet, ja trīsdesmitā diena iekrīt brīvdienā vai svētku dienā, nākamajā darbdienā līdz pulksten Ja pēdējo piecu minūšu laikā pirms izsoles noslēgšanai noteiktā laika tiek reģistrēts solījums, izsoles laiks automātiski tiek pagarināts par piecām minūtēm. Ja pēdējās stundas laikā pirms izsoles noslēgšanas tiek konstatēti būtiski tehniski traucējumi, kas var ietekmēt izsoles rezultātu, un tie nav saistīti ar sistēmas drošības pārkāpumiem, izsoles laiks automātiski tiek pagarināts līdz nākamās darbdienas pulksten Pēc izsoles noslēgšanas solījumus vairs nereģistrē un elektronisko izsoļu vietnē tiek norādīts izsoles noslēguma datums, laiks un pēdējais izdarītais solījums. 19. Papildināt 614. punktu pēc vārdiem izsoles norises laikā ar vārdiem un skaitli izņemot šā likuma 608. panta ceturtajā daļā minēto gadījumu. 20. Papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 113., 114. un 115. punktu šādā redakcijā: 113. Grozījumi par šā likuma 539. panta trešās daļas, 540. panta 9. punkta un 567. panta piektās daļas izslēgšanu stājas spēkā vienlaikus ar Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likumu. Izpildu lietvedību lietās attiecībā uz atbildīgās iestādes lēmumu par starptautisko organizāciju noteikto sankciju piespiedu izpildi, kuras tiesu izpildītāja lietvedībā ievestas līdz Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likuma spēkā stāšanās dienai, tiesu izpildītājs izbeidz, atceļot visus sakarā ar šāda lēmuma izpildi pieņemtos piespiedu izpildes līdzekļus. Izpildu lietā radušies sprieduma izpildes izdevumi tiesu izpildītājam tiek atlīdzināti atbilstoši to normatīvo aktu prasībām, kuri bija spēkā līdz Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likuma spēkā stāšanās dienai Saistībā ar tulkiem izdarītie grozījumi šā likuma 13. panta ceturtajā daļā, 33. panta trešajā daļā, papildinot to ar 5. punktu, 44. punktā un to papildinot ar 5. punktu, kā arī papildinot pantu ar sesto daļu, 54. panta trešajā daļā, 55. pantā, papildinot to ar 8. punktu, 74. panta septītajā daļā, papildinot to ar 2. 1 punktu, 210. panta pirmās daļas 3. punktā un papildinot daļu ar 6. punktu, stājas spēkā gada 31. jūlijā Šā likuma 540. panta 18. punkts, 560. 2 daļa, 562. panta pirmās daļas 15. punkts un 563. panta pirmās daļas 12. punkts stājas spēkā gada 18. jūnijā. 18 19 21. Papildināt informatīvo atsauci uz Eiropas Savienības direktīvām ar 6. punktu šādā redakcijā: 6) Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes gada 15. maija direktīvas 2014/67/ES par to, kā izpildīt direktīvu 96/71/EK par darba ņēmēju norīkošanu darbā pakalpojumu sniegšanas jomā, un ar ko groza Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes regulu (ES) Nr. 1024/2012 par administratīvo sadarbību, izmantojot Iekšējā tirgus informācijas sistēmu ( IMI regula). februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 20 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Tiesu izpildītāju likumā Izdarīt Tiesu izpildītāju likumā (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 2002, 23. ; 2004, 20. ; 2006, 2. ; 2008, 3. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2011, 26., 65. ; 2013, 21., 188. ; 2014, 228. ; 2015, 245. Izslēgt 73. panta pirmās daļas 9. punktu. Papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 34. punktu šādā redakcijā: 34. Grozījums par šā likuma 73. punkta izslēgšanu stājas spēkā vienlaikus ar Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likumu. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 21 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi Zemesgrāmatu likumā Izdarīt Zemesgrāmatu likumā (Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 1993, 14. /15. ; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1997, 5. ; 1998, 23. ; 1999, 23. ; 2003, 9. ; 2004, 10. ; 2006, 6., 14. ; 2009, 10. ; 2011, 93. ; 2013, 188. ; 2014, 216., 228. Papildināt panta pirmo daļu ar vārdiem izņemot Ārlietu ministriju. Aizstāt 72. panta otrajā daļā vārdu priekšnieks ar vārdu tiesnesis. Aizstāt 107. panta ceturtajā daļā vārdus un Valsts policija ar vārdiem Valsts policija un Ārlietu ministrija atbilstoši normatīvajiem aktiem, kas reglamentē starptautisko sankciju ieviešanu un nacionālo sankciju noteikšanu pantā: aizstāt pirmajā daļā vārdus zemesgrāmatu nodaļa saņēmusi ar vārdiem valsts vienotās datorizētās zemesgrāmatas turētājs saņēmis; papildināt pirmās daļas pirmo teikumu ar vārdiem kā arī Ārlietu ministrijas informāciju par starptautisko sankciju ieviešanu vai nacionālo sankciju noteikšanu sankciju subjektam; izteikt trešo daļu šādā redakcijā: Ziņas par šā panta pirmajā daļā minēto paziņojumu no personu rādītāja dzēš: 1) valsts vienotās datorizētās zemesgrāmatas turētājs uz paziņojuma pamata; 2) zemesgrāmatu nodaļa, ja tas norādīts nostiprinājuma lūgumā par atzīmes ierakstīšanu zemesgrāmatā. Izteikt 133. pantu šādā redakcijā: 133. No datorizētās zemesgrāmatas nodalījumiem informāciju var saņemt: 1) elektroniskā veidā; 2) neapliecinātas datorizdrukas veidā; 3) apliecinātas datorizdrukas veidā. Izteikt 134. panta trešo daļu šādā redakcijā: Citām personām šā panta pirmajā daļā minēto informāciju sniedz ar zemesgrāmatu nodaļas priekšnieka atļauju, ja minētā informācija nepieciešama šo personu aizskarto vai apstrīdēto tiesību vai ar likumu aizsargāto interešu aizsardzībai. Papildināt likumu ar pantu šādā redakcijā: Zemesgrāmatu nodaļa var pārsūtīt valsts vienotās datorizētās zemesgrāmatas turētājam pieprasījumu par tādas informācijas izsniegšanu, kuru šajā likumā noteiktajā kārtībā var sniegt valsts vienotās datorizētās zemesgrāmatas turētājs, ja pieprasījuma izpilde nav samērojama ar zemesgrāmatu nodaļas rīcībā esošajiem resursiem, it īpaši ņemot vērā pieprasījuma apjomīguma pakāpi. 21 22 8. Papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 18. punktu šādā redakcijā: 18. Grozījumi šā likuma panta pirmajā daļā, 107. panta ceturtajā daļā un panta pirmās daļas pirmajā teikumā attiecībā uz informāciju, kas saņemta no Ārlietu ministrijas, stājas spēkā vienlaikus ar Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likumu. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 23 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Grozījumi likumā Par Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistru Izdarīt likumā Par Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistru (Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 1990, 49. ; 1991, 27. /28. ; 1992, 18. /19. ; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1996, 1. ; 1997, 5., 11. ; 1998, 1. ; 1999, 24. ; 2003, 14. ; 2004, 4., 8., 22. ; 2005, 7. ; 2007, 24. ; 2008, 8. ; 2009, 3., 9., 22. ; Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2010, 183. ; 2012, 199. ; 2013, 97., 228. ; 2014, 25., 257. Izteikt 4. 2 pantu šādā redakcijā: 4. 2 pants. Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju piemērošana Ja personai tiek piemērota starptautiskā vai Latvijas Republikas nacionālā sankcija par civiltiesiskajiem ierobežojumiem, Uzņēmumu reģistra valsts notārs pieņem lēmumu: 1) atlikt ieraksta izdarīšanu komercreģistrā, ja iesniegts pieteikums par komercsabiedrības vai Eiropas komercsabiedrības ierakstīšanu komercreģistrā un tās dibinātājam vai biedram ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums. Ja sabiedrību dibina viens dibinātājs, kuram ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums, Uzņēmumu reģistra valsts notārs pieņem lēmumu par atteikumu izdarīt ierakstu komercreģistrā; 2) atlikt ieraksta izdarīšanu Uzņēmumu reģistra žurnālā, ja iesniegts pieteikums par kooperatīvās sabiedrības vai Eiropas kooperatīvās sabiedrības ierakstīšanu Uzņēmumu reģistra žurnālā un tās dibinātājam ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums; 3) atteikt ieraksta izdarīšanu par personālsabiedrības biedru, ja iesniegts pieteikums par personālsabiedrības biedra ierakstīšanu komercreģistrā un attiecīgajai personai ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums, izņemot gadījumu, kad biedra ieguldījuma (kapitāla) daļas tiek mantotas; 4) atteikt pievienot dalībnieku reģistra nodalījumu sabiedrības ar ierobežotu atbildību reģistrācijas lietai, ja iesniegts pieteikums par dalībnieku reģistra nodalījuma pievienošanu reģistrācijas lietai un tās dalībniekam ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums, izņemot gadījumu, kad dalībnieka pamatkapitāla daļas tiek mantotas; 5) atteikt pievienot dalībnieku reģistra nodalījumu sabiedrības ar ierobežotu atbildību reģistrācijas lietai, ja iesniegts pieteikums par dalībnieku reģistra nodalījuma pievienošanu reģistrācijas lietai un personai, kurai ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums, ir samazinājies tai piederošo pamatkapitāla daļu skaits; 6) atteikt ieraksta izdarīšanu komercķīlu reģistrā par komercķīlas reģistrāciju, par nodrošinātā prasījuma cesijas reģistrēšanu un komercķīlas pārjaunojuma reģistrāciju, ja komercķīlas devējam vai komercķīlas ņēmējam ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums; 7) atteikt ieraksta izdarīšanu laulāto mantisko attiecību reģistrā par jauna līguma reģistrāciju, ja laulātajam ir piemērots civiltiesiskais ierobežojums. 23 24 2. Papildināt pārejas noteikumus ar 9. 1 punktu šādā redakcijā: 9. 1 Šā likuma 4. 2 panta jaunā redakcija (par starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju piemērošanu) stājas spēkā vienlaikus ar Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likumu. februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr 25 Saeima ir pieņēmusi un Valsts prezidents izsludina šādu likumu: L/12 Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likums 1. Likumā lietotie termini Likumā ir lietoti šādi termini: 1) starptautiskās sankcijas atbilstoši starptautiskajām tiesībām attiecībā uz sankciju subjektu noteikti ierobežojumi, kurus pieņēmusi Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācija vai Eiropas Savienība, vai cita starptautiskā organizācija, kuras dalībvalsts ir Latvija, un kuri ir tieši piemērojami vai ieviesti Latvijā šajā likumā noteiktajā kārtībā; 2) nacionālās sankcijas atbilstoši Latvijas normatīvajiem aktiem un starptautiskajām tiesībām attiecībā uz sankciju subjektu noteikti ierobežojumi, kurus šajā likumā paredzētajā kārtībā noteicis Ministru kabinets; 3) kompetentā institūcija publiskas personas institūcija, kura atbilstoši tai normatīvajos aktos noteiktajai kompetencei ir atbildīga par starptautisko vai nacionālo sankciju izpildi; 4) sankciju subjekts starptautisko publisko tiesību subjekts, fiziskā vai juridiskā persona vai cits identificējams subjekts, attiecībā uz kuru noteiktas starptautiskās vai nacionālās sankcijas. Likuma mērķis Likuma mērķis ir nodrošināt mieru, drošību un tiesiskumu atbilstoši Latvijas starptautiskajām saistībām un nacionālajām interesēm, ieviešot starptautiskās sankcijas vai nosakot nacionālās sankcijas. Nacionālo sankciju noteikšana Ministru kabinets pēc savas iniciatīvas, kā arī pamatojoties uz ārlietu ministra priekšlikumu vai Nacionālās drošības padomes ieteikumu var noteikt nacionālās sankcijas, ja tas nav pretrunā ar Latvijas starptautiskajām saistībām, kas izriet no Latvijas dalības starptautiskā organizācijā, un ja tas nepieciešams, lai sasniegtu kādu no šādiem mērķiem: 1) panākt mieru vai novērst starptautiskos noziegumus vai cilvēktiesību pārkāpumus ārpus Latvijas teritorijas; 2) novērst kaitējumu Latvijas ārpolitiskajām interesēm vai nacionālajai drošībai; 3) cīnīties pret starptautisko terorismu vai masveida iznīcināšanas ieroču izgatavošanu, glabāšanu, pārvietošanu, lietošanu vai izplatīšanu; 4) novērst tādu darbību attaisnošanu vai aicināšanu uz tādām darbībām, kas vērstas pret šā panta punktā minētajiem mērķiem. Starptautisko un nacionālo sankciju veidi Latvijā var ieviest vai noteikt šādas starptautiskās vai nacionālās sankcijas: 1) finanšu ierobežojumi; 2) civiltiesiskie ierobežojumi; 3) ieceļošanas ierobežojumi; 4) stratēģiskas nozīmes preču un citu preču aprites ierobežojumi; 5) tūrisma pakalpojumu sniegšanas ierobežojumi. 25 26 5. Finanšu ierobežojumi Ja attiecībā uz sankciju subjektu noteikti finanšu ierobežojumi, Latvijas finanšu un kapitāla tirgus dalībniekiem ir pienākums veikt šādas darbības: 1) iesaldēt visus finanšu līdzekļus un finanšu instrumentus, kas ir sankciju subjekta īpašumā, valdījumā vai kontrolē; 2) liegt sankciju subjektam piekļuvi finanšu līdzekļiem un finanšu instrumentiem; 3) nesniegt sankciju subjektam starptautiskajās vai nacionālajās sankcijās noteiktos finanšu pakalpojumus. Civiltiesiskie ierobežojumi (1) Sankciju subjektam, attiecībā uz kuru noteikti civiltiesiskie ierobežojumi, ir aizliegts iegūt un atsavināt ķermeniskas un bezķermeniskas lietas, uz kurām publiskajos reģistros reģistrējamas, nostiprināmas vai publiskojamas īpašuma tiesības vai citas mantiskās tiesības. (2) Publiskajos reģistros aizliegts reģistrēt, nostiprināt vai publiskot īpašuma tiesības vai citas mantiskās tiesības, kuras ierobežotas saskaņā ar šā panta pirmo daļu. Ieceļošanas ierobežojumi Sankciju subjektam, attiecībā uz kuru noteikts ieceļošanas ierobežojums, ir aizliegts ieceļot un uzturēties Latvijā vai šķērsot Latvijas teritoriju tranzītā. Stratēģiskas nozīmes preču un citu preču aprites ierobežojumi Ja attiecībā uz sankciju subjektu noteikts ieroču embargo vai citu preču importa, eksporta, tranzīta vai starpniecības pakalpojumu aizliegums, privāto vai publisko tiesību subjektam ir aizliegts sankciju subjektam pārdot, piegādāt, nodot, eksportēt vai kā citādi atsavināt noteikta veida stratēģiskas nozīmes preces vai citas likumā noteiktās preces vai ļaut piekļūt tām. Tūrisma pakalpojumu sniegšanas ierobežojumi Privāto tiesību subjektam ir aizliegts sniegt pakalpojumus, kuri tieši saistīti ar tūrisma darbībām starptautiskajās vai nacionālajās sankcijās noteiktā teritorijā vai sankciju subjektu, attiecībā uz kuru noteikti tūrisma pakalpojumu sniegšanas ierobežojumi. Izņēmumu piemērošana sankciju izpildē (1) Ja starptautiskās vai nacionālās sankcijas paredz noteiktus izņēmuma gadījumus sankciju izpildē, kompetentā institūcija pēc sankciju subjekta lūguma var pieņemt lēmumu par šādu izņēmumu piemērošanu sankciju subjektam. (2) Kompetentā institūcija pieņem lēmumu par izņēmuma gadījumu piemērošanu sankciju izpildē, pamatojoties uz valsts drošības iestāžu vai citu institūciju sniegtajiem atzinumiem. (3) Starptautiskajās vai nacionālajās sankcijās noteiktie civiltiesiskie ierobežojumi attiecībā uz sankciju subjekta īpašumā vai valdījumā esošām ķermeniskām vai bezķermeniskām lietām nav šķērslis piedziņas vēršanai uz šādām lietām, izpildot tiesu un citu institūciju nolēmumus. Sankciju ieviešana, noteikšana un izpilde (1) Eiropas Savienības regulās noteiktās sankcijas ir saistošas un tieši piemērojamas Latvijas Republikā. (2) Ministru kabinets var izdot noteikumus par starptautisko sankciju ieviešanu, ja ir noteiktas starptautiskās sankcijas, kas nav tieši piemērojamas. 26 27 (3) Ministru kabinets var izdot noteikumus par nacionālo sankciju noteikšanu, ja tiek konstatēts kāds no šā likuma 3. pantā minētajiem pamatiem. Ar Ministru kabineta noteikumiem noteiktās sankcijas tiek attiecinātas uz konkrētiem sankciju subjektiem ar Ministru kabineta rīkojumu, kurā ir ietverts sankciju subjektu saraksts. (4) Ministru kabinets nosaka vispārēju sankciju izpildes kārtību. (5) Ministru kabinets nosaka atsevišķu kārtību, kādā izpildāmas nacionālās sankcijas, kas noteiktas saskaņā ar šā likuma 3. Ar sankciju noteikšanu un ieviešanu saistītās informācijas aprite (1) Ārlietu ministrija informē: 1) starptautiskās organizācijas par to noteikto sankciju ieviešanu Latvijā, kā arī par izņēmumiem, kurus kompetentā institūcija piemērojusi saskaņā ar šā likuma 10. pantu; 2) Ministru kabinetu par starptautiskajām sankcijām, to termiņa grozīšanu un atcelšanu; 3) kompetentās institūcijas par starptautisko un nacionālo sankciju noteikšanu, šo sankciju grozīšanu vai atcelšanu un sniedz to izpildei nepieciešamo informāciju; 4) sankciju subjektu par nacionālajām sankcijām, kas noteiktas attiecībā uz šo subjektu, un par to atcelšanu. (2) Kompetentā institūcija pēc Ārlietu ministrijas pieprasījuma informē to par sankciju izpildi un uzraudzību. Kompetentā institūcija ir tiesīga nodot Ārlietu ministrijai savā rīcībā esošo informāciju par fizisko personu, ja šāda informācija ir saistīta ar starptautisko sankciju izpildi un nepieciešama, lai Ārlietu ministrija varētu izpildīt savas saistības pret starptautiskajām organizācijām attiecībā uz to noteiktajām sankcijām, kas tiek piemērotas Latvijā. (3) Ārlietu ministrija ir koordinējošā iestāde saziņā ar starptautiskajām organizācijām un ārvalstu kompetentajām institūcijām par sankciju noteikšanu, ieviešanu un izņēmumu piemērošanu Latvijā. Kompetentās institūcijas (1) Kompetentās institūcijas veic visas tās darbības, kas nepieciešamas, lai nodrošinātu starptautisko un nacionālo sankciju izpildi. (2) Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde kā kompetentā institūcija ir atbildīga par to, lai persona, attiecībā uz kuru saskaņā ar šā likuma 11. pantu noteikts ieceļošanas ierobežojums, tiktu iekļauta to personu sarakstā, kurām ieceļošana Latvijā ir aizliegta. (3) Ekonomikas ministrija kā kompetentā institūcija sniedz informāciju un konsultē par šā likuma 11. pantā noteiktajā kārtībā ieviesto vai noteikto tūrisma pakalpojumu sniegšanas ierobežojumu spēkā stāšanos, izpildi vai atcelšanu. (4) Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisija kā kompetentā institūcija uzrauga starptautiskajās vai nacionālajās sankcijās paredzēto ierobežojumu nodrošināšanu attiecībā uz finanšu un kapitāla tirgus dalībniekiem. Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisija ir tiesīga pieņemt sankciju izpildei nepieciešamos lēmumus, tai skaitā finanšu un kapitāla tirgus dalībniekiem saistošus lēmumus par finanšu līdzekļu iesaldēšanu. (5) Rajona (pilsētas) tiesas zemesgrāmatu nodaļa kā kompetentā institūcija izpilda starptautiskajās vai nacionālajās sankcijās noteikto aizliegumu nostiprināt īpašuma tiesības uz nekustamo īpašumu vai ieraksta aizlieguma atzīmi, kas kavē jebkuru labprātīgu (izņemot mantošanas ceļā iegūtu) tiesību nostiprināšanu attiecībā uz sankciju subjekta īpašumā esošu nekustamo īpašumu. 27 28 (6) Ja attiecībā uz sankciju subjektu noteiktās sankcijas tiek grozītas vai atceltas, kompetentās institūcijas atbilstoši šīm institūcijām normatīvajos aktos noteiktajai kompetencei veic visas noteikto ierobežojumu grozīšanai vai atcelšanai nepieciešamās darbības. Starptautisko un nacionālo sankciju atcelšana (1) Ārlietu ministrs pēc savas iniciatīvas vai pamatojoties uz Nacionālās drošības padomes rekomendāciju, vai pēc sankciju subjekta iesnieguma izvērtēšanas var izteikt priekšlikumu starptautiskajai organizācijai atcelt starptautiskās sankcijas, ciktāl tās attiecas uz sankciju subjektu, ja attiecīgais subjekts ir Latvijas Republikas jurisdikcijā esoša fiziskā vai juridiskā persona. (2) Ministru kabinets pēc savas iniciatīvas vai pamatojoties uz ārlietu ministra priekšlikumu vai Nacionālās drošības padomes rekomendāciju var lemt par šā likuma 11. panta trešajā daļā noteiktajā kārtībā izdoto Ministru kabineta noteikumu un uz to pamata izdoto Ministru kabineta rīkojumu grozīšanu vai atcelšanu. Ministru kabinets pēc sankciju subjekta ierosinājuma var lemt par šā likuma 11. panta trešajā daļā noteiktajā kārtībā izdotā Ministru kabineta rīkojuma, ciktāl tas attiecas uz sankciju subjektu, grozīšanu vai atcelšanu. Nacionālo sankciju pārsūdzēšana un pārskatīšana (1) Uz Ministru kabineta noteikumu par nacionālajām sankcijām pamata izdotais Ministru kabineta rīkojums, ciktāl tas attiecas uz sankciju subjektu, pārsūdzams Administratīvajā apgabaltiesā likumā noteiktajā kārtībā. (2) Ministru kabinets ne retāk kā vienu reizi gadā pārskata šā likuma 11. panta trešajā daļā noteiktajā kārtībā izdotos Ministru kabineta noteikumus un Ministru kabineta rīkojumus ar sankciju subjektu sarakstiem un, ja nepieciešams, tos groza vai atceļ daļēji vai pilnīgi. Pārejas noteikums Ar šā likuma spēkā stāšanos spēku zaudē likums Par starptautisko organizāciju noteikto sankciju ieviešanu Latvijas Republikā (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006, 171. ). februārī Valsts prezidenta vietā Publikācija Latvijas Vēstnesī, Nr.

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  • Coauthor: Ibn e Khān
  • Resume: Sunni Ĥanafī Māturīdī Qādirī


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Drama; USA; release year=2019; tomatometer=7,2 / 10; director=Chinonye Chukwu; runtime=113 M. Clemency showtimes. Clemency define. Clemency in a sentence. Thank god! ❤️🤞🏾. Clemency petition. Clemency. ⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱ ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ Creator=Chinonye Chukwu Abstract=Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill Runtime=113 minute 6, 8 / 10 score=555 vote. This is probably the unhappiest movie I've ever seen. I loved it. This movie is probably gonna make me cry. Cant wait to watch it. 13 total views Info Playlist Poll views Chapters Highlights Thank you for taking our poll! Sorry, the poll has ended 2 videos ( 14880. 000) 【 CLEMENCY 】) MOVIE FULL HD [2019] December 18, 2019 Clemency Full Movie HDQ 2019 Videos Playlists About Privacy Search for videos Cancel of CLEMENCY ♯2019 [【Full Movie HD】] OFF AIR Clemency Full Movie HDQ 2019 1 month ago 0 views (【 CLEMENCY 】) MOVIE FULL HD [2019] 13 views 2 videos Clemency (2019) Full HD Version Playlist ( 14880. 000) PLAY] CLEMENCY ➮➮➮ No privacy policy was made available to date... Sentence life for selling marijuana when we have a president who's famously known for double crossing his contractors and possibly involve in a money laundry scheme. He is so well spoken and just such a breath of fresh air... handsome too. My graduation from Goucher. Octavia Spencer seems to be everywhere at the moment, fine actress. Clemency full movie online. Clemency Full movie page. Clemency Full movie. Clemency Full. This is really good. In “Clemency, ” Chinonye Chukwus gripping new movie, Alfre Woodard plays a death-row prison warden so deeply absorbed in her work that she often appears to be lost in thought. Her job requires both concentration and composure, an ability to maintain stillness and authority in the face of grim everyday realities. More than once a colleague will gently nudge her (“Warden … Warden”) and receive no response. Only when the warden hears her name (“Bernadine! ”) will she snap out of her trance, as though suddenly reminded that she is, in fact, a human being and not just a cog in the grinding machinery of death. The humanity of the condemned — those who await death behind bars and those who are there to guide them through it — is of crucial importance to this spare, somber drama, which won the grand jury prize for U. S. narrative films at Sundance this year. Festival awards have never been a guarantee of quality, much less a harbinger of commercial success. But “Clemency, ” opening quietly in limited theatrical release amid bigger, noisier entertainments, deserves a wider audience than its likely to find: Its a sterling piece of American realism, powered by the transfixing spectacle of a great actor at the peak of her powers. As Bernadine Williams, the longtime overseer of this maximum-security institution, Woodard tightens her face into a mask of resolve that is somehow both coolly inscrutable and intensely expressive. None of the worlds troubles seem to have escaped her heavy-lidded gaze, and nary a flicker of a smile warms her hard-set features. In the opening scene, the camera holds on Bernadine as she marches down a corridor, steeling herself for the ordeal to come and sizing up the enormous gurney to which an inmate, Victor Jimenez (Alex Castillo) will be strapped for his lethal injection. Shes been down this road many times before, but time and experience havent numbed her to its horrors. The gurney is positioned upright in a way that suggests a cross, another instrument of state-sanctioned killing. Its not the only time Chukwu infuses these grim procedures with the air of a religious ritual. There is also the presence of a sympathetic chaplain (Michael ONeill) and the anguished weeping of Victors mother (Alma Martinez) from the witness room. The connection is made explicit by the Lords Prayer that escapes Victors throat in his agonizingly protracted final moments, crying out over the sound of a gradually decelerating heart monitor. Alfre Woodard in the movie “Clemency. ” (Paul Sarkis) Due to an improperly administered injection, Victors execution goes horribly wrong, and Chukwu captures the grisly fallout with an excruciating mix of temporal duration and visual restraint. (The deliberately framed cinematography is by Eric Branco, the spare, methodical editing by Phyllis Housen. Victor dies eventually, but his specter lives on. The botching of an already morally questionable, politically controversial procedure earns the prison undesired media attention and sends Bernadine, without hesitation or even visible panic, into damage-control mode. Unfolding over the tense and difficult days that follow, “Clemency” uses this disruption of ordinary routine to bring Bernadines psychological strain to the surface — to measure the toll that her work has taken on her emotional and psychological well-being, and especially her marriage to her schoolteacher husband, Jonathan (an excellent Wendell Pierce. The mishandled execution doesnt cause her problems so much as expose them. It also casts a shadow over the scheduled execution of Anthony Woods (Aldis Hodge) a man in his 30s who was convicted of killing a police officer as a teenager, and who is now waiting for the governors office to grant him an 11th-hour reprieve. Chukwu spent several years researching “Clemency, ” interviewing workers in the prison system and volunteering in clemency cases for women serving life sentences. Her stance on the morality of capital punishment is clear enough here, and for all the patience and subtlety of her filmmaking, she isnt afraid to stack the deck in ways that arise all too persuasively from her real-world experience. If Victors botched execution is an argument against the death penalty, then Anthonys possible innocence is another, as borne out by the tireless advocacy of his attorney, Marty (Richard Schiff) and the many civilians who gather outside the prison daily to protest his execution. Chukwu wisely resists the temptation to put Anthony on trial. She trusts that it will require little stretch of the imagination, or even much in the way of empathy, for us to see him as the latest of countless men — many of them black — who have been railroaded by the criminal justice system for decades. You might think of Rodney Reed, the Texas death-row inmate who received a stay of execution just last month amid rumors of new evidence that might exonerate him. You might also flash back on men like Walter McMillian, who served six years on Alabamas death row before a court in 1993 overturned his murder conviction; his story is told in “Just Mercy, ” a slicker, more inspirational death-row drama that is also opening this week in theaters. Aldis Hodge in the movie “Clemency. ” (Eric Branco) There is no comparable uplift in “Clemency. ” Marty, as played by Schiff, is no charismatic crusader for justice; hes nearing the end of a long, often thankless career, and his arguments with the warden seem to arise from a shared, collective exhaustion. Hodges performance, by contrast, emphasizes Anthonys forceful humanity; he rages against the dying of the light behind bars, careening from wild optimism to soul-crushing defeat. In one of the movies most difficult scenes, Anthony realizes that his ability to choose the moment and manner of his death might be the one freedom remaining to him — and not for long. Anthonys interactions with Bernadine are brief but profoundly impactful, for them as well as the audience. That they are both black Americans, on opposite sides of a system that has failed them both, somehow strikes me as both an incidental detail and, in some ways, the entire point. Their kinship is couched in the usual procedural banalities, in the pressing issues of last meals and last rites. But Woodard and Hodge succeed in infusing even their tersest exchanges — a simple explanation of logistics, an expression of gratitude — with an almost subterranean depth of emotion. The intensity of their dynamic burns away some of “Clemencys” occasional missteps, including a few simplistic dream sequences and some overly on-the-nose dialogue between Bernadine and Jonathan, whos fed up with his “empty shell of a wife. ” Its an understandable if not entirely fair sentiment. Bernadine isnt empty; although she may have willed herself into an automaton-like stoicism, the guilt and doubt that have worn her down over the years are also testaments to her capacity for feeling. When she goes out after work to drown her sorrows with a colleague (Richard Gunn) an ocean of repressed torment seems to come gushing out. And when Bernadine locks gazes with the camera in the storys unflinching final moments, this powerfully bleak movie reminds us that imprisonment is, first and foremost, a condition of the mind and spirit. It pulls us in deep, making us complicit in a strange, terrible intimacy that ultimately draws no distinction between the living and the dead. ‘Clemency Rating: R, for some disturbing material and language Running time: 1 hour, 53 minutes Playing: Opens Dec. 27 at the Landmark, West Los Angeles. Think the thing I hate most about Adam Sandler is how good he is we he actually gives af. Salima Chai. Two of the finest actresses of our generation. No one is perfect love every one makes mistakes its what u do from now. Description! HD720p! Clemency (2019) Full#Movie 123Movies WatchClemency ( Full*Movie) Online Free A detective recruits his Uber driver intoanunexpectednight ofadventure. ✮ How ‘Clemency ‘ Cast Put a Twist on Their Characters ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ CLICK HERE TO WATCH FULL MOVIE HD. ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ Tagline: Murder: How do we feel about it? Genres: Drama Production Companies: Ace Pictures, Bronwyn Cornelius Productions, ACE Pictures Entertainment, Big Indie Pictures Production Countries: United States of America SYNOPSIS: Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill. How long were you asleep during the Clemency Movie? Themusic, the story, and the message were phenomenal in Clemency. I could never seeany other Movie five times like I didthis one. Go back and see it a second timeand pay attention. Watch Clemency Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly rippedfrom astreaming serClemency, such as Netflix, AClemencyzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a Movie or TV show downloaded viaan onlinedistribution website, such as iTunes. 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In a Clemencyrch 2016study assessing the Impact of Movie Streamingover traditional DVD MovieRental it was found that respondents do not purchaseDVD Movies nearly as muchanymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the Movie Clemency, viewers did not find Movie quality to besignificantlydifferent between DVD and online streaming. Issues thatrespondents believedneeded improvement with Movie streaming included functionsof fast forwardingor rewinding, as well as search functions. The articlehighlights that thequality of Movie streaming as an industry will only increasein time, asadvertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughouttheindustry, providing incentive for quality content production. Watch Clemency Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips are encodeddirectly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p(depending on disc source) anduse the x264 codec. They can be ripped fromBD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-rayat higher resolutions. 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Download Clemency Movie HDRip WEB-DLRip Download Clemency Movie Clemency full Movie Watch Online Clemency full English Full Movie Clemency full Full Movie, Clemency full Full Movie Watch Clemency full English FullMovie Online Clemency full Film Online Watch Clemency full English Film Clemency full Movie stream free Watch Clemency full Movie sub indonesia Watch Clemency full Movie subtitle Watch Clemency full Movie spoiler Clemency full Movie tamil Clemency full Movie tamil download Watch Clemency full Movie todownload Watch Clemency full Movie telugu Watch Clemency full Movie tamildubbed download. To my becoming an Israeli. Clemency Theatrical release poster Directed by Chinonye Chukwu Produced by Bronwyn Cornelius Julian Cautherley Peter Wong Timur Bekbosunov Alfre Woodard Written by Chinonye Chukwu Starring Richard Schiff Danielle Brooks Michael O'Neill Richard Gunn Wendell Pierce Aldis Hodge Music by Kathryn Bostic Cinematography Eric Branco Edited by Phyllis Housen Production companies ACE Pictures Big Indie Pictures Bronwyn Cornelius Productions Distributed by Neon Release date January 27, 2019 ( Sundance) December 27, 2019 (United States) Running time 113 minutes Country United States Language English Box office 313, 111 [1] 2] Clemency is a 2019 American drama film written and directed by Chinonye Chukwu. It stars Alfre Woodard, Richard Schiff, Danielle Brooks, Michael O'Neill, Richard Gunn, Wendell Pierce and Aldis Hodge. It had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 27, 2019. It was released on December 27, 2019, by Neon. It received critical acclaim for its screenplay, cinematography, Chukwu's direction, score, themes, and especially Woodard's performance. [3] Premise [ edit] Bernadine Williams, a Death Row prison warden whose job has taken a psychological toll on her, must confront her demons when she has to execute another inmate. Cast [ edit] Release [ edit] The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 27, 2019. [4] It won the U. Dramatic Grand Jury Prize there, making Chukwu the first black woman to win the award. [5] Shortly after, Neon acquired distribution rights to the film. [6] It screened at the San Diego International Film Festival on October 18, 2019. [7] It is scheduled to be released on December 27, 2019. [8] Reception [ edit] Critical response [ edit] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 92% based on 84 reviews, with an average rating of 7. 66/10. The site's consensus reads. Clemency mines serious social issues for gripping drama, brought to life by an outstanding cast led by Alfre Woodard. 3] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 76 out of 100, based on 23 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews. 9] Eric Kohn of IndieWire gave the film an "A–" and wrote: Writer-director Chinonye Chukwu's second feature maintains the quiet, steady rhythms of a woman so consumed by her routine that by the end of the opening credits, it appears to have consumed her humanity as well. 10] Accolades [ edit] See also [ edit] List of black films of the 2010s References [ edit] "Clemency (2019. Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ Clemency (2019. The Numbers. ^ a b "Clemency (2019. Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved January 12, 2020. ^ Sundance Unveils Politics-Heavy Lineup Featuring Ocasio-Cortez Doc, Feinstein Drama. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved November 28, 2018. ^ Erbland, Kate (February 3, 2019. Sundance: Clemency' Filmmaker Chinonye Chukwu Is First Black Woman to Win Biggest Prize. Retrieved April 22, 2019. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (February 27, 2019. Chinonye Chukwu's Sundance Grand Jury Prize Winner 'Clemency' Acquired By NEON. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved February 27, 2019. ^ 2019 San Diego Intl Film Festival. September 21, 2019. Retrieved September 24, 2019. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (April 25, 2019. Sundance Grand Jury Prize Winner 'Clemency' Eyes Awards Season Release Date. Retrieved April 25, 2019. ^ Clemency Reviews. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. ^ Kohn, Eric (January 28, 2019. Clemency' Review: Alfre Woodard Is Brilliant in Must-See Prison Drama — Sundance. IndieWire. Retrieved February 3, 2019. ^ Debruge, Peter (February 2, 2019. Sundance Winners: Clemency, One Child Nation Take Top Honors. Variety. ^ a b "SIFF 2019 Award Winners. SIFF. Retrieved July 10, 2019. ^ 2019 Philadelphia Film Festival: Full lineup revealed. 6abc Philadelphia. October 18, 2019. ^ a b "Gotham Awards: Marriage Story. The Farewell. Uncut Gems' Lead Nominations. ^ Schaffstall, Katherine (January 2, 2020. Artios Awards: Hustlers. Knives Out. Rocketman' Among Casting Society Film Nominees. Retrieved January 6, 2020. ^ a b c Sharf, Zack; Sharf, Zack (November 21, 2019. 2020 Independent Spirit Awards Nominees: Marriage Story. Uncut Gems. and More. External links [ edit] Clemency on IMDb. Why even make a part 2 smh the story line don't add up period. 3:06 and a meme was born on this very day use as you please. Clemency full movie online free. Clemency full movie. Marriage Story, The Report And The Rise Of Skywalker All Releasing On The Same Month. Hope That Adam Driver Gets The Oscar He deserves. Critics Consensus Clemency mines serious social issues for gripping drama, brought to life by an outstanding cast led by Alfre Woodard. 92% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 107 65% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 54 Clemency Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. Clemency Videos Photos Movie Info Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams (Alfre Woodard. Rating: R (for some disturbing material, and language) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 27, 2019 limited Runtime: 112 minutes Studio: NEON Cast News & Interviews for Clemency Critic Reviews for Clemency Audience Reviews for Clemency Clemency Quotes News & Features. In knee high. Clemency Full movie page imdb. Clemency full movie stream. Clemency full movie on putlocker. Adam looks absolutely delicious. Aw man, its one of those movies that seem like a good time and end up breaking your heart a thousand different ways and making you skeptical about love. There should have been a third trailer on their kid's POV 😁. Watch clemency full movie. YouTube Clemency FULL MOVIE (2019. COOLHAND. January 28, 2019 11:49PM PT Alfre Woodard plays a warden at a maximum security prison whose spirit is challenged by the nature of her job in this moving death penalty drama. Warden Bernadine Williams ( Alfre Woodard) has executed 12 death row inmates, and each one seems to get harder. During the lethal injection that opens writer-director Chinonye Chukwu s “ Clemency, ” the paramedic cant find a vein, the grieving mother is sobbing through her prayers, the anti-capital punishment protestors are chanting outside, and when the stent fails and the prisoner goes into convulsions, Bernadine is forced to close the curtain on the family and journalists observing the mans final moments. Its all awful and bitterly ironic, from the crucifixion position of the doomed man to the way Bernadine leans over at the last minute to ask if she can get him anything. To make sure the audience, too, is in agony, Chukwu silences everything but the sound of fumbling death: buckles, strangled breathing and the beeps of the heart monitor until its clear the man is dead. You wont be able to see the time of death on the wardens face. Bernadine prides herself on being professional, almost mask-like in her commitment to procedure. She orders her guards to practice strapping each other onto the gurney, asks the condemned what theyd like for their last meal — vegan? steak and lobster? — and calmly talks them through “the procedure, ” down to the chilling line, “At that point the medical personnel will confirm the execution is complete. ” Mostly, she and her prisoners wait for the inevitable, and Chukwu ensures we feel every slow second, including the nights Bernadine stays up till dawn watching infomercials on depression until her husband (Wendell Pierce) accuses their marriage of flatlining. “I need a pulse! ” he pleads. But the next inmate in line for the needle, convicted cop killer Anthony Woods (Aldis Hodge) — a quiet man who draws birds and comes to life only when his lawyer comes to visit — shatters the wardens composure. And once the waterworks start, her sobs (and those of several other characters) flood the rest of the film, nearly all of them shot in static close-up with the light hitting their tear droplets just so. If Woodard is hoping for her overdue second Oscar nomination after 1983s “Cross Creek, ” shes got a decent shot with this excruciating character arc. Yet, the actress is even better in the scenes where Bernadine simply gets drunk, even if she still cant talk about anything but work. When the man she calls Deputy (Richard Gunn) begs her to change the subject, Woodard waits a beat and tries, “Hows your … children? ” In those moments, Chukwu shows us the woman Bernadine used to be before she was tugged in opposite directions by the victims families and the defense lawyers who want to do right by their clients. Anthonys lawyer (Richard Schiff) challenges Bernadines dispassionate obeisance to the law. Yet, its not clear what he, or the film, expects her to do. While a warden is supposedly in charge of her prison, shes powerless to save the lives of the condemned. She didnt sentence the prisoners — and she cant pardon them, either. If Chukwu just wants the audience to witness Bernadines burden, the script overplays its hand by questioning Anthonys guilty conviction. The added doubt muddies the movies message. Either capital punishment is wrong on principal, since it kills both the prisoners and the spirits of those tasked to carry out the sentence, or its just wrong for one possibly innocent man. To the films detriment, theres no sense that Anthony could truly be a murderer. To Chukwu, hes simply a man who dreams of flight. In one tracking shot, the camera spins in circles as he paces the perimeter of his outdoor cage, and when it pans up, even the ceiling is steel. Later, in the films slowest, but most powerful scene, Anthony is visited by a woman from his past played by Danielle Brooks (“Orange Is the New Black, ” who in one of her first film roles announces herself as a major presence. For a moment, its possible to forget every other character in the film. But when Chukwu refocuses her attention on Bernadine, the final moments of “ Clemency ” make it clear the wardens is the soul that needs to be pardoned. Motion capture in one form or another has been around for decades, and certainly the most recognizable modern use comes from “The Lord of the Rings” films in which Andy Serkis portrayed the beady-eyed creature Gollum. The actor wore a special bodysuit, helmet and strategically placed markers so that each detail of the part computer-generated. We recently received a crackling phone call from Australia. Of all people, it was one of the producers of the 1992 animated hit “FernGully, ” who had just returned from evacuation after a miraculous shift in the wind prevented his entire farm from being destroyed by wildfire. Much of the country was not so lucky. Still, in. Taut, tense and fluid, the Oscar-nominated script for “1917” reflects a collaboration of old guard and new — Oscar-winning writer-director Sam Mendes and debut feature writer Krysty Wilson-Cairns. They structured the WWI epic as a single shot tracking two young British soldiers, lance corporals Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) and Schofield (George MacKay. Their mission? Cross no-mans. “On The Record, ” a harrowing documentary about the burden of women of color in the #MeToo movement, has been upstaged for nearly a month by the departure of former executive producer Oprah Winfrey. Winfrey, who had also guaranteed the films distribution through an overall streaming deal with Apple, was always meant to amplify an urgent. Picturehouse Entertainment has acquired U. K. rights from TrustNordisk for Maria Sødahls “Hope, ” which stars Stellan Skarsgård and Andrea Bræin Hovig, and will have its European premiere at the Berlin Film Festival this month. Based on the directors own experiences after being diagnosed with brain cancer, “Hope” explores the relationship between artists and partners Tomas (Skarsgård. The giant film studio complex at Qingdao in Eastern China has halted all film and TV production in response to the novel coronavirus that has infected thousands in the country and claimed more than 360 lives. Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis announced on Monday via its official WeChat social media channel that all productions at the. The TorinoFilm Lab has announced the 20 feature film projects and five story editor trainees who will take part in the 2020 edition of ScriptLab, an intensive workshop focused on feature film scripts in early stages of development. The program partners participants with filmmakers from around the world to develop their scripts through a series. Find the best for your family See what's streaming, limit strong violence or language, and find picks your kids will love with Common Sense Media Plus. Join now Powerful, intense, mature drama about the death penalty. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options. Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options. A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this movie. This movie gives viewers plenty to think and talk about concerning the death penalty. Also, what does it mean when someone is "just doing their job" Positive Role Models & Representations Although she's a strong character and a Black woman in a position of power, it's difficult to describe Bernadine as a clearly positive role model, given that she's not only in charge of executing prisoners but also that she's clearly suffering and has no outlet. And she never seeks help for her pain. Horrifying sequence of a death row prisoner's execution (by lethal injection) going wrong, leading to an agonizing death. Blood spills out of chest wound. Prisoner bashes own head against wall three times, blood smear on wall. Angry protestors shouting. Arguing. A married couple attempts sex but gives up. Moaning noises heard, kissing shown. In a later scene, a man fondles his wife's breasts (over clothing) kisses her, makes brief "sexy talk. " Infrequent uses of "f- k. s- t. goddamn. and "damn. " Drinking, Drugs & Smoking Main character drinks frequently in bars. She gets staggering drunk in one scene and tries to drive, but a co-worker takes her home instead. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. Subscribe User Reviews There aren't any reviews yet. Be the first to review this title. What's the story? In CLEMENCY, prison warden Bernadine Williams ( Alfre Woodard) prepares to execute yet another death row inmate, but something goes horribly wrong, and the prisoner dies in agony. The incident casts a pall over everything as Bernadine tries to hang onto her crumbling marriage to Jonathan ( Wende

New York holds a special place in my heart. This should be the universal format of trailers to avoid spoilers. Clemency of titus.


Love it. Very beautiful. Clemency def. Through June of 2005, I had overcome a solid black. Love this actress. Clemency review. Clemency trailer 2019. Clemenceau. Clemency movie showtimes. Clemency rotten tomatoes. Clemency full movie 2019. Clemency meaning. Clemency 2020. Clemency trailer reaction. Clemency meaning in hindi. Clemency torrent. Clemency full movie. Clemency wanama. Clemency film. Clemency definition government.

Clemency imdb. ⌘⌘ ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ ⌘⌘ STREAM ⌘⌘ ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ / Country: USA / Chinonye Chukwu / rating: 558 Vote / Genre: Drama / Duration: 1H, 53 minutes. @Pestinha92 that's a jaw harp. you play it with the mouth Es bellisimo. Me encanta tu música! 😌. Alto temon. Excelente 👏 solo falta promocionarse más y sería un hit 👌. Bellissimo. W e love movies and we love them even more if they are free. Right? If you open your web browser and type free movie download websites, you’ll be presented with a long list of illegal websites promising to grab your favorite blockbuster in a matter of seconds. We are here with a list of some free movie download websites where you can get some quality entertainment without paying any money. This list includes the likes of The Internet Archive, Kanopy, Hotstar, Pluto TV, Public Domain Torrents, Retrovision, etc. There are many legal sources that provide free movies and TV shows; you can check out our list of sites for free and legal music and free sports streaming as well. Free Movie Download Websites [Totally Legal] 1. YouTube In an earlier version of this article, YouTube was listed a lot lower in this list. However, thanks to some recent changes and the company’s growing inclination towards free, ad-supported content, I’ve decided to list it as the #1 source of free movies on the web. Now, YouTube offers more than 100 complete feature-length films on its platform. It’s also mentioned on our latest list of best movie streaming sites. This makes YouTube a perfectly free movie website for those who can’t afford to spend a premium for accessing Netflix and Hulu content. You can simply visit this link and watch movies like Zookeeper, Legally Blonde, The Terminator, Flawless, Kung Fu Killer, IP Man, and more. Moreover, YouTube also has plans to make its original shows and movies free from 2020. It’s worth noting that these movies for streaming are currently only available in the USA. In case you’re from India, feel free to check out our list of best sites for Indian movies. The list contains reputed sources like YuppFlix, BoxTV, etc. Availability: USA 2. The Internet Archive You’ll be surprised to find The Internet Archive sitting at the top of our free movie download websites. It like a goldmine to download free movies, music, and books. This list includes the original Jungle Book, Farewell to Arms, Iron Mask, Night of the Living Dead, The Brother from Another Planet, etc. About 4-5 years ago, The Internet Archive just provided direct links and often the movie downloads failed as the file sizes were large. Thanks to the torrent links, now you can easily enjoy and download hundreds of movies without spending a penny. The overall catalog found on this website is continuously growing and new content is added every day. This free movie download site also allows creating a free virtual library card which grants you access to forums, the ability to upload videos, bookmark favorite content, etc. Availability: Everywhere 3. Watch TCM As an added benefit, many movie studios and streaming services offer free access to movie websites if you have an active cable subscription. Out of all such free offerings, Turner Classic Movies’ TCM features the best collection of movies. Called Watch TCM, this service lets you watch an unlimited number of free movies with either a cable or satellite package. Some of the most popular feature films on Watch TCM are Gone With The Wind, Westworld, Casablanca, etc. What makes TCM even better is the availability of dedicated apps for Android, iOS, Apple TV, etc. The service also contains articles, information about artists, short movies, and lists of movie recommendations. 4. Hotstar Having talked about the American viewers and the availability of free movies for them in the YouTube section, let’s talk about Indian/Hindi content. Even though paid services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are focusing more and more on Indian audience, Hotstar remains a good source of free streaming and movie download for offline streaming. This free movie download site’s catalog has good amount of popular Indian movies like Housefull, Raid, Kaabil, Jolly LLB, Bodyguard, and more. The interface of the service is pretty neat and there’s a well-designed app as well. Moreover, Hotstar is also great for watching Indian TV shows, sports, and news for free. Availability: India (free), USA (Paid) 5. The Korean Film Archive The Korean Film Archive on YouTube is a hidden gem that cinephiles will surely appreciate. Named Korean Classic Film, this official channel contains more than 200 classic Korean movies right from the 1930s onwards. With the increasing popularity of Korean cinema in the West, this channel is the perfect way to explore the classic works of South Korean Cinema. Some of the notable works streaming for free are The Day A Pig Fell Into The Well, Aimless Bullet, A Drawf Launches A Little Ball, Sopyonje, etc. All the movies come with English subtitles, so you don’t have to worry about the language barrier. If you love cinema, go ahead and give these free movies a try — you won’t be disappointed. 6. Retrovision By paying a visit to this free movie download website, you can get your hands on many classics and free TV shows in the public domain. This source of classic content also has an Android app named Classic UHF, using which you can grab and watch things on the go. On a side note, we’ve recently published a list of free movie apps that are available for Android and iOS. So, do check them out. Thanks to its genre-specific menus, searching for movies on Retrovision is very simple. The website splits its content into different popular categories like Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Cartoons, Sci-Fi, Horror, War, Drama, and Westerns. If you are looking for all the content at one place, just hit the All button in the top menu bar. On the left side there are tags as well for easier navigation. You can also sign up for their newsletter to get notified about any new content that’s posted on the website. Availability: Everywhere 7. Le CiNéMa Club Earlier this year, the highly-curated Indie film streaming site Le CiNéMa Club was relaunched with a redesigned interface. First launched in 2015, the website aims to promote new talent and provide exposure to rare gems that don’t get the attention they deserve. The website is known to stream one new film each week and is open to contributions from filmmakers. While most of the content you’ll find on the site is of short-film nature, the website is open to features of any length. The site has notably streamed Claire Denis’ ultra-rare “Keep It for Yourself” in the past. At the time of writing this article, the website is streaming “Out-takes From The Life Of A Happy Man” by Jonas Mekas. 8. Crackle Crackle is a great website for free movies online as it’s owned by Sony. So, naturally, you get lots of movies to watch. You need to do a simple signup, create a watchlist and you’ll be shown recommendations based on your priorities. Crackle offers lots of popular movies and TV shows that you won’t find for free on other websites. As long as you are willing to watch a couple of ads and commercials. Some of its great offerings include Seinfeld, Firefly, Sports Jeopardy, and more. Crackle has Android and iOS apps as well, which is an obvious plus point. Some of the content on Crackle could be blocked in your country due to license restrictions. You can access them using a VPN or proxy service. Availability: USA 9. Pluto TV Pluto TV tries to mimic a traditional TV layout and it’s one of my favorite services on this list. This service to watch free movies online offers 75+ TV channels from different categories. All these channels are divided into news, TV, movies, tech, sports, and other popular sections. Pluto TV also offers its official application for almost all popular platforms and you can enjoy the content on the go. They also have their own dedicated movie channel. One thing you should note is that some channels will only be available if you’re in the US. So, you can either use a VPN service or a proxy for an uninterrupted experience. Availability: Worldwide (More content in the US) 10. A24 Movies on Kanopy When we talk about hidden movie streaming gems, we can’t miss Kanopy. By partnering with libraries and universities all across the world, Kanopy has managed to deliver a unique collection of content for free. Just last year, Kanopy announced its partnership with Oscar-winning movie studio A24. As a result of this, widely celebrated features like Lady Bird, Good Time, Room, The Lobster, The Florida Project, Moonlight, First Reformed, etc., are available to stream for free. 11. Open Culture Open Culture offers high-quality videos from all across the world. It’s home to free movies, free online courses, and free language lessons. Founded in 2006, it has 6 main sections: Movies, Online courses, Language lessons, e-Books, Textbooks, Audiobooks. Movies section consists of an excellent collection. Currently, it hosts 1, 150 free movies online that includes a special collection of Oscar-Winning Movies and Charlie Chaplin movies. 12. MoviesFoundOnline This website curates free movies, independent films, TV shows, and stand-up comedy video. The website hosts free movies ranging from cult classics and short films to documentaries and comedy movies. This website curates lots of public domain movies and serves them to you. As MoviesFoundOnline doesn’t host or upload any media on its own, it works actively to delete the movies if there’s some copyright infringement. 13. NoBudge If I call NoBudge a one-person project, I won’t be wrong. Founded by indie filmmaker and actor Kentucker Audley, this website is dedicated to independent short and feature films. Most of the movies on NoBudge haven’t been much seen or reviewed by the critics, so you’ll have to stream them without any assistance of any kind. However, since each money is personally selected by Audley, the chances of stumbling on a bad movie are slim. 14. PopcornFlix This free movie streaming website is owned by Screen Media Ventures. The website offers lots of public domain movies and original content. You can use this website to view content on any type of device without spending a single penny. The website hosts thousands of free movies spread across multiple categories like drama, action, comedy, horror, etc. Here, you’ll also get many free TV shows and full National Geographic series catalog. 15. Hulu Subscription-based streaming website Hulu is also here at your service even if you choose to opt for the free account, which comes with limited content. Here, without any need to download movies, you can stream more than 100 free movies. Apart from the movies, you can also spend some hours watching lots of free TV episodes. Hulu too has apps for Android and iOS. Again, Hulu isn’t available in all countries around the world. So, the usage of a VPN or proxy is required. 16. Vimeo Just like YouTube, Vimeo also has a good collection of free movies. It goes without saying that the site offers a clean layout that makes it a great place for movie lovers who wish to enjoy free independent movies online and documentaries. There are lots of short movies available for your entertainment. You might not be knowing but Vimeo also offers an On-Demand content section where you can pay for TV shows and movies. 17. Yahoo View Before telling you further about Yahoo Movies’ free movies section, let me mention that you can access most of the free content of this service only in the United States. Some of you might try to access it using a VPN but we can’t guarantee if it’ll work for you. The site for streaming free movies online has all the content sorted in a clean interface; you can select any genre of your interest by tapping on large rectangular buttons. In case you’re interested, the website also hosts movies trailers, free TV shows, and documentaries. A lot of content on this free movie site is powered by Hulu and other services. Under each video, you’ll see a message telling the days remaining before that particular free movie expires from the website. 18. IMDb TV Update: This service is now renamed as IMDb TV. The latest addition to this list of movie streaming sites in IMDb Freedive. As IMDb is owned by Amazon, this service has been made available for f ree to all owners of Fire TV in the United States. The initial collection of free movies and TV shows is pretty impressive and the owners of the service have promised to add more content from time to time. The users can also use Alexa to launch Freedive online streaming. To do so, one simply needs to say “Alexa, go to Freedive. ” Some of the interesting titles available at launch are Midnight in Paris, The Illusionist, Memento, Born This Way, Quantum Leap, and more. 19. Yidio Many of you might not be knowing that Yidio movie site’s full name is Your Internet Video. If I talk about the complete library of content available on Yidio, this online video guide contains more than 1 million TV shows and movies. The users can sign up on the website and add movies to the watchlist section for later viewing. This feature is very useful for maintaining your collection of favorite movies. Moving on to the free part, you can choose the free filter at the top and categorize all the content at one place. At the right, there are options to sort content by popularity, date, and genre. Moreover, you also get the option to sort the free movies by R, PG-13, PG, G, NR, and NC-17 rating. 20. Legal Torrent Sites Last but definitely not the least. There are tons of legal torrent websites out there that only share content that’s in the public domain. You can visit these safe torrent sites to download movies and watch them offline at your convenience. As linked earlier in the article, you can also visit our list of best apps for streaming free movies we all. @Pestinha92 Mouth Harp. Its driving me nuts that the Drottingholm Don Giovanni isnt on DVD. It WAS filmed, and the only one missing from the mature cycle. But apparently its only on an extremely rare Laserdisc. Buenísimo. DOWNLOADED the Movie. Jag har hittat er superkanal för inte så länge sedan. Tack för att ni finns! Jag har lärt mig sååå mycket! ❤️. ⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱⟱ STREAM ↟↟↟↟↟↟↟↟↟ Genre - Drama release Year - 2020 countries - UK Mark Burnell 1hour 49Min. The rhythm section 2020. 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As Guitar players, the goal is to be a member of the band when you have to be, and when it's your time shine, you go for it full force! But during those times that you have to hold back and hang with the rhythm section give the idea of open string power chords on your guitar during your rhythm guitar sections to add a feel that will definitely bring out any section of a song (although you might want to consider waiting until the chorus to open up like this. ) Follow WonderHowTo on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Flipboard, LinkedIn. The rhythm section. The rhythm section parents guide. The rhythm section movie trailer. The Rhythm. The rhythm section 2019. The rhythm section plot. The Rhythm sections. The rhythm section by mark burnell. 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The video (H. 264 or H. 265) and audio (AC3/The Rhythm Section C) streams are usually extracThe Rhythm Section from the The Rhythm Sectionunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container wThe Rhythm Sectionhout sacrificing qualThe Rhythm Sectiony. ✧Download Movie The Rhythm Section One of the movie streaming industrys largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met The Rhythm Sections demise wThe Rhythm Sectionh the mass popularization of online content. The rise of media streaming has caused the downfall of many DVD rental comThe Rhythm Sectionies such as Blockbuster. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflixs DVD services. The Rhythm Section staThe Rhythm Section that Netflix is continuing their DVD services wThe Rhythm Sectionh 5. 3 milThe Rhythm Section subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming services have 65 milThe Rhythm Section members. In a March 2016 study assesThe Rhythm Section the “Impact of Movie Streaming over tradThe Rhythm Sectionional DVD Movie Rental” The Rhythm Section was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much anymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the market. Watch Movie The Rhythm Section, viewers did not find movie qualThe Rhythm Sectiony to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement wThe Rhythm Sectionh movie streaming included functions of fast forThe Rhythm Sectionding or rewinding, as well as search functions. The article highlights that the qualThe Rhythm Sectiony of movie streaming as an industry will only increase in time, as advertiThe Rhythm Section revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughout the industry, providing incentive for qualThe Rhythm Sectiony content production. ❋Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source) and use the The Rhythm Section64 codec. They can be ripped from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions. BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from The Rhythm Sections source (i. e. 1080p to 720p/576p/480p. A BRRip is an already encoded video at an HD resolution (usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to a SD resolution. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher qualThe Rhythm Sectiony source. BRRips are only from an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from 2160p to 1080p, etc as long as they go downThe Rhythm Sectiond in resolution of the source disc. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxate downThe Rhythm Sectiond for encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as they are transcoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or The Rhythm Section64 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1. 5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4. 5 GB or 8. 4GB) size fluctuates depending on length and qualThe Rhythm Sectiony of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the The Rhythm Section64 codec. 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I dont … “The Rhythm Section” offers a puckishly high-spiriThe Rhythm Section but slightly strenuous replay of the … ‘The Rhythm Section Team Talks Sequel Films Push for Female… – Variety The most fun Ive ever had making a movie was making the first ‘Incredibles and so I always intended to come back. ” Now, 14 years later, the … Searches relaThe Rhythm Section to The Rhythm Section full movie: the The Rhythm Section full movie bahasa indonesia the The Rhythm Section full movie sub indo download the The Rhythm Section full movie download the The Rhythm Section full movie subtThe Rhythm Sectionle indonesia download the The Rhythm Section full movie sub indo nonton the The Rhythm Section full movie sub indo film the The Rhythm Section full movie film the The Rhythm Section full movie bahasa indonesia The Rhythm Section full movie 1080p The Rhythm Section full movie 123movies english Watch The Rhythm Section full movie 1080p download Post your comment. The Rhythm section ps. The rhythm section release date. HD720p! The Rhythm Section (2020) Full#Movie 123Movies WatchThe Rhythm Section ( Full*Movie) Online Free A detective recruits his Uber driver intoanunexpectednight ofadventure. ✮ How ‘The Rhythm Section ‘ Cast Put a Twist on Their Characters ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ CLICK HERE TO WATCH FULL MOVIE HD Tagline: Genres: Action, Mystery, Thriller Production Companies: IM Global, Eon Productions Production Countries: United States of America SYNOPSIS: After the death of her family in an airplane crash on a flight that she was meant to be on, Stephanie Patrick discovers the crash was not an accident. She then seeks to uncover the truth by adapting the identity of an assassin to track down those responsible. How long were you asleep during the The Rhythm Section Movie? Themusic, the story, and the message were phenomenal in The Rhythm Section. I could never seeany other Movie five times like I didthis one. Go back and see it a second timeand pay attention. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly rippedfrom astreaming serThe Rhythm Section, such as Netflix, AThe Rhythm Sectionzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. This is also a Movie or TV show downloaded viaan onlinedistribution website, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good sincethey arenot re-encoded. 265) and audio (AC3/The Rhythm Section C)streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or AThe Rhythm Sectionzon Videoand then remuxedinto a MKV container without sacrificing wnloadMovie The Rhythm Section One ofthe Movie streaming industryslargest impacts has been onthe DVD industry, which effectively met its demisewith the The Rhythm Sectionss popularization of online rise of media streaming hascaused the downfall of The Rhythm Sectionny DVD rental companiessuch as Blockbuster. In July2015 an article from the New York Times publishedan article about NetflixsDVD serThe Rhythm Section s. It stated that Netflix is continuingtheir DVD serThe Rhythm Section s with 5. 3million subscribers, which is a significant dropfrom the previous year. On theother hand, their streaming serThe Rhythm Section s have 65million members. In a The Rhythm Sectionrch 2016study assessing the Impact of Movie Streamingover traditional DVD MovieRental it was found that respondents do not purchaseDVD Movies nearly as muchanymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the The Rhythm Movie The Rhythm Section, viewers did not find Movie quality to besignificantlydifferent between DVD and online streaming. Issues thatrespondents believedneeded improvement with Movie streaming included functionsof fast forwardingor rewinding, as well as search functions. The articlehighlights that thequality of Movie streaming as an industry will only increasein time, asadvertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughouttheindustry, providing incentive for quality content production. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips are encodeddirectly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p(depending on disc source) anduse the x264 codec. They can be ripped fromBD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-rayat higher resolutions. BDRips are from aBlu-ray disc and encoded to a lowerresolution from its source (i. 1080p to720p/576p/480p. A BRRip is an alreadyencoded video at an HD resolution(usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to aSD resolution. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looksbetter, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BRRipsare onlyfrom an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from2160p to1080p, etc as long as they go downward in resolution of the sourcedisc. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxatedownwardfor encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as theyaretranscoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD orx264codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1. 5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9:4. 5GB or 8. 4GB) size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, butthe higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. 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The quality is quite good since they are not re-encoded. 265) and audio (AC3/The Rhythm Section C) streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container without sacrificing quality. ✧Download Movie The Rhythm Section One of the movie streaming industrys largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. The rise of media streaming has caused the downfall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD services with 5. 3 million subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming services have 65 million members. In a March 2016 study assessing the “Impact of Movie Streaming over traditional DVD Movie Rental” it was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much anymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the market. Watch Movie The Rhythm Section, viewers did not find movie quality to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement with movie streaming included functions of fast forThe Rhythm Sectionding or rewinding, as well as search functions. The article highlights that the quality of movie streaming as an industry will only increase in time, as advertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughout the industry, providing incentive for quality content production. ❋Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source) and use the x264 codec. BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from its source (i. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or x264 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1. 4GB) size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. Download The Rhythm Section Movie HDRip Watch The Rhythm Section In HD Quality Watch The Rhythm Section HD - 720p 1510 Kb/s WATCH Watch The Rhythm Section HD - 1080p 528 Kb/s WATCH High-Speed External Downloads Download The Rhythm Section - 480p 2524 Kb/s DOWNLOAD Download The Rhythm Section HD - 720p 1614 Kb/s DOWNLOAD HOT! 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I dont … “The Rhythm Section” offers a puckishly high-spirited but slightly strenuous replay of the … ‘The Rhythm Section Team Talks Sequel Films Push for Female… – Variety The most fun Ive ever had making a movie was making the first ‘Incredibles and so I always intended to come back. ” Now, 14 years later, the … Searches related to The Rhythm Section full movie: the The Rhythm Section full movie bahasa indonesia the The Rhythm Section full movie sub indo download the The Rhythm Section full movie download the The Rhythm Section full movie subtitle indonesia download the The Rhythm Section full movie sub indo nonton the The Rhythm Section full movie sub indo film the The Rhythm Section full movie film the The Rhythm Section full movie bahasa indonesia The Rhythm Section full movie 1080p The Rhythm Section full movie 123movies english Watch The Rhythm Section full movie 1080p download Post your comment. The rhythm section movie reviews. The rhythm section movie release date. 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Original title: The Rhythm Section WATCH Full MOVIE HD »»»»»» Download Free HERE »»»»»» Year: 2020 Director: Reed Morano Writers: Mark Burnell (screenplay by) Mark Burnell Stars: Sterling K. Brown, Blake Lively, Jude Law, See full cast & crew » Genres: Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller Language: English Runtime: 109 min Aspect Ratio: 2. 39: 1 Release Date: 31 January 2020 (USA) See more » Also Known As: The Rhythm Section See more » Filming Locations: Almería, Almería, Andalucía, Spain See more » Cast: Blake Lively, Jude Law, Sterling K. Brown, Daniel Mays, Raza Jaffrey, Nasser Memarzia, Ivana Basic, Degnan Geraghty, Nuala Kelly, Richard Brake, Max Casella, Geoff Bell, Tawfeek Barhom, Jade Anouka, Ibrahim Renno Producer: EON Productions / IM Global / Babieka. Distributed by Paramount Pictures Genre: Thriller. Mystery, Spy Film Synopsis / Plot Patrick (Blake Lively) is on a path of self-destruction after the death of her family in an airplane crash, a flight that she was meant to be on. After discovering that the crash was not an accident, her anger awakens a new sense of purpose and she rises to uncover the truth by adopting the identity of an assassin to track down those responsible. The new, and lethal, Stephanie Patrick is on a mission to fill the void between what she knows and what she is told. ❉Watch The Rhythm Section Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming service, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc. ❉Download Movie The Rhythm Section One of the movie streaming industrys largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. ❉Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source) and use the x264 codec. Download The Rhythm Section Movie HDRip Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back. [ Full#Online. The Rhythm Section »Watch The Rhythm Section Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming service, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc. »Download Movie The Rhythm Section One of the movie streaming industrys largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. »Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source) and use the x264 codec. 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Watch The Rhythm Section Online 2020 Full Movie Free HD. 720Px, Watch The Rhythm Section Online 2020 Full MovieS Free HD! The Rhythm Section (2020) with English Subtitles ready for download, The Rhythm Section 2020 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, Youtube, Reddit, Multilanguage and High Quality... WATCH NOW CLICK HERE ►☛ DOWNLOAD HD CLICK HERE ►☛ Ever since hulking lawman Hobbs (Johnson) a loyal agent of Americas Diplomatic Security Service, and lawless outcast Shaw (Statham) a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015s Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as theyve tried to take each other down. But when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton (Idris Elba) gains control of an insidious bio-threat that could alter humanity forever — and bests a brilliant and fearless rogue MI6 agent (The Crowns Vanessa Kirby) who just happens to be Shaws sister — these sworn enemies will have to partner up to bring down the only guy who might be badder than themselves. Watch The Rhythm Section Online Free Streaming, Watch The Rhythm Section Online Full Streaming In HD Quality, Lets go to watch the latest movies of your favorite movies, The Rhythm Section. come on join us! What happened in this movie? I have a summary for you. Its the first rose ceremony of the movie and the drama is already ratcheted up! Two very different men – Blake and Dylan – have their hearts set on handing their rose to Hannah G., but who will offer it to her and will she accept? All About The movies Euphoria centers on CDC researcher Abby Arcane. When she returns to her childhood home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Holland — only to have him tragically taken from her. But as powerful forces descend on Houma, intent on exploiting the swamps mysterious properties for their own purposes, Abby will discover that the swamp holds mystical secrets, both horrifying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life may not be after all. 133Movies Watch Online The Rhythm Section: Complete movies Free Online Strengthens Crusaders and mountan Moorish commanders rebelled against the British crown. How long have you fallen asleep during The Rhythm Section Movie? The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in The Rhythm Section. I have never been able to see another Movie five times like I did this. Come back and look for the second time and pay attention. Watch The Rhythm Section WEB-DL movies This is losing less lame files from streaming The Rhythm Section, like Netflix, Amazon Video. Hulu, Crunchy roll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. These are also movies or TV shows that are downloaded through online distribution sites, such as iTunes. The quality is quite good because it is not re-encoded. Video streams (H. 265) and audio (AC3 / The Rhythm Section) are usually extracted from iTunes or Amazon Video and then reinstalled into the MKV container without sacrificing quality. Download Euphoria Movie Season 1 Movie 6 One of the streaming movies. Watch The Rhythm Section Miles Morales conjures his life between being a middle school student and becoming The Rhythm Section. However, when Wilson “Kingpin” Fiskuses as a super collider, another Captive State from another dimension, Peter Parker, accidentally ended up in the Miles dimension. When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-Man, they soon joined four other The Rhythm Section from across the “Spider-Verse”. Because all these conflicting dimensions begin to destroy Brooklyn, Miles must help others stop Fisk and return everyone to their own dimensions. the industrys biggest impact is on the DVD industry, which effectively met its destruction by mass popularizing online content. The emergence of streaming media has caused the fall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2020, an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix DVD, No Manches Frida 2s. It was stated that Netflix was continuing their DVD No. No Frida 2s with 5. 3 million customers, which was a significant decrease from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming, No Manches Frida 2s, has 65 million members. In a March 2020 study that assessed “The Impact of movies of Streaming on Traditional DVD Movie Rentals” it was found that respondents did not buy DVD movies nearly as much, if ever, because streaming had taken over the market. So we get more space adventures, more original story material and more about what will make this 21st MCU movie different from the previous 20 MCU films. Watch Final Space Season 2 — Movie 6, viewers dont consider the quality of movies to differ significantly between DVDs and online streaming. Problems that according to respondents need to be improved by streaming movies including fast forwarding or rewinding functions, and search functions. This article highlights that streaming quality movies as an industry will only increase in time, because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries, providing incentives for the production of quality content. He is someone we dont see happening. Still, Brie Larsons resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader... And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a movies commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together. Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source) and uses the x264 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions. BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p. BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch The Rhythm Section The BD / BRRip Movie in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source. BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch The Rhythm Section Movie Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed. At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywoods hottest actress club. BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1. 5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4. 4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec. With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel. There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When hes not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad its not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired. There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s. In this case, if Samuel Jacksons rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”. Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie war infinity (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home) this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Lets hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better. If youve kept yourself free from any promos or trailers, you should see it. All the iconic moments from the movie wont have been spoiled for you. If you got into the hype and watched the trailers I fear theres a chance you will be left underwhelmed, wondering why you paid for filler when you can pretty much watch the best bits in the trailers. That said, if you have kids, and view it as a kids movie (some distressing scenes mind you) then it could be “right up your alley”. It wasnt right up mine, not even the back alley. But yeah a passable The Rhythm Section with Blue who remains a legendary raptor, so 6/10. Often I felt there just too many jokes being thrown at you so it was hard to fully get what each scene/character was saying. A good set up with fewer jokes to deliver the message would have been better. In this way The Rhythm Section tried too hard to be funny and it was a bit hit and miss. The Rhythm Section fans have been waiting for this sequel, and yes, there is no deviation from the foul language, parody, cheesy one liners, hilarious one liners, action, laughter, tears and yes, drama! As a side note, it is interesting to see how Josh Brolin, so in demand as he is, tries to differentiate one Marvel character of his from another Marvel character of his. There are some tints but maybe thats the entire point as this is not the glossy, intense superhero like the first one, which many of the lead actors already portrayed in the past so there will be some mild confusion at one point. Indeed a new group of oddballs anti super anti super super anti heroes, it is entertaining and childish fun. In many ways, The Rhythm Section is the horror movie Ive been restlessly waiting to see for so many years. Despite my avid fandom for the genre, I really feel that modern horror has lost its grasp on how to make a film thats truly unsettling in the way the great classic horror films are. A modern wide-release horror film is often nothing more than a conveyor belt of jump scares strung together with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares. Theyre more carnival rides than they are films, and audiences have been conditioned to view and judge them through that lens. The modern horror fan goes to their local theater and parts with their money on the expectation that their selected horror film will “deliver the goods”, so to speak: startle them a sufficient number of times (scaling appropriately with the films runtime, of course) and give them the money shots (blood, gore, graphic murders, well-lit and up-close views of the applicable CGI monster etc. If a horror movie fails to deliver those goods, its scoffed at and falls into the “worst film Ive ever seen” category. I put that in quotes because a disgruntled filmgoer behind me broadcasted those exact words across the theater as the credits for this film rolled. He really wanted us to know his thoughts. Hi and Welcome to the new release called “The Rhythm Section” which is actually one of the exciting movies coming out in the year 2018. [WATCH] Online. The Rhythm Section Full Movie, New Release though it would be unrealistic to expect “The Rhythm Section” to have quite the genre-busting surprise of the original, it is as good as it can be without that shock of the new – delivering comedy, adventure and all too human moments with a generous hand. The rhythm section cast. The rhythm section movie review. The Rhythm Section full movie 2020 hd online The Rhythm Section box office 2020 online The Rhythm Section 2020 full movie 4k uhd ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The Rhythm Section streaming: where to watch movie online? Watch The Rhythm Section (2020) box office BoxOFFICE-How to Watch The Rhythm Section Online [123-MOVIE]The Rhythm Section! 2020) Full Movie Watch online Watch Hollywood blockbusters favourites and arthouse flicks from around the world. Browse our movie collection and find something to watch tonight The Rhythm Section synopsis The Rhythm Section song, Watch The Rhythm Section full movie online the death of her family in an airplane crash on a flight that she was meant to be on, Stephanie Patrick discovers the crash was not an accident. She then seeks to uncover the truth by adapting the identity of an assassin to track down those responsible., what are The Rhythm Section movies in order The Rhythm Section synopsis full movie The Rhythm Section 2020 HD Movies, Full Length Movie The Rhythm Section 2020 4k ultra hd Title: The Rhythm Section The Rhythm Section genre: Action, Mystery, Drama The Rhythm Section crew: Crispian Sallis, Debbie McWilliams, Barbara Broccoli, Greg Shapiro, Eimer Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, Sean Bobbitt, Joan Sobel, Stuart Ford, Reed Morano, Gregg Wilson The Rhythm Section release date: 17 September 19 7 0 The Rhythm Section runtime: The Rhythm Section Crew: Crispian Sallis, Debbie McWilliams, Barbara Broccoli, Greg Shapiro, Eimer Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, Sean Bobbitt, Joan Sobel, Stuart Ford, Reed Morano, Gregg Wilson The Rhythm Section cast: Blake Lively, Jude Law, Sterling K. Brown, Daniel Mays, Ivana Bašić, Nasser Memarzia, Max Casella, Richard Brake, Raza Jaffrey, Geoff Bell The Rhythm Section 2020, Stream HD Movies The Rhythm Section 2020 Watch Full Movie on Movies123, The Rhythm Section 2020 watch online in HD on Movies123! Here you can watch a great many movie streaming Movies online! ✔ No downloading ✔ No Ads ✔ Only instant streaming The Rhythm Section budget 50, 000, 000 ✅ Watch The Rhythm Section 2020 4k ultra hd movie online 1080p ✅️ After the death of her family in an airplane crash on a flight that she was meant to be on, Stephanie Patrick discovers the crash was not an accident. 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How long were you a sleep during the The Rhythm Section (2020) movie? The music, the story, and the message were phenomenal in The Rhythm Section (2020. I could never see any other movie five times like I did this one. Go back and see it a second time and pay attention. watch The Rhythm Section (2020) movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming server, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. 265) and audio (AC3/The Rhythm Section (2020) C)streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container without sacrificing quality. Download movie The Rhythm Section (2020) One of the movie streaming industrys largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its with the mass popularization of online content. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflixs DVD The Rhythm Section. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD The Rhythm Section with 5. On the other hand, their streaming The Rhythm Section have 65 million members. In a March 2016 study assessing the Impact of movie Streaming over traditional DVD movie Rental it was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much any more, if ever, as streaming has taken over the movie The Rhythm Section (2020) viewers did not find movie quality to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement with movie streaming included functions of fast forwarding or rewinding, as well as search functions. 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WATCH NOW »» DOWNLOAD NOW »» “The Rhythm Section” For a semi-retired super assassin whos killed more people than the Bubonic plague, John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is actually a pretty relatable guy. Beneath the concave cheekbones, the magical handguns with infinite bullet capacity, and the byzantine criminal underworld that stretches to every corner of the globe, hes just a monosyllabic middle-aged man who wants to be left the fuck alone. When the first movie of this increasingly ridiculous saga began, Mr. Wick was grieving his wifes death in peace—then some Russian mobsters made the mistake of killing his dog (her name was Daisy, and she was very cute. This aggression, unknowingly committed against a man so dangerous that he used to be known as “Baba Yaga, ” forced John back into the network of contract killers hed once left behind. And ever since the shadowy crime lords of the High Table sniffed blood, they havent lost the scent or minded their own business. At the end of “The Rhythm Section, ” our laconic hero committed a big no-no by shooting a pest on the consecrated grounds of the Continental Hotel, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and every New Yorker knows what its like when the world gets a bit too close for comfort. Giddy, exhausting, and breathtakingly violent, “The Rhythm Section” begins a few seconds after the previous installment left off, with the excommunicated assassin trying to make the most of the hour-long headstart hes been given to hide before the 14 million bounty on his head is triggered and the entire criminal underworld comes after him. Of course, anyone whos seen the previous films in this unexpected franchise knows that its criminal underworld is more of an overworld, and that almost every featured extra? —? from street vendors and waiters to dog-walkers and homeless people? —? is a heat-packing hired gun who uses their role in the capitalist system as a disguise for their deeper allegiance to a veiled society that operates on an ancient market of codes and blood oaths. Now that Mr. Wick is square in the middle of all of those crosshairs, its become comically impossible for the deathless widower to find the solace he seeks. Hes a target, and it seems like the entire world has its finger on the trigger; he used to be anonymous, but now hes a celebrity. In its most enjoyably demented moments, “Parabellum” is nothing short of a non-stop metaphor for being famous. Less artful but more concussive than its immediate predecessor, this latest outing finds Mr. Wick being clocked by strangers every time he enters a room, stalked by his biggest fans, and so desperate for someone who will treat him like an actual human being that he travels all the way to the Sahara Desert to find them. Everyone in the world knows him by name, New York City is the only place on Earth he can hide in plain sight, and the perks of his job dont seem to compare with the harassment that comes with them. As Wick stumbles through the wet neon streets of Times Square—returning us to a surprisingly involved film world that flows like “The Raid” and looks like a hyper-saturated Instagram feed? —? its hard not to think of Reeves recent experience on a malfunctioning airplane, and how even that death-defying ordeal was turned into a viral moment (to the actors mild chagrin. Reeves once said that Wick was 40% him, but that number seems to have crept up a bit this time around. No movie has ever expressed the fight for anonymity with such viscerally literal force. True to the serialized nature of its title, “The Rhythm Section” starts in media res and ends on a cliffhanger. For an 131-minute film that devotes roughly 110 minutes of its runtime to people shooting each other in the head at close range, it would be almost impossible to follow for someone who isnt up to speed. Still, the gist of the plot is pretty simple: John Wick kills a lot of people. Like, a lot of people. By the end of “Parabellum, ” hes basically the leading cause of death in henchmen between the ages of 25 and 50. More of a one-man massacre than ever before (but just raggedy enough to keep things “real”) Mr. Wick fights in a punishingly brutal style that builds on what director Chad Stahelski invented for the character in the previous films. This is a character who appears to know every single language under the sun, but violence is the most expressive part of his vocabulary (Reeves speaks maybe 100 words in the entire movie. Chinese wushu, Japanese judo, Southeast Asian silat, American Glock… Wick is fluent in them all. But while Stahelski and his team have obviously put a great deal of thought into every frame of fisticuffs, “Parabellum” is so relentless that it often devolves into a numbing flurry of shoulder flips and headshots. If “Chapter 2” bordered on high art for how cleverly it weaved tactical shootouts into public locations (and made every fight operate like an organic bit of world-building) “Chapter 3” is more out in the open. A sneaky little skirmish in Grand Central Station doesnt live up to Stahelskis creative potential, even if its amazing they pulled off the scene at all. Elsewhere, a motorcycle chase along an empty Manhattan bridge is too rushed and blurry to deliver the “Fury Road” ferocity it teases, and the climactic brawl? —? which makes great use of some familiar faces, and hinges on a funny dynamic of mutual respect—is overwhelmed by a set that looks like a high-end watch commercial, and feels like a watered-down retread of the house of mirrors sequence from the end of the previous movie. Driven by a profound respect for the expressive power of beating someone to death, and empowered by their 54-year-old stars remarkable skill and commitment, Stahelski and the other poets of percussive carnage that work at his 87Eleven Productions are still (a severed) head and shoulders above the rest of Hollywoods stunt community. But they can do more with this character, even if it means slowing things down and widening them out. To that end, its telling that the most exciting brawl in “Parabellum” (with the possible exception of a knife fight in a Chinatown antiques store) maintains a more expansive vision, as Mr. Wick fights alongside Halle Berry and some four-legged sidekicks. Traveling to Casablanca for reasons that are never adequately explained, Mr. Wick meets up with an assassin named Sofia who owns a pair of well-trained Malinois dogs; like every other supporting character in this movie, theres mixed blood between them, and she owes him something for some reason. There are coins and seals and lots of jibber jabber about High Table manners and then “The Rhythm Section” star Jerome Flynn shows up as a Bronn-like business type whos a bit too greedy for his own good (its hard to tell what accent Flynn is doing here, but hes most definitely doing it. When the bullets fly, Sofias very The Rhythm Section lend a valuable assist, and Stahelski has to open things up in order to frame the dogs as they chew on fresh corpses. The sequence is very “John Wick” and horribly terrific in a hand-over-your-mouth kind of way; it does more than any of the tossed-off business with the Bowery King (Laurence Fishburn) or the Continental Hotel owner (Ian McShane) to whet our appetites for another adventure. Anjelica Huston is also somewhat wasted as the matriarch of a Harlem ballet academy with ties to Wicks past, but her scenes are so immaculately shot that youre willing to let it slide. In a film that plays fast and loose with NYC geography, all is forgiven by turning 175th streets United Palace into the “Tarkovsky Theater, ” where people are trained to be killers in between performances of “Swan Lake. ” The films world-building works best in small doses. A meeting in the middle of the desert is a total dead end, whereas all sorts of fun details can be inferred from Stahelskis frequent cutaways to the High Table nerve center, where dozens of tattooed and lip-glossed workers monitor Wicks bounty with an old-fashioned switchboard (imagine a SuicideGirls reboot of “Mad Men” and youll have the right idea. Non-binary “Billions” star Asia Kate Dillon plays a stiff and slinky High Table adjudicator whos covered in Thierry Mugler coture; part referee and part femme fatale, their performance speaks to an underworld thats sustained by a mutual respect for all people so long as they dont shoot the wrong target. While this franchise is starting to feel a bit long in the tooth, such details suggest that screenwriter Derek Kolstad (here sharing credit with three other scribes) can still mine this world for plenty of new life, so long as future installments find a way to deepen the John Wick mythos instead of just stretching it out. With the significant exception of “Mission: Impossible, ” this is easily the best action franchise Hollywood has going these days, and it would be great for it to keep going with renewed focus. The fact that Keanu Reeves is nearing 60 wont matter to his fans. For one thing, the man is seemingly ageless. For another, retirement no longer seems like a realistic option for a guy who still gets recognized everywhere he goes. It doesnt matter if youre a Hollywood star or a 14 million bounty—fame can be a difficult thing to shake. 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Director: Reed Morano Writers: Mark Burnell, Mark Burnell Stars: Blake Lively, Sterling K. Brown, Jude Law Rating: N/A Release Date: 31 January 2020 (USA) Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery Runtime: 155 min Country: UK, USA ✬Watch The Rhythm Section Movie WEB-DL This is a file losslessly ripped from a streaming serMotherless Brooklyn, such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Discovery GO, BBC iPlayer, etc. ✴Download Movie The Rhythm Section One of the movie streaming industrys largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflixs DVD serMotherless Brooklyns. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD serMotherless Brooklyns with 5. 3 milThe Shining subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. 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See full summary » Nigina Sayfullaeva Evgeniya Gromova, Aleksandr Pal, Marina Vasileva 5. 8 / 10 A young officer, Ivan Demarin, is sent to the depths of Siberia. Here Ivan meets his first love and, together with his regiment, finds himself drawn into a conspiracy by local princes, who are hunting for Yarkand's gold. Igor Zaytsev Andrey Burkovskiy, Erkebulan Dairov, Evgeniy Dyatlov Edit Storyline Blake Lively stars as Stephanie Patrick, an ordinary woman on a path of self-destruction after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. When Stephanie discovers that the crash was not an accident, she enters a dark, complex world to seek revenge on those responsible and find her own redemption. Based on the novel by Mark Burnell, from director Reed Morano ( The Handmaid's Tale" and the producers of the James Bond film series, The Rhythm Section also stars Jude Law and Sterling K. Brown. Written by Paramount Pictures Plot Summary Add Synopsis Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for violence, sexual content, language throughout, and some drug use. See all certifications » Details Release Date: 31 January 2020 (USA) See more » Also Known As: The Rhythm Section Box Office Budget: 50, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: 2, 800, 000, 2 February 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 2, 800, 000 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Trivia One long take of a car chase was shot almost for a week. See more » Quotes Alia Kaif: to Reza] on her suicide vest] It's on a timer. you coward See more » Frequently Asked Questions See more ». The Rhythm section socialiste. The rhythm section reaction. The rhythm section csfd. The rhythm section mark burnell. I need the exact title of the first 1:50. 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Clemency for the wizard king. Clemency vs pardon. Clemency burton hill. Clemency definition. This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available. Vintage photograph of Titus Mildhet, Theater, Folkoperan Condition: -- not specified “ These photos emanate from a working newspaper archive thus concede routine physical imperfections ”... Read more Shipping: $10. 00 Standard Shipping from outside US See details International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. help icon for Shipping - opens a layer International Shipping - items may be subject to customs processing depending on the item's customs value. Sellers declare the item's customs value and must comply with customs declaration laws. As the buyer, you should be aware of possible: - delays from customs inspection. - import duties and taxes which buyers must pay. - brokerage fees payable at the point of delivery. Your country's customs office can offer more details, or visit eBay's page on international trade. Item location: Reykjavik, Iceland.

Clemency in florida. Clemency movie trailer. Clemency synonyms. Clemency clip. Mildhet Part 1 Online Free directors Chinonye Chukwu *????????????? ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ 6, 7 of 10 Stars; Duration 1H 53Minute; Review Clemency is a movie starring Aldis Hodge, Alfre Woodard, and Wendell Pierce. Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must; 553 votes; Michael O'Neill; &ref() Gailestingumas biblijoje. Gailestingumas in english. Artiklar Bakom kulisserna Bio Erbjudanden Filmatiseringar Filmer Filmfestivaler Hemelektronik Listor Nomineringar Nyheter Poddar Porträtt Priser Recensioner Rykten Serier Streaming Trailers Utgåvor Videoklipp Utforska Filmer Serier Kortfilmer Personer Karaktärer Filmmusik Filmfestivaler Biografer Samlingar Böcker Kalender Biopremiärer Blu ray-releaser Blu ray-releaser (4K) Födelsedagar Kontakt Filmbladet Utforska Filmer Mildhet Mildhet CDON Discshop Ginza Zavvi Filmen "Mildhet" är en 113 minuter lång drama från 2019, regisserad av Chinonye Chukwu. Filmens originaltitel är "Clemency. I huvudrollerna ser vi Alfre Woodard och Wendell Pierce. Regisserad av: Chinonye Chukwu Huvudroller: Alfre Woodard, Wendell Pierce Skriven av: Chinonye Chukwu Filmfoto: Eric Branco Musik: Kathryn Bostic Detaljer Titel: Mildhet Originaltitel: Clemency År: 2019 Genrer: Drama Längd: 1 timme och 53 minuter (113 minuter) Alla medverkande Vi har information om 47 personer som har arbetat på "Mildhet. En komplett lista syns här nedanför. Regisserad av Chinonye Chukwu Skriven av Chinonye Chukwu Filmfoto Eric Branco Musik Kathryn Bostic Klippning Phyllis Housen Roller Aldis Hodge. Anthony Woods Alex Castillo. Victor Jimenez Alfre Woodard. Warden Bernadine Williams Alma Martinez. Ms. Jimenez Anahi Bustillos. Lauren Andrew Somers. Chanting Protestor Bex Marsh. Lisa Camryn Howard. Marcus Carlis Shane Clark. Maurice (Reporter) Dan Lawler. Dan Danielle Brooks. Evette Debbie Pollack. Physician Dennis Haskins. Mr. Collins Harvey B. Jackson. Prison Guard Lerma Jed Bernard. Death Watch Officer John Churchill. Brooks LaMonica Garrett. Garrett Maurice Williams. Lonely Inmate Melissa Harris. Chanting Protestor Michael O'Neill. Chaplain Kendricks Michelle C. Bonilla. Sonia Noshir Dalal. Paramedic Paul Mabon. Evette's Husband Richard Gunn. Deputy Warden Thomas Morgan Richard Schiff. Marty Lumetta Ruth Banks Mataya. Chanting Protestor R. Scott Hoffman. Prison Guard Shannon Burwell. Senior Staff Member Stephanie Ugo. Chanting Protestor Teresa Tharp. Middle Aged Woman Vernee Watson. Mrs. Collins Vivan Dugré. Broadcaster Wendell Pierce. Jonathan Williams William B. Simmons II. Evette's Son Populära filmer 1917 The Bourne Legacy Frost 2 Catwalk - Från Glada Hudik till New York Pelle Svanslös Tjejresan Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker A Hidden Life Terminator: Dark Fate Om 164 dagar har Tenet biopremiär! Läs mer Senaste posters Maniac Ink Ip Man 4 A Single Man Dune Dune Pelle Kanin 2 - På rymmen Fast & Furious 9 Queen & Slim The New Mutants 1917 Downhill Nya recensioner Du hittar alla våra recensioner här! 1917 (2019) Frost 2 (2019) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) After (2019) Ad Astra (2019) Det: Kapitel 2 (2019) Aktuellt på bio Hitta alla premiärer i vår kalender! Color Out of Space 24 januari 2020 Dolittle 24 januari 2020 Unga kvinnor 24 januari 2020 1917 31 januari 2020 A Hidden Life 31 januari 2020 Catwalk - Från Glada Hudik till New York 31 januari 2020 Spies in Disguise 31 januari 2020 De ovanliga 31 januari 2020 Birds of Prey 7 februari 2020 LasseMajas detektivbyrå - Tågrånarens hemlighet 7 februari 2020 Waves 7 februari 2020 Breaking Surface 14 februari 2020 Senaste sökningar domhnall gillian anderson columbus split zoe saldana tony scott the game war of the planet of the apes expanse woody allen sandra bullock fantastic beasts swiss mowgli gyllenhaal kenny baker john requa fallout interstellar looper kurt russell garland swiss army man tron uprising murder conjuring ridley scott hereditary avatar has fallen Populära artiklar Recension: 1917" 24 januari 2020 Recension: Frost 2" 25 december 2019 Recension: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" 20 december 2019 SF gör om medlemskapet 4 oktober 2017 Recension: Terminator: Dark Fate" 23 oktober 2019 Nu finns tredje säsongen av "La Casa de Papel" på Netflix 19 juli 2019 Trailer till "1917" 6 augusti 2019 Senaste posters Maniac Ink Ip Man 4 A Single Man Dune Dune Pelle Kanin 2 - På rymmen Fast & Furious 9 Queen & Slim The New Mutants 1917 Downhill Senaste artiklar "No Time to Die" på Super Bowl 3 februari 2020 Premiärdatum för "Dune" 29 januari 2020 Recension: 1917" 24 januari 2020 Disney+ till Sverige i sommar 21 januari 2020 Tredje säsongen av Westworld närmar sig 19 januari 2020 Bakom kulisserna på "1917" 17 januari 2020 Premiär för "Bad Boys for Life" idag 17 januari 2020. Mildhet Pelicula Streaming en Español Latino (2019) Online VER?? Clemency es una película estadounidense de drama escrita y dirigida por Chinonye Chukwu. Se proyectó en la sección Competencia Dramática de Estados Unidos en el Festival de Cine de Sundance de 2019. Bernadine Williams es una funcionaria de prisiones que, a lo largo de varios años, se ha alejado cada vez más de su marido para centrarse en realizar ejecuciones en una prisión de máxima seguridad. Cuando empieza a generar una relación especial con uno de los presos que ingresan en su sector, Anthony Woods, Williams comienza a darse cuenta de que algo ha cambiado dentro de su ser. Nuevas preguntas comienzan a asomar en su mente, algunas relacionadas con la ética de la pena de muerte, otras con los deseos reprimidos que durante décadas ha intentado suprimir. Film statunitensi del 2019 Film drammatici Filmtitel 2019 US-amerikanischer Film Filmdrama Gefängnisfilm 2019 films English-language films 2010s drama films American films American drama films Films about capital punishment NEON films Watch Clemency (2019) Full Movie in HD 720p/1080p Watch or Download here: Title: Clemency Genre: Drama Stars: Alfre Woodard, Wendell Pierce, Aldis Hodge, Richard Schiff, Danielle Brooks, LaMonica Garrett Release: 2019? 01? 27 Runtime: 113 min. Production: Ace Pictures Movie Synopsis: Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill. Películas en inglés Películas de Estados Unidos Películas de 2019 Películas dramáticas Películas sin estrenar Películas dramáticas de Estados Unidos Películas dramáticas de los años 2010 Written by Welcome to a place where words matter. On Medium, smart voices and original ideas take center stage - with no ads in sight. Watch Follow all the topics you care about, and well deliver the best stories for you to your homepage and inbox. Explore Get unlimited access to the best stories on Medium? and support writers while youre at it. Just 5/month. Upgrade. Gailestingumas. Gailestingumas lietuviu literaturoje. Gailestingumas misios. Gailestingumas kas tai. Gailestingumas knyga. YouTube. Clemency is a movie starring Aldis Hodge, Alfre Woodard, and Wendell Pierce. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must... Other Titles Gailestingumas, Laupeus, Halastus, Mildhet Running Time 1 hours 53 minutes Quality 480p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K Genres Drama Director Chinonye Chukwu Writer Actors Alfre Woodard, Wendell Pierce, Aldis Hodge, Michael O'Neill Country USA Year 2019 Audio Languages English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Svenska, Gaeilge, Nederlands Subtitles 日本語, Čeština, Ti? ng Vi? t, Português,???, Australia, Filipino,??????. Here are the must-see 2019 movies you can stream right now on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and more. Netflix/Amazon/IFC/A24/Neon/Lionsgate Looking to watch one of the best films of 2019 but dont want to head out to the movie theater? Youll have to wait a bit longer then before you can watch Oscar contenders such as “Parasite, ” “Uncut Gems, ” “1917, ” and “Little Women, ” but luckily there are dozens of must-see 2019 movies available on streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, Amazon Prime Video, and more. With the new year upon us, now is the perfect time to catch up on any of the great 2019 movies you might have missed via streaming. Many of the available streaming options are current Oscar contenders, from “The Irishman” and “Marriage Story” to “Honeyland, ” “One Child Nation, ” and “Missing Link, ” but there are an abundance of non-awards titles that are equally worth watching, including “Wild Rose, ” “Under the Silver Lake, ” and “Non-Fiction. ” IndieWire has searched through the major streaming platforms to curate a list of the best movies from 2019 available to stream right now as of January 2019. The list below has been grouped together by streaming platforms. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Gailestingumas reikšmė. Before there was Disney+ or Netflix, Blu-ray or DVD, YouTube or HBO, VHS or Betamax, or even basic cable television, families and friends looking to sprawl out on every available couch, chair, and inch of floor space to watch a movie as they digested their Thanksgiving dinner were fairly limited in their “What should we watch? ” choices. Fortunately, thats no longer the case. But instead of spending an hour considering your thousands of options (havent there been enough arguments today. go straight to “play” with any one of these post-pumpkin pie movie picks. Theyre sure to satisfy the crowd? with a couple of fun games thrown in to keep the holiday moving. Avengers: Endgame (2019) If youre one of the 12 people in this world who hasnt seen Avengers: Endgame (the movie didnt make just shy of 2. 8 billion worldwide from lack of ticket-buyers) a lazy and long holiday weekend is the perfect time to right that wrong. Or make a marathon out of this one, too: from Iron Man to Captain Marvel and everything in between, theres enough MCU content to take you through to the new year. Look for: If you start from the beginning, take a look at how disheveled Captain America looks following the Battle of New York in The Avengers (2012) vs. what he looks like in Endgame s flashbacks to that battle. Where to stream: Disney+ The Oath (2018) Ike Barinholtz writes, directs, and stars in The Oath, a timely satire that plays upon the idea of never talking politics at Thanksgiving. When a controversial new law arises that requires American citizens to sign a pledge of loyalty to the president in exchange for a tax break, political junkie Chris (Barinholtz) and his wife Kai (Tiffany Haddish) refuse to take the oath, regardless of the consequences. But as the Black Friday deadline for signing looms, Chris and Kai will have to deal with government interrogations, family arguments, and one very tense Thanksgiving holiday to make it through. Turkey talk: The premise of The Oath was inspired by several real-life historical events, including the 1947 Truman Loyalty Oath, which prescribed “procedures for the administration of an employees loyalty program in the executive branch of the government. ” Where to stream: Hulu ThanksKilling (2009) “Gobble, gobble motherfucker! ” Thats the tagline of this so-bad-its-kinda-good Thanksgiving horror movie (it doesnt have a ton of competition in the category) in which a group of college students heading home for the holiday get stranded in the woods when their car breaks down. Unfortunately for them, theres also a homicidal turkey on the loose … do we really need to say any more to sell you? Turkey talk: ThanksKilling spawned a Kickstarter-funded sequel, ThanksKilling 3, which you can pay to rent on Amazon. No, there is no ThanksKilling 2. Where to stream: Amazon The Ice Storm (1997) Five years before he slipped into the Spidey suit for Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire delivered his breakthrough performance as Paul Hood, a disaffected teenager who comes home from boarding school to spend Thanksgiving in Connecticut with his dysfunctional upper-middle-class family? an adulterous dad (Kevin Kline) bored housewife mom (Joan Allen) and Watergate-obsessed/sexually adventurous sister (Christina Ricci)? who are each so caught up in their imagined pathos that it takes a bona fide tragedy for them to realize how lucky they are. But even upon that realization, Maguire just looks bored by the whole thing. Though the Ang Lee-directed film (based on the Rick Moody novel) earned a Golden Globe nomination for Sigourney Weaver as the Hoods seductive neighbor, it never quite received the recognition it should have for its deft balancing of humor and heartbreak. Given the politically-charged setting, maybe now is the time its given its due. Turkey talk: Though the station and the exterior of the train that Paul takes from Manhattan to Connecticut bears the Penn Central logo? the transit company that would have run that train line in 1973, when the film takes place? the interior shows a Metropolitan Transportation Authority (or MTA) logo, which is an anachronism. Where to stream: Amazon Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) First things first: Youll have to fork over at least 2. 99 to rent this John Hughes classic? and its worth every damn penny. Yes, even if youve seen it 30 times before. If you overlook the oddly over-dramatic reunion of Neal (Steve Martin) and his wife Susan (Laila Robins) at the end of the film, set to the swelling sounds of “Every Time You Go Away, ” Planes, Trains and Automobiles is perfect in almost every way. When a Chicago businessman (Martin) misses his first-class flight home from New York, he somehow finds himself stuck with Del Griffith (John Candy, a garrulous shower curtain ring salesman who seems to make their predicament of getting home in time for Thanksgiving even worse at every turn. Martin and Candys chemistry is undeniable, and what begins as The Odd Couple meets Midnight Cowboy turns out to be a pretty moving film and meditation on the importance of family and hanging on to every moment we share with them. Look for: Toward the end of the movie, Del pulls up in a semi-truck to take Neal home to Chicago. For some reason, Del has a black eye when he arrives. While it disappears in the next scene, it reappears again later? with no explanation ever given. Where to stream: Amazon Star Wars: Episode IV? A New Hope (1977) Whereas TBS used to be the place to scratch ones Star Wars itch on Turkey Day, if you want to relive the basic cable marathon days of the past, you can now do it at your own pace on Disney. As long as you dont mind hashing out the Han Shot First debate for the millionth time, thanks to yet another edit to the 42-year-old film, courtesy of George “Please Give Me a Job So That I Stop Tinkering With This Franchise” Lucas. But dont stop at A New Hope? make it a true Star Wars marathon. (Though we wont blame you if you choose to skip over The Phantom Menace. In-laws and Jar Jar Binks in one day could prove fatal. Look for: Potatoes may be the last thing on your mind after consuming what feels like a five-pound bag all on your own, but if you make it to The Empire Strikes Back, start up a debate about whether or not one of the asteroids was really just a potato. Where to stream: Disney+ Black Christmas (1974) If ThanksKilling whets your appetite for some holiday horror, up the ante with this truly terrifying flick about a homicidal mouth-breather who sneaks into the attic of a sorority house as the sisters are getting ready to depart for Christmas break. Which means that it takes a little longer to figure out that these women are being picked off in increasingly bizarre ways, and not just making their way home for eggnog with their parents. Even the biggest horror movie snob will be impressed to learn that this is the movie that inspired John Carpenters Halloween. Turkey talk: Bob Clark is the undisputed king of Christmas flicks: In 1983, less than 10 years after he wrote and directed Black Christmas, he made A Christmas Story. Where to stream: Amazon Lady and the Tramp (1955) Once youve been tricked into accidentally streaming the all-new live-action edition of Lady and the Tramp, teach the youngsters at your Thanksgiving gathering the very important lesson that remakes rarely match the original by putting on the 1955 animated classic. Youll never look at your dog, or a plate of spaghetti, the same way again. Look for: Though Disneys classic cartoons might be universally beloved, there are a handful of them that are also problematic. Lady and the Tramp is one of them. The original cartoons racist “We Are Siamese” song (sung by a pair of Siamese cats) was removed from the live-action remake, but still part of the animated version? which now comes with a warning about its “outdated cultural depictions. ” Where to stream: Disney+ Miracle on 34th Street (1947) Natalie Wood is the definition of precocious in this classic holiday story of a wise-beyond-her-years little girl who only begins to believe Santa Claus exists when she meets a jolly old man named Kris Kringle who claims to be the St. Nick. Is he the real deal or just a delusional old man? It might take a trial to determine the answer. Suspicion and sentiment collide in unexpectedly moving ways in this Oscar-winning film, which has been remade a handful of times? but never as perfectly as George Seatons version. Look for: When Kris Kringle shows his license, it lists his next of kin as his eight reindeer (Rudolph not included) but lists Donder instead of Donner. Technically, this isnt incorrect: Donder is the Dutch word for thunder and is sometimes used in place of Donner. But whenever he is mentioned in the movie, hes referred to as Donner. Where to stream: Disney+ Fantasia (1940) Come for The Mandalorian, stay for the classic Disney cartoons. One of the great things about the run on Disney+ is that its introducing a whole generation of moviegoers reared on CGI and 3-D to good, old-fashioned cell animation. And few animated films were as wildly inventive with the medium than Fantasia, a series of innovative shorts that pushes animation to its then-limits as it dares to tackle highbrow topics like evolution. What better time could there be to revisit the classics of your youth than when surrounded by several generations of family? Look for: Now you see them. The terrifying Chernabog, the demon seen in Fantasia s “Night on Bald Mountain” has got a nipple problem: It has them in some scenes, and not in others. Then again, maybe its best not to bring up a cartoon monsters disappearing nipples in mixed company. Where to stream: Disney+ More Great WIRED Stories The tech-obsessed, hyper-experimental restaurant of the future Why the Tesla Cybertruck looks so weird Starlings fly in flocks so dense they look like sculptures A journey to Galaxy's Edge, the nerdiest place on earth Burglars really do use Bluetooth scanners to find lapto Gailestingumas tiesiogiai. Gailestingumas pamaldu tvarka. Gailestingumas lt.

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From: (Scott Andrew Selby) Newsgroups:, Subject: Why Drug Free Revised Date: 1 May 1994 23:15:06 GMT Message-ID: <2q1d5q$> Thanks for people's feedback. Much of this second edition has been changed. If you like this, please let me know. If you have any disagreements, please send me specific, constructive criticism. E-mail me directly () as I am not subscribed to any newsgroups or mailing lists. Before passing judgement on this, first read all of it as it is coming at the issue from a completely new perspective. This an attempt to disseminate information about the political effects of drug use from a liberal perspective - it is NOT about the issue of drug legalization and does not advocate prohibition, nor is it a personal attack on drug users. Instead, it discusses the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on people's health, world and U. S. politics, and the environment. If you like this file, send a SASE to the address at the end of the file for a hard copy and pass this e-mail file on to anyone who would be interested. *************************************************************************** __ ___ ____ _____ ___ / / |__ _ _ | _ _ __ _ _ __ _ | ___| __ ___ __|__ / / /| '_ | | | | | | | | '__| | | |/ _` | | |_ | '__/ _ / _ / / V V / | | | | |_| | | |_| | | | |_| | (_| | | _|| | | __/ __/_| _/_/ |_| |_|__, | |____/|_| __, _|__, | |_| |_| ___|___(_) |___/ |___/ ******** Personal and Political Responsibility in Daily Life ************ Recreational drug use is one of the most widespread and destructive problems facing us today. Much like other matters of lifestyle, drug use is not contained entirely within either the private or the public realm, but lies somewhere in between. The ramifications of the purchase and consumption of a beer and a cigarette include, for instance, not only obvious harm to the consumerÕs body, but also tacit financial support of the political causes to which the given alcohol/tobacco corporation contributes, often right-wing in nature. The successful election campaigns of North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms in 1984 and 1990, for example, were both funded in large part by profits from the alcohol and tobacco industries, of which the right- wing congressman has been an ardent supporter. 1 There is an element of irony in this; the drugs that are used in the name of youthful rebellion end up benefiting the extreme-rightÑ against which the rebellion claims to be pitted in the first place. From the point of view of activism, drugs only contribute to maintaining the status quo. Those who are opposed to the current system often believe that there is something rebellious about consuming illegal drugs. The reality is that by purchasing and using drugs, they support the establishment which they dislike so much. Their consumption also minimizes the volume of their dissent by neutralizing their activist-tendencies. From a health/social perspective things look even worse. While political setbacks can in the end be overcome, nothing can be done to bring back the four-hundred thousand people who die in the United States as a result of cigarette consumption alone every year, during which hundreds of thousands more fall victim to other alcohol- and other drug-related deaths. HEALTH Perhaps the most obvious argument against recreational drugs is the toll their use takes on the human body. Cigarettes have been shown to cause lung cancer; cancer of the pharynx, larynx, esophagus, bladder, and pancreas; chronic bronchitis; peptic ulcers; emphysema; and various birth defects (if consumed by a pregnant woman). 2 Moderate alcohol consumption increases one's risk of certain cancers threefold, 3 and use by a pregnant woman can cause birth defects. 4 A single marijuana cigarette, often thought to be harmless, causes as much lung damage as five tobacco cigarettes. 5 Marijuana also often leads to a long term lack of motivation and apathy among regular users. 6 And underlying almost every drugÕs list of individual problems is physical dependency (including marijuana, commonly thought to be only psychologically addictive). 7 New drugs continue to be created whose health effects are not fully known. SOCIAL RAMIFICATIONS An individualÕs drug habit has a profound effect upon the community of people with which he/she interacts on a daily basis. For instance, second hand smoke alone is responsible for the deaths of fifty-thousand Americans each year. 8 Drunk drivers kill an additional seventy-thousand people at the same rate. It is clear that while under the influence of any mind- altering drug, one has decreased control of oneÕs actions. This affects both the individual and those around him/her. It is often the main factor in occurrences of assault, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and physical abuse in general. Date rape is often caused by aggressive sexual behavior brought on by drug consumption. A complete list of social problems exacerbated by drug use is too long to include in a pamphlet of this length. Even if one has never been a perpetrator in a drug-related incident, one is still responsible for such occurrences (to some degree), through drug consumption or support thereof. POLITICAL ISSUES Unfortunately, while use of illegal drugs is combated, consumption of alcohol and tobacco is promoted. Corporations consistently deny that the products they sell are dangerous. Cigarette manufacturers, for example, claim that cigarettes are neither a threat to the consumerÕs health nor addictive, 9 despite scientific proof to the contrary. After a Philip Morris research team concluded that nicotine is addictive in a 1983 report, the company forced a science journal to withdraw the resulting article. 10 The fact is that cigarettes are at least as addictive as cocaine and heroin11 and their threat to public health is undeniable: studies have shown cigarettes to contain a horrifying array of substances, including acetone, carbon monoxide, methanol, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, insecticides, and benzene. 12 In terms of public safety, the major tobacco corporations have for years had the technology to safeguard against fires caused by their products by making cigarettes that go out after a period of non-use, but still they put additives in cigarettes that increase the rate at which the product burns. 13 The federal government is not doing much to stop the public health threat caused by alcohol/cigarette consumption because corporations have the United States Congress in shackles, which take the form of gifts, contributions, and campaign funds. 14 In the American South, where tobacco is an important industry, congressmen are forced to support the tobacco corporations or face expulsion from office. For this reason, government subsidies exist for tobacco growers that insure them a profit on their crops. 15 The corporations placate the would-be opposition in government with money, which allows them to manufacture their products unquestioned. Indeed it is only a minority of government officials who have been fighting the tobacco industry. The products and their health-hazards, however, are only part of the picture. Almost all of the corporations that manufacture alcohol and cigarettes turn over a significant portion of their profits to special-interest groups that oppose civil-rights legislation and social programs. The Coors corporation, for example, has opposed the U. Civil Rights Act, affirmative action, the Equal Rights Amendment, U. labor unions, and has been guilty of severe environmental damage in Colorado. Perhaps most conspicuously they are the founders and primary financial backers of the Colorado- based Heritage Foundation: an anti-Semitic, racist, anti-civil rights, right-wing think tank. 16 Coors is not alone in its reactionary pursuits. Henry WeinhardÕs brewery, for example, has used profits from beer sales to fund Operation Rescue. It is the people who live in the worst conditions, (and thus have the greatest need to fight for social change), who most often become drug addicts, attempting to escape the troubled conditions of this world instead of working to change them. This serves the interests of those who run the country: they face no threat of rebellion as long as the disenfranchised are busily involved with drugs, e. g. the rampant alcohol abuse in Native American communities. In 1989, under President Bush, the government set up a highly-selective ÒWar on DrugsÓ, which gave law enforcement officials free reign to abuse their authority among societyÕs urban underclass, while condoning the promotion of alcohol and other legal drugs in the same sector of society. Drug production is a waste of environmental resources. Food-stuffs, which in sharp contrast are important to produce, could be grown on the land used to grow and manufacture drugs. Coca plants (used in cocaine production) litter vast tracts of land in Central and South America, as do poppies (used for heroin production) in various Asian countries. California marijuana growers kill large numbers of deer, in some areas more than hunters, in an effort to protect their expensive crops. 17 Tobacco production involves heavy use of wood, burned in order to Òflue cureÓ the product. In Eastern Kenya, Pakistan, and heavily-forested Brazil, the effects of logging for the purposes of this aspect of cigarette production have already been felt. In fact, it is estimated that one tree is felled per 300 cigarettes made. 18 In addition, significant pollutants are created with the production of cocaine, alcoholic beverages, and heroin. The packaging involved for drugs is also wasteful, especially that of cigarettes, which involves plastic products such as filters, 533 billion of which are disposed of in the U. each year. 19 Problems in the non-industrialized world brought on by legal drug corporations as well as illegal drug producers are another disturbing consequence of the drug business. Tobacco and alcohol are sold to poor people in developing nations often without any warnings about negative health-effects, especially severe considering that the cigarettes sold there generally contain twice as much tar (the main carcinogen in cigarettes) as do those sold in developed nations. 20 With cigarette sales waning in the United States, the major cigarette corporations have nearly doubled international sales. Philip Morris, the largest player in the U. tobacco industry, has increased its revenues abroad from $8. 4 billion in 1989 to $15. 7 billion in 1993. 21 Instead of improving their dire conditions, people in third world nations are encouraged to spend what little money they have on products that will make them more like members of the industrialized world. Cigarettes, for example, are promoted on television and billboards as a symbol of progress. 22 The reality is that drug use only worsens living conditions in the non- industrialized world, where the drain on financial resources caused by a drug habit is magnified. Unfortunately, many of the targeted consumers do not have the opportunity to make an informed decision about the products that may eventually kill them. Legal and illegal drug production in the developing world affects not only consumers, but workers as well. They are abused by employers, earning scant wages picking cash crops that they cannot use for food. The employers, especially those who manufacture and traffic illegal drugs, often resort to violent means of protecting their industry. In some countries, most notably Columbia, the result is chaos. With the money obtained from selling illegal drugs, those involved in the trade have created a climate of corruption and violence throughout the non-industrialized world, as they have in many depressed areas of the developed world. ALTERNATIVES In the face of a corrupt industry, both in America and abroad, people must challenge the idea that illegal drugs should be treated separately from alcohol and tobacco, a distinction based upon the assumption that only illegal drugs are truly ÒdrugsÓ. This way of thinking demonizes illicit drugs and at the same time makes licit drugs appear innocuousÑ hiding the fact that there is no real difference between the two categories. A prominent proponent of the legal/illegal mindset is ÒPartnership for a Drug-Free AmericaÓ, which, in fact, is financed by the alcohol and tobacco industries. The ideas promoted by this group through print and television ads bolster the sales of the legal drug industryÕs products by helping them maintain a good public image. They operate on the assumption that the public is gullible enough to believe that Òdrugs canÕt be too bad if they are legal. Ó Much too often, their strategy has worked. A change in personal lifestyle can be a slow process, but luckily there are many effective methods of ending oneÕs drug habit. If you are addicted to drugs and want to quit, you can. Seek help or counseling if you need it. By being drug free, one boycotts both the various industries (legal and illegal) that produce drugs as well as the concept of drug-taking. Awareness and a change in personal lifestyle are both essential to effecting political change. ENDNOTES 1 (White) pp. 56-69. 2 The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine, Dr. Charles B. Clayman, Random House, 1989, pp. 991-992. 3 You Are What You Drink, Allan Luks & Joseph Barbato, 1989, p. 69 4 Health and Wellness, Edlin Golanty, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Fourth Edition, 1992, p. 292. 5 Personal Health Choices, Sandra Smith, Jones & Bartlett Pub., 1990, p. 399. 6 Clayman p. 665. 7 ibid, p. 665. 8 California Department of Public Health, 1994. 9 ÒBlowing Smoke at CongressÓ, New York Times, April 24, 1994, Editorial. 10 ÒThe Butt Stops HereÓ, Time, April 18, 1994, p. 59. 11 ÒShould Cigarettes be Banned? Ó, U. News & World Report, 4/18/94, p. 36. 12 Golanty p. 304. 13 (Whelan) pp. 151 and 164. 14 (White) pp. 45-71. 15 (Whelan) p. 147. 16 (Bellant). 17 ÒPot Growers Killing CaliforniaÕs WildlifeÓ, International Wildlife, July/ August 1985, p. 32. 18 (Whelan) p. 172. 19 Golanty p. 304. 20 (Whelan) p. 170. 21 ÒSmoke, Flame and FireÓ, U. News & World Report, April 18, 1994, p. 47. 22 (Whelan) p. 169. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY/BOOKS TO READ Booze Merchants: The Inebriating of America. M Jacobson, R. Atkins, G. Hacker. CSPI Books, Washington D. C. 1983. Coors Connection llant. Political Research Associates, Cambridge, MA 1990. (Bellant) Merchants of Death: The American Tobacco Industry L. White. Beech Tree Books, New York, NY 1988. (White) Smoking Gun: How the Tobacco Industry Gets Away With Murder E. M. Whelan. George F. Stickley Co, Philadelphia, PA 1984. (Whelan) Ask a local librarian for help borrowing these books or books on quitting specific substances. Please photocopy and distribute this pamphlet. For more information or if you want to help, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Ideal For Living PO Box 4353 Berkeley, CA 94704-0353 e-mail:.

About The Author: Byron Brauner
Bio: Huge horror movie fan, PC-ENGINE/TG-16 aficionado, drive-in and summer camp addict, Milwaukee Brewers and Bucks fanatic, Gundam 4 LYFE, MST3K nerd



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